Friday, February 24, 2012

Million of thanks to myanimalcare 非常感谢AnimalCare

Million of thanks to who've shared part of the Sunsuper Dream prizes with us. AnimalCare have banked in RM500 to us and we managed to purchase 10bags of 15kg dog foods for our dogs by using the grants.
Thanks all who've helped to vote previously too!

非常感谢AnimalCare和我们分享了一部分他们在Sunsuper Dream网上投票活动所赢得的奖金. AnimalCare日前汇了 RM500 给我们,而我们使用这笔奖金购买了10包15kg的狗粮给收容所内的狗狗们饱餐一顿,感谢他们,感谢早前帮忙投票的朋友们!

In Memory of Huang Po Po 永远怀念黄婆婆

Huang Po Po, our precious very old Golden Retriever has left us last month. She went quietly in peace. She will be sorely missed.

She was with us since the very beginning of the establishment of H.O.P.E. She was abandoned by her owner due to her old age. During that time, she can’t even stand and even the vet had given up hope on her. The vet suggested that to put her down. We do not encourage in euthanization. We believe in hope and miracles do happen. After a period of time of care and love, Huang Po Po could stand and even walk by herself. Nevertheless, she took everything in her stride and her determination of not giving up had truly inspired us. She was such a sweet dog and she loves people very much. We know that we have given her the best we could possibly have and she will always have a special place in our hearts. May she truly be resting in peace. Huang Po Po, we will always miss you.

This is a loving memory of an animal that we will never forget. Having worked with so many over the past few years, each animal has a place in our hearts, and heart wrenching ones like these, will only push us on to pursue our causes even further.

Spare a thought for your pet - he/she may just be a pet to you, but to him/her, you are the world! By abandoning your animal companion, you are clearly throwing away the trust a helpless and voiceless one has for you, and maybe even sending your loyal pet out to his/her death. Please help us spread the word about "Responsible Pet Ownership". If your pet is not well, seek medical advice from a vet. If he/she has behavioural problems, look for professionals who can help uncover the root of the problem. In short, never give up on your pet.

希望护生园的元老级老狗 - 黄婆婆于上个月在收容所内安详离世...让我们祝愿她在彩虹桥的另一端 健康 快乐的活着。

黄婆婆是只非常年迈的黄金猎犬,是我们初期成立希望护生园时所拯救的。她在晚年时不幸遭主人遗弃,当时老得站也站不起来。我们带她看兽医时甚至连兽医也放弃治疗,劝我们帮她安乐死。但是抱着一丝希望,我们并没有放弃她,甚至在我们照顾一段时间后黄婆婆奇迹般的可以站立行走! 黄婆婆的生命毅力和不放弃的精神是我们所敬佩的. 她是一只非常甜美可人的狗狗,也非常喜欢和人亲近,我们在她晚年时期尽我们的能力提供她最好的,她在我们的心中永远都占据一个特别的位子,黄婆婆,我们永远怀念您..


请为您的宠物想一想吧,它或许对您来说只是一只宠物,可是对它们来说,你就是全世界! 弃养宠物无疑是丢弃一个无助生命对你的期望和信任,弃养也无疑是活活把宠物推入鬼门关内。请帮助我们宣导正确的养宠物观念。如果您的宠物不适,请立即求医。如果它的行为出现偏差或问题,请立即寻求专业人士的帮助。最重要的是,绝不放弃自己的宠物。

Monday, February 6, 2012

H.O.P.E Pet Adoption Drive 希望护生园流浪猫狗领养日 #3

Sunday, March 4, 2012
Time:12:00pm until 6:00pm

In front of Pet Story petshop, Sutera Utama 于Pet Story宠物店前, Sutera Utama, 30, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3, Taman Sutera Utama, Skudai, Malaysia

We, HOPE shelter will be having our third outdoor adoption drive on the 04th March 2012, Sunday in front of PET STORY petshop, located at Tmn Sutera Utama from 12pm-6pm!

Main organizer: H.O.P.E
Co-organizer: JCI JB
Sponsor: PET STORY petshop

Location of PET STORY petshop:
30, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3, Taman Sutera Utama, JB.
* 07- 5578 677

Glad to have JCI JB to be together with us to organize this pet adoption drive in JB to encourage more people to choose to adopt a pet instead of buying!

We are very glad to get the sponsorship from BRIT Premium Pet Food!! BRIT will sponsor a bag of 3kg dog foods to every adopter on the adoption drive..THANK YOU BRIT!

Million of thanks for PET STORY to provide us the venue to organize our pet adoption drive to help the homeless animals..BIG THANK YOU to PET STORY!

Urban strays is a huge social problem that is always neglected by the society. There are only few of them from the society who are willing to lend a hand to help tackle this issue. Most of the people do not have the chance to understand stray animals and learn about what they can do to help the animals from school nor their parents/family and the society. This caused the strays’ number to increased non-stop. Regret to say that most Malaysian do not have the awareness to neuter their pets which leads to their pets to give birth to unwanted puppies/kittens. Irresponsible owner who do not want to take care of them will dump then on street. This is a vicious cycle in motion!

There are thousands of innocent strays puppies/kittens born yearly, some survived but most of them die before they grow to know the world. Starvation, diseases, human abuse, road accident, ate by human… are just a few reasons to be named that had caused their death.

The objectives of our Adoption Drive are:

1) To find a loving home for the strays puppies. We will be bringing around 15-20 puppies on that day for adoption. Our volunteers will conduct a simple interview with interested individual to screen for his/her ability to become a potential adopter.

2) To create awareness for adoption, rather than buy. When the buying stops, the selling stops!

3) To promote and educate the public about the importance of neutering. We hope to reach out to more family with pet to neuter their pet and sincerely hope that they can support us by neutering the strays in their neighborhood.

4) To raise fund for our Spay&Neuter Programme. We will use this fund to neuter the strays so that their population will not increase further.

Hope Adoption Drive event organizer and person-in-charge, Ms Sandra Kok pointed that: “People in JB generally prefer to buy a pedigree dog, and we noted the increased number of illegal dog breeders in JB areas. This phenomenon makes the situation against survival of the strays as the public will not consider adopt a stray but to buy a pedigree dog. That is the reason why we are organizing this stray’s adoption event, to change this trend, to lift the status of strays, to educate public the reasons for adoption. We hope more people will adopt and not to buy a pet.”

She also mentioned that currently the shelter is home to nearly 600 homeless cats and dogs, the number of puppies also shoot up to more than 70. Insufficient fund and space in the shelter are already causing the HOPE’s rescue team to limit their help to save the strays. “It is heart breaking every time to see packs and packs of strays fend for themselves on the street. They are not doing anything wrong but to suffer all the difficulties and challenges everyday to survive. We are so bounded by our limited resources and we can't do more to help.”

We wish friends in JB to attend this event to support us, to speak for the strays and stand up for them; You can help by spreading this news to your friends and family. Let’s work together, hand in hand to create a better tomorrow for them!!

Looking for a new pet? Pet adoption is a great way to find a new companion. Let's ADOPT, give them a HOME.

我们的第三场流浪动物领养日来了!! 于2012年3月4号 (星期日) 下午12点至6点在位于TMN SUTERA UTAMA的Pet Story宠物店前进行噢!

主办单位: H.O.P.E
协办单位: JCI JB
赞助商: PET STORY petshop

30, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3, Taman Sutera Utama, JB.
* 07- 5578 677

非常开心有JCI JB和我们一起携手进行这项流浪猫狗领养活动以鼓励更多的人选择以领养代替购买。JCI 是一个聚集了年轻领袖及企业家的国际化联合总会。一个年轻人贡献及为社会付出的一个平台,年轻领袖聚集,学习及共同成长的团体。


感谢PET STORY宠物店愿意提供我们一个位子让我们举办流浪动物领养日,造福流浪动物们,感谢热心公益的PET STORY!



1. 帮助被拯救的小流浪动物们寻得永久家庭并摆脱流浪在外的悲惨命运并减少流浪狗数量,我们将在活动中带出10-15只小流浪动物们开放领养,义工们将为有意领养的公众进行简单的会谈面试,并评估其是否是一位适合的领养人。

2. 我们将积极宣传“以领养,代替购买”的意识,让更多人知道领养动物的好处。

3. 我们将宣传结扎意识,教育公众结扎宠物的重要性,希望大家能自发为自己的宠物甚至帮助街头的流浪狗狗结扎。

4. 我们将放置捐款箱于会场中以筹募资金帮助我们能为更多的流浪动物进行结扎手术。

“希望护生园流浪猫狗领养日”活动策划人及负责人Sandra Kok指出:” 新山普遍上的公众大多偏爱购买名种狗狗,我们也发现越来越多的非法宠物繁殖者在新山出现,这个现象让流浪动物的身份变得更卑微,许多人都对流浪动物的命运抱有一定程度的同情心,但是当他们想要拥有一只宠物时,却丝毫不考虑领养可怜的流浪动物,而选择购买名种狗。我们主办这次的活动也是为了扭转这个风气,提升流浪动物的地位,教育公众为什么要选择领养,期盼更多的人选择领养,抵制购买宠物。”



计划想要养宠物吗? 领养宠物是找到您生命伴侣的最好方法。领养它们,给它们一个家吧!

