Friday, August 26, 2011

希望笔记 H.O.P.E's Notes 29 - ADOPTION/FOSTER HOMES NEEDED URGENTLY!! 急需领养/寄养家庭!!

This is how Felicia’s story goes....

Initially, these 4 dogs were living around her residential area and she feeds them everyday. Until one day, she encountered a mad man who was hitting the dogs because the dogs like to chased after him. Felicia had witnessed him kicking and hitting the dogs. The mad man even threatened her that he’s going to report to MBJB (local council) to shoot them down.

On one morning, Felicia anxiously approached HOPE for help to take in these dogs into the shelter because one of the female dog had bitten on a passer-by. Due to our current financial limitation, HOPE is unable to take in any dogs anymore. We’re only able to take in the female dog and her 6 puppies. There are still 3 more dogs left at Felicia’s place. All of them are very sweet and having been abused, are extremely insecure and scared. We can’t bear to leave them there. We hope people can come forward to help foster these dogs and hopefully also help to train them to give them a better chance of being adopted.

3 lovely doggies are waiting for ADOPTION / foster homes URGENTLY.......

If you can help in any way, please drop us an email @ On behalf of Felicia, we are desperate in need of assistance as the residence had report it to MBJB and they might come anytime to catch the dogs.

When you encounter a stray dog, if you can't help them, please do not harm them. It's a tough life without an owner. As strays, they constantly go hungry without food and have to sleep on cold and open grounds. It's worse when it rains and there is no shelter to take cover. So please if you can, have a compassionate heart for all the stray animals.

Please help to spread the words around to help them!!! Thank you.




他们正迫切的等待着领养或寄养家庭,如您能以任何形式帮助他们,请电邮至 我们迫切需要大家的帮助,因为当地居民相信已向市政局举报并随时会前来抓走狗狗。

请大家将此讯息散播开来,如果无法帮助流浪动物,但也请别伤害他们! 过着没有主人关爱的生活已经是很困难了,他们还得过着有一餐没一餐的生活,在天气恶化又没容身之处时更是悲惨! 请对流浪动物抱着怜.悯. 关.爱的心。


希望笔记 H.O.P.E's Notes 30 - ROMEO + JULIET

His name is Lou Pak, meaning old Uncle in Cantonese. He looks healthy and strong as seen from the picture and you must be wondering why he was sent to the shelter. Pls continue with the story of him below to find out why...

A lady from Ipoh made a report that she and her neighbours wanted this dog, Lou Pak to die because he had bitten the passerby. They made every effort to kill this dog, for example by using chopper to physically hurt him, they also called the municipal dog catcher to shoot him down. Despite all these cruelty actions done on him, Lou Pak survived. Even when HOPE's volunteers were there to rescue the dog, someone from the neighbourhood said:" Why bother to save the dog? It is so much a simpler job to shoot him down!" Can you imaging that the child of that guy is standing right beside him when he said that? What kind of role model that he is showing to his child? It is sad to say that animal rights in Malaysia didn't receive the deserving attention from the general public and the relevant authorities. To most Malaysian, the easiest and most convenient solution to strays is to call the local municipal council and wait for the team of dog catchers to "clean" the neighbourhood for them. Take a moment to ponder. What makes you different from a murderer? Imagine what would a child be when he grows up with the mindset thinking that this is not wrong to abuse animals or kill them!

Dog bite doesn't mean they are mad. It's a way that they protect themselves from danger. Stray dogs may be abused, starved, chased and provoked by people and they are not given an opportunity to socialize with humans or other dogs. They can be wary and aggresive when approached. Their reaction is similiar to that of abused, neglected and isolated children, who may violently attack at people when they attempt to remove them from an abusive situation. It takes patience, time and therapy to nurture trust and rehabilitate both children and animals who have suffered in an abusive, neglectful environment. Society does not blame an abused child for the mistreatment by a parent or guardian, but there are those who want to ban the entire dogs because of the behaviors they exhibit following abuse by their owners and the publics. Lou pak had never felt the human kindness before. He was traumatized and weary of humans.

The whole rescue took about 2hrs after several attempts to catch him as his vigilance towards us increased. We finally managed to catch him by assistance from a neighbour. The poor Lou Pak tried everything he can to run away from us as he thought that we were there to hurt him. Looking into his eyes, it is clear that he is not a crazy dog but a clever and loyal dog.

An interesting gossip to share: Lou Pak is attached! There was this female dog that always stood right by him and she didn't run away and leave Lou Pak behind although she was also very afraid of our presence. We decided to take both of them back to shelter and not to set them apart because her gesture of love for Lou Pak won our hearts. We believe that Lou Pak will become a friendly dog that welcome your visit to HOPE's shelter. What he needs is a second chance, to learn to have positive human contact and to learn how to be loved!

Dogs have been used for hundreds of years to serve people in war, search and rescue, therapy and to complete our homes as companions and members of the family. H.O.P.E believes that we owe it to these wonderful animals to be love and care for in return. We hope you will help us in our mission to end the needless killing of millions of animals, and to continue our companion education program, so our greater community can become a more informed, responsible and caring society. If you are just like us who love the animals, please spread the seeds of love to everyone who are beside you. Anyone who had encountered dog bite incident, please do not solve it by killing. Please contact your local animal welfare group in your district to solve the problem. Killing is not the ONLY option. They deserve a second chance in their live.

After Lou Pak and his wife stayed in the shelter, