Tuesday, March 31, 2009


各位可以购买今天的New Strait Time

A haven for strays DOGS come in all shapes and sizes and they each have their own stories to tell.
In Lima Kedai, a town between Gelang Patah and Skudai in Johor Baru, there is a shelter that houses more than 150 canines.

Last year, there were only 20 dogs in this 0.4ha shelter.

When the number of canine occupants grew, the savings of the 49-year-old woman who ran the place started to deplete.

The woman, who only wanted to be known as Aunty Jia Jia, said she was not even a dog lover to begin with.

It all started when her daughter, then 10, brought home a stray puppy.

"I didn't like dogs, so I told my daughter not to take the puppy in. My daughter obeyed but she secretly fed the puppy outside our compound. One day, we heard a dog's shrill cry but we ignored it until our neighbour told us that the dog had been caught by a dog catcher.

"Our neighbour said the dog catcher had used a device to leash it and forced the terrified dog into a lorry. The neighbour said it was such a pitiful sight as the dog catcher hit and kicked the dog."

Aunty Jia Jia said when her daughter heard the story, she cried for days.

"Although I never liked dogs, the story made my heart cringe. After that, my daughter continued to help strays and I was touched by her devotion."

At 20, her daughter brought home another stray and, this time, she (her daughter) stood her ground.

"My daughter told me she would leave home and never come back if I drove the dog out of the house."

Her dog soon gave birth and with the addition of more strays, the number of pets in her house grew to 10.

The number multiplied and, in no time, Aunty Jia Jia found that she had run out of money.

Last year, she sold her double-storey terrace house in Kuala Lumpur to take care of her dogs.

"People approach me when they find out that I love dogs. There was one woman who told me she had to migrate, so she gave me her dog but it was not neutered.

"When I asked her to neuter it, she said the dog was no longer hers and that there was no need for her to do it.

"Some people once brought a dog and its litter of eight puppies. In the beginning, they brought dog biscuits and told me that they needed a place for the dogs as they could not keep them in their house.

"A couple of weeks later, they stopped supplying the food and refused to take my calls. There was one occasion when they even denied being the owners of these dogs.

"I've encountered so many types of people since I started the shelter a year ago. The land owner has been kind as I pay only a low rent. But even though the rent is low, the vaccination, medication, spaying and food cost up to RM10,000 a month.

"It's not easy running a shelter," she said, adding that two bags of dog food (22kg each) were needed every day.

Despite the pressures of keeping the shelter afloat, Aunty Jia Jia can still smile and enjoy the pleasure that her adopted pets bring.

"I must tell you the story of a mongrel called Little Flower, who was rescued from a drain when it was a puppy. An elderly couple picked it up. The puppy had fractured its pelvic, we suspected it had fallen into the drain in the night. The puppy is now an energetic young dog.

"Then there is Lucky. If you look closely, you will see that Lucky has a scar on its ridge. It got the scar from a dog catcher who was hitting its face with a stick.

"A woman ran up to the dog catcher and paid RM250 to save the dog's life. She gave it to me."

Aunty Jia Jia's daughter, who is now 25, helps her mother at the shelter. She is studying law. Her childhood friend, R. Mohan Kumar, 22, also a law student, volunteers at the shelter.

All the dogs are vaccinated, spayed and are fed only dry kibble.

"It is essential that we follow the guidelines to keep all the dogs in our shelter healthy," she said.

Veterinarian Dr Tan Check Nam helps out at the shelter to ensure this.

"Aunty Jia Jia doesn't believe in putting down any of the dogs unless it is beyond help. I have treated dogs that have been badly abused.

"There was one dog that was brought to the shelter with one eye protruding. Aunty Jia Jia insisted that we save the dog," Dr Tan said.

The shelter is going to be relocated as the owner is selling the land. Aunty Jia Jia has found another location, also in Lima Kedai. She is in the process of registering the shelter as the Homeless and Orphaned Pets Exist Association (HOPE).

The shelter is appealing for funds and dog food.

"We want to help and rescue strays but we do not have the manpower or the resources to take in more dogs. We appeal to dog owners to have their pets spayed."

"We also hope dog lovers will adopt the dogs at the shelter. There are no charges but we would appreciate it if they could donate dog food. That would help us to keep the shelter going."

Those who wish to help can call Mohan at 016-7908373.

Aunty Jia Jia with her adopted pets. — Pictures by Chuah Bee Kim

Little Flower was rescued from a drain when it was a puppy.

Dr Tan Check Nam checking one of the pups.

A woman paid a dog catcher RM250 to rescue Lucky from being beaten to death.

Monday, March 30, 2009



莫汉 :016-7908373 瓜瓜 :016-7548878


上个星期new strait time的记者刚去采访过HOPE



Monday, March 9, 2009

H.O.P.E.S 的一些活动,需要你的帮忙协助

希望各位也不吝啬的告诉你身边爱狗的 朋友们也来一起响应 这些活动

1. 长期助养人~~~

由于上一次的活动,得确是让 hope 过了一关~~~,但是还有很长远的路要走~~~~而且不定期性的捐赠,得却很难作出预算,不知道有谁愿意长期性的助养 hope!
例如:每个月可以捐一包大包的狗粮,可以是个人或是几个朋友共同分担~~~因为有了预算,hope 可以多请一个人,就可以多收留几只狗了~~~~


很高兴知道,宠物星球(glober pet)可以给于正试的配合了~~大家如果要捐赠狗粮,可以到任何一间宠物星球,购买狗粮,然后寄放在那里,将会有义工负责去载送,该店也会开一张收据给捐赠者,注明是捐给 hope 的!

牌子: winners 重量:50磅(22.68kg) 价钱:98.00










名字(必须和IC 一样)

可以以 pm 的方式!或直接电话联络

mosang 016-7486486

莫汉 016-7908373

瓜瓜 016-7548878



不惜變賣房屋建狗場‧希望之家流浪狗的明天 柔佛 頭條新聞 2009-01-30 10:36 為了讓流浪狗有個家,士姑來一名家庭主婦不惜變賣一間雙層排樓,將賣屋的錢用來建造一個可容納150多隻流浪狗的狗場,然後購買狗糧,並為狗兒結紮和注射預訪針。 最近,有一批網友在佳禮網站展開號召,籌集了約38包的狗餅捐贈予這位愛狗的婦女。網友們除了親身探訪狗場,更把籌獲的狗糧數目和物品一一列在網上。 他們稱這位婦女為“嘉嘉阿姨”。由嘉嘉阿姨所設立的流浪狗中心位於振林山五間店,名為“希望之家”(Homeless&Orphan Pets Exist,簡寫為H.O.P.E)。 嘉嘉阿姨對狗充滿了愛心,她每天早上至傍晚都待在希望之家照顧狗兒。在那裡生活的狗兒看起來都很健康。 《星洲日報》記者親自走訪希望之家,它就位於五間店一個園坵深處。 中心暫停收養新流浪狗 嘉嘉阿姨透露,希望之家是於2008年4月設立,佔地半英畝。中心最初收養20餘隻狗兒,至今,狗兒的數目已增至150多隻。不過,由於負擔沉重,已遠超她所能承擔的數目,所以,中心現在已暫停收養新的流浪狗。 在希望之家,有點陰盛陽衰,因為150餘隻狗兒中,80%是雌狗,雄狗僅佔20%。 當問及在照顧狗兒方面,最擔憂甚麼問題時。嘉嘉阿姨說,狗兒經常面對許多疾病的威脅,尤其是“犬瘟熱”。它是如同人類愛之病般的絕症,可以通過空氣傳染。一旦中心內有一隻狗不幸感染,待病毒蔓延開來,中心內所有的狗兒可能會在極短的時間內病死。 嘉嘉阿姨很疼惜中心內所有的狗兒。即使狗兒被人領養了,她也會定期到領養者的家探望狗兒,以確保狗兒獲得妥善的照顧。 獲網友幫助暫解難題 希望之家的100多隻狗兒已全部結札和注射了預防針。為了維護中心內百餘隻狗兒的性命,嘉嘉阿姨會把新來的狗兒給隔離開來,並請獸醫為狗兒檢查,以確保狗兒有沒有患上犬瘟熱或其他疾病。倘若被驗出有病,則請獸醫馬上為狗兒治療。 她透露,過去,她用變賣雙層排樓的錢為中心所有的狗兒進行結紮手術,注射預訪針,給狗兒買狗糧,迄今所剩無幾。 由於負擔越來越沉重,超出她的想像,讓她一度想放棄這個流浪狗中心。幸好後來遇上一批網友。經這些網友們的幫助,中心獲捐一批狗糧,讓狗兒的問題暫獲解決。 除了狗場內的一名全職工人之外,女兒曉君和義工莫漢是嘉嘉阿姨的好幫手。莫漢來自印裔家庭,但他卻能說得一口流利的華語。 