A Must Read For All Dog Owners 狗主必看

Recently we've noticed an increase in the number of missing dogs. The top reason why these dogs had gone missing is because the dog owner let the dog run loose outside the house compound to urinate and defecate without the owner’s accompany. Do you ever think and know that this is an extremely irresponsible act?! As a pet owner you have the responsibility to care for the dog's safety and minimize the possibility for them to encounter danger. When you are letting them out by their own, have you ever think about the consequences?

The dangers that dog might be facing when they are outside home compound and by their own:

1. Car accident -
Even the dog is capable to cross road and watch out for car, but accidents might happen anytime

2. Lost of direction -
Dog may be distracted by new things or animals and walked out of the area that they are familiar with and can't find the way back home

3. Caught by local council -
No matter what breed it is, no matter they have license or not, once the local council saw the dog loitering alone without leashed or without the owner by the side; they have the right to capture the dog!

4. Poisoning -
Dog might look for food at neighbour's rubbish bin, messed up the area and neighbours might dislike the dog and poison them

5. Stolen -
Pure breed dogs will be stolen for breeding purposes or resell

6. Dog fight and injury -
If your dog is unneutered male dog and met with other females dog on heat, they will fight with other male dog to mate with the female dog and cause serious injury. Once the female stray dog pregnant it will increase the number of stray animals too!

7. Unwanted pregnancy -
If your dog is unspayed female dog on heat she will attract lots of male dogs for mating. Do not be surprised if you see her pregnant one day when she's back home!

We are not being exaggerated but above mentioned did happened before. Many dog owners felt regretted for the death or lost of their dog when they let the dog out by themselves, but it's too late... If you are reading this article and you are one of them that letting your dog out by themselves, please make changes before the disaster happen! That’s not you that bear the horrible consequences, but your beloved pet!


These are the very basic responsibilities of an owner, please help to share this article to create a more responsible community and also spread the correct concept of rearing a pet to avoid more pets from suffering.

By H.O.P.E

最近好多起狗狗遗失案,而当我们为狗狗找到主人,并询问起狗主狗狗遗失的原因时,多半原因是: “我放狗狗自己出去大小便结果他就没回来了”.您知道吗? 这是非常不负责任的行为! 身为主人您有义务及责任保护狗狗的安全及将他面对危险的几率降到最低。当你自行放它出去时,有没有想过会有什么后果?


-被车撞, 就算狗狗会看车, 但是意外总是会发生的, 不是吗?

-被新奇的东西或其他动物吸引而不知不觉走出自己熟悉的地方范围, 导致找不到回家的路

-被市政局捕杀! 无论是什么品种的狗只,无论狗狗有没有戴着狗牌,只要市政局发现狗儿没有被主人牵着或自己在外溜达,都有权利捕杀该狗狗!






狗儿外出时一定要有主人陪伴在旁 - 请使用牵引绳拉着您的狗狗 - 早晚带着狗狗散步兼大小便, 或训练它在家中大小便 - 小型犬应养在住家内并时刻把门关着

这是饲主应履行的最基本责任,请大家齐齐分享此则文章,让我们创造一个更负责任的公民社区,教导正确的养狗观念, 以及避免更多狗狗遭遇不幸。

希望护生园 上

Stop Pet Abandonment 停止弃养宠物

New Year should be a time for revelry, but it was the most miserable time before death for this pedigree dog, which was believed to be intentionally abandoned by his owner at coffee shop.


If you were the owner of this pedigree dog, reading this article;
or If you were also one of the many people who abandoned their pets intentionally;
or If you did banish the puppy or kitten which was gave birth by your pet dog or cat;
or If you have the thought of they will survive on street to self-comforting after doing the act of banishing them;

We are clenching our fists with anger to tell you: You have no difference as a KILLER !!

We received a SOS call during the CNY period and found this dog which was believed to be abandoned on purpose at a coffee shop, lying motionless on the road with only his eyes were moving. He was lying so near to the numerous people who were eating and resting in the coffee shop but they all ignored him like the dog was a scrap. No one bothered to take a closer look and check on the dog to see what happened to him. None was willing to offer neither water nor food to the poor dog. What’s wrong with our society? Why does this apathy exist in us?

