Tuesday, June 21, 2011

希望笔记 H.O.P.E's Notes 15 - 妈妈,我陪着你,直到最后一刻。 Mum,i will be by your side till last moment. (03-05-2011)

// 希望笔记由希望护生园志工队所撰写,里面记录了执行拯救任务时所面临的难题,真实情况及解决方案等。谨在此申明希望笔记言论并不代表希望护生园立场 //







We are constantly trying to educate the public on the proper treatment of animals and to raise awareness of the abuse and neglect that goes on everyday. We heard on this before, “Human starts to be like beast, and dog starts to be like human”. Dogs have been used for hundreds of years to serve people as a good companion, search and rescue, and also bring joy to many individuals and families. Day by day, many of these animals are being mistreated by human. HOPE believes that we owe it to these wonderful animal to be loved and cared for in return.

We would like to share with you about our latest rescue story, a story about the strong bond between a mother dog and her daughter..........

On Saturday (30 April 2011), HOPE’s volunteers were informed by Aunty Jia Jia to look for a mother dog and her daughter at Lima Kedai Industrial area to bring them to the vet for spaying. We successfully found them. They were hiding under a big container. The daughter insisted not to come out no matter how we call her or lure her but the mother was very friendly and walk towards us. Both of them spent so much time together all this while. Suddenly, we heard a horrible sound like an old refrigerator. We thought the sound is coming out from the factory but it is not. The sound comes from the mother dog. She kept gasping terribly and had difficulty to breathe.

We quickly sent both of them to the vet for medical check up. We heard a bad news from the vet. The mother dog was poisoned by rat poison. She had been given oxygen and injected with analgesic to relieved her pain but she still kept gasping non-stop. Rat poison will caused her lung damaged, difficulties to breathe and slowly spread into the kidney causes kidney failure. The daughter keep accompanied her mother by her side, quietly and obediently without making any noise. From the daughter eyes, we know that she’s trying to tell us to save her mother. The x-ray shows negative result on her lung. Therefore, the vet decided to transferred the mother dog to ICU for intensive treatments. The vet had already tried their best to saved her. Unfortunately after 15 minutes of emergency rescue, we still lost her. She died of lung failure. The daughter was with her mother till the very last moment. Aunty Jia Jia named the daughter as “Lian Mei”. It means “poor little girl” in mandarin.

Lian Mei got a second chance at life, now all she wants is a chance to be loved. She will receive twice the love in return.

We hope that you will help us to spread this story in our mission to end the needless suffering of millions of animals, and to continue our companion education program, so our greater community can become a more informed, responsible and caring society.

H.O.P.E Volunteer Team

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