目前,曉君和莫漢在新山一間學院就讀法律系一年級,兩人也正協助嘉嘉阿姨到新山市政局申請注冊,以成為一個合法的協會,以便更有公信力。 女兒讓愛上狗 嘉嘉阿姨透露,她以前不喜歡狗兒,因為覺得狗兒很髒,後來是因為女兒的關係,而漸漸對狗兒產生憐憫之心。 原來,在十多年前,嘉嘉阿姨的女兒曉君曾抱了一隻小狗回家,並沖泡弟弟的奶粉喂狗,惟在嘉嘉阿姨的反對下,小狗被流放到街上。曉君常趁大人不注意時偷偷喂養這隻小狗,時間久了,小狗長大了,十分有靈性,常徘徊在他們屋外。 不幸的是,打狗隊後來把狗打死了,嘉嘉阿姨的女兒為此事哭得肝腸寸斷。 她說:“後來女兒長大了,又抱了一隻狗回家。我原本想叫女兒把狗抱走,但是,女兒怎麼都不肯,還說:若我要丟狗,她就和狗一起離開。我沒法子,只好讓她繼續養狗,經過一段時間之後,我發現狗兒很聽話,也漸漸地喜歡上狗兒。” 她也說:“自那時起,我們不僅照顧自己的狗,也到街上喂養流浪狗,結果家裡就收養了許多狗兒,這才有後來的希望之家。” 嘉嘉阿姨說,由於希望之家目前收容的狗兒,已經超出她們的負荷,所以她們暫時不會再接受任何狗隻。 希望之家愛狗之家 ● 每兩週為狗兒洗澡 希望之家每兩週為狗兒洗一次澡,工程非常浩大,因為需要洗澡的狗兒超過150隻。 整個洗澡的工作從早上一直進行至傍晚。除了為狗兒洗淨身體之外,義工們還會為狗兒泡抗蚤藥水。 ● 狗餅是新年禮物 網友在今年1月籌集的38包狗餅,足以讓狗兒們吃到農曆新年之後,這可說是給狗兒帶來的新年禮物。 民眾若想知道更多有關“希望之家”的詳情,可到佳禮網站(http://www.cari.com.my)的柔佛論壇,點擊柔佛論壇中的《探訪新山流浪狗中心》即可。 有意捐獻狗餅的熱心人士,可聯絡第一負責人莫漢(016-7908373)或第二負責人Mosang(012-7161975)。 ● 希望之家前身為豬寮 希望之家位於五間店一園坵深處,它所在的土地是向園主以優惠價格租用而來,那兒原是一個豬寮。有關的豬寮荒廢已久,破舊不堪,經由義工們重新搭建後,才讓狗兒有個安身之處。 不過,嘉嘉阿姨透露,中心現址出入不便,有安全上的隱憂。 她透露,在五間店有座廟宇,名為“托塔天王李靖將軍廟。廟方最近答應以免收租金的方式,出租一英畝土地給她,作為“希望之家”新遷的地點。此外,廟理事會還答應義務建造狗場,讓中心免去籌集建造費的煩惱。 ● 獸醫:養狗要結紮打預防針 當狗兒生病時,獸醫陳澤南會到希望之家,為狗兒醫治。筆者探訪希望之家當日,陳澤南剛好到中心,為幾隻患病的狗兒檢查和打針。 陳澤南受訪時透露,一年前,他曾勸嘉嘉阿姨不要開設希望之家。因為狗兒所面對的疾病有很多種,當中“犬瘟熱”等於是狗兒的愛滋病。若無法妥善照顧狗兒,將數量龐大的狗兒全集中在一處的話,等於是把所有的疾病集中一起,讓狗兒死得更快。 他說,以新加坡的流浪狗中心為例,此處可以無限量地收養流浪狗,是因為有關中心會對一些狗兒實施安樂死,以控制狗兒的數量和杜絕病毒的傳染。 他也贊成嘉嘉阿姨暫停收養新流浪狗的作法,他說,嘉嘉阿姨現在能做的是,控制好狗場內所有狗兒的健康情況,不能夠無限量的收狗。 他指出,古來有個地方有許多流浪狗,但是有個時期,這些流浪狗卻突然全都消失了。那是因為狗兒們罹患犬瘟熱,大量死去的關係。 他認為,狗主人必須對狗兒負責,勿隨意丟棄狗兒,並且在照顧狗的當兒,也必須事先為狗兒注射預防針。 他說,狗兒的繁殖力很強,一隻母狗一次可生下五六隻狗寶寶,狗主人可能沒能力照顧這麼多狗,而引發棄狗的問題。所以,最好的方法是為狗兒進行結紮手術。

Sunday, March 8, 2009

H.O.P.E.S 的一点小简介



莫汉: 016-7908373
嘉嘉阿姨 : 016-7911638
瓜瓜 016-7548878
mosang 016-7486486