The shopkeeper from the coffee shop told us that he saw car knocked down and ran over the dog as the dog was not alert to dodge away from vehicles. This accident led to his limping hind leg. Besides this, the dog was also always bullied and attacked by a pack of stray dogs nearby. The fur of this poor dog was all tangled and matted, maggots and wounds on his back and body, with pus coming out from his swelling wounds…

If you ever thought that by leaving your pet behind at the coffee shop, your pet will be able to survive as he will be able to get some food offering there. This is simply ignorant! The shopkeeper from the coffee shop said that they will not offer any food to the dog/cat but chase them away as far as possible or even beat the animal! This is because the patrons of the coffee shop do not like to have them around.

Our volunteer took the dog home and they reached around 9pm. The dog was not sent to clinic as it was the CNY period and none animal clinic would be available. We were worried but helpless as nothing we can do to help the poor dog.. We offered water to the dog and he gobbled 3 full bowls! Imaging how dehydrated and thirsty his was.. As time passed 11pm, the dog began to have shortness of breath and progressed to convulsion. Our volunteer was standing behind him when all this happened but unexpectedly, the dog turned his head and lifted it high up looking at our volunteer, collapsed and breathed his last 3 seconds later…

This dog was suffering from tremendous pain before death, not only fracture, dermatosis, serious bite but also starvation and thirst!! His last glance at our volunteer was with gratitude.. His life story would be totally different, if someone brought him to clinic for treatment or help him in other way. RIP, this brave little dog that is dead because of his owner’s ignorance and selfishness as well as the cold-heartedness and individualism of this society.

We would like to make our stand clear here: Please consider seriously before you decide to buy or adopt a pet! Do not keep a pet if you do not have the time, money, patience, ability and love for animals. Because the animals will always be the victim of one’s ignorance and irresponsibility. It is not right to abandon and dump the animals when they are old and no longer cute. Abandonment is most inhuman and brutal way out. One should have know his responsibility of the pet ownership in 10-15 years as the pet will aged and faced health issues as time passed. The act of abandon your pet or our pet’s offspring is the most irresponsible and foolish act. If you do not have the ability to take care of your pet’s offsprings; or you do not want your pet to breed, PLEASE NEUTER OR SPAY YOUR PET!

如果你曾经弃养后自我安慰的告诉自己: 他们一定会活下去的

那么我们想握紧拳头肯定的告诉你: 你和杀人凶手是没有任何分别的,你绝对是毫无人性的!!



如果曾经把宠物抛弃在咖啡店或美食中心的你,认为他们可以乞讨得到食物的话,我们为你的无知感到很愤怒! 这间咖啡店的人说,他们看到他就马上赶走他,有多远赶多远,因为不赶走顾客会不高兴,甚至还会动手打他!

义工把狗狗载回家时大概晚上9点,由于天色已晚加上是新年假期,根本就没有兽医院开着。我们心急但是根本就束手无策..狗狗渴得连续喝了三大碗水! 他不知道已经有多久没有喝过干净的水了…到了11点多,狗狗突然呼吸急促,全身严重抽搐,义工当时站在狗狗的身后,突然它却奋力反转过头来,把头抬到最高盯着她,三秒钟后头颓然倒下..断气了….他就这样被无情死神带走了..

狗狗在死前承受无比的痛苦折磨,不仅骨折,皮肤病,被严重咬伤,还承受无比的饥饿和干渴! 他最后的一眼,就像是在传达他的感激之情…如果当时有人愿意马上送他接受治疗,如果当时有人愿意帮助他,或许结局会完全不一样,但是现在多少的如果都无法再救回他一条宝贵性命..希望这只勇敢的狗狗能够安息..他是主人的残酷无情及自私自利下的受害者,也是整个社会的冷漠无情所的受害者!

我们想说! 请你购买或领养宠物时请三思! 没有能力,金钱,耐心,爱心,时间的话就请不要饲养宠物,因为到最后白白受苦的是他们! 不是待宠物不可爱或上了年纪就选择弃养! 弃养是最最残酷毫无人性的做法! 在你一开始养时就应该考虑往后10-15年里需负起的责任,宠物老了可能出现病痛或瘫痪,尤其是名种狗一般都会出现先天性疾病,问问自己,是否能承担这个责任?! 而弃养及流放自己宠物所生下的小狗狗小猫咪是最愚蠢及不负责任的,如果你没有能力照顾小狗小猫或者不想自己的宠物生下孩子的话,请带她们去结扎!!!!!