Saturday, June 25, 2011

希望笔记 H.O.P.E's Notes 22 - Old Daddy 老爹 (15-06-2011)

// 希望笔记由希望护生园志工队所撰写,里面记录了执行拯救任务时所面临的难题,真实情况及解决方案等。谨在此申明希望笔记言论并不代表希望护生园立场 //


人类能够在城市,这个钢骨水泥森林生存是一件不简单的事,每当我们有任何不如意的事时我们还能依靠朋友,家人或爱人,但反观流浪动物呢? 孤身一个的他独自生活在路上,每一天究竟是如何生存,喂饱他自己的?



这是一只上了年纪的狗狗,我们到了现场时发现他根本就不会看车,马路如虎口,他在这虎口前能健全的生存着让我们感到很庆幸......这只狗狗叫老爹,我们不忍心将他留在那处,或许在我们转身的那一刻他即会成为下一个车祸的受害者,无辜的孤独横死在马路上...您愿意每月助养老爹或给老爹一个家吗? 他非常乖巧及听话,也非常渴望着爱及温暖,您愿意成为第一个向他伸出手的人吗..?

It's not an easy task for human being to survive in this concrete jungle. But we always have someone that we can turn to when we fall, be it friends or family. But what is the situation like for a stray that is living alone and was left in the streets to fend for himself?

This black, male dog is one of the many strays that are trying hard to survive in the busy industrial area of M'sia. He roams around the busy roads with passing trucks, lorries, buses etc. This is also the place where he called it home. He is shy and even a gentle touch will frighten him off. But if you call him with your open heart and love, he will happily wags his tail to greet you.

HOPE took in this boy on the 9 June 2011 from Tampoi industrial park, Johor Bahru. A kind-hearted Indian lady who is working nearby approached HOPE for help. As it is a heavy traffic area, this dog was nearly hit by trucks a few times according to the lady. He puts himself in a more dangerous position as he is easily frightened by car horns and he will runs aimlessly on the busy road. This dog also relies on the lady irregular feeding and he is an old aged dog with skin problem.

We also realized that he is not alert to cars movement as of some strays are. It is really fortunate that he is unhurt despite living in such environment. We named him OLD DADDY and he is the new member of HOPE now. If we don't take him in, he might be the victim of car crash the moment we left him behind.

He depends on us for his life. Are you willing to sponsor OLD DADDY on a monthly basis or go further to give him a new home? He is obedient and well behaved and desperate for love and care. Would you want to be his new master and savior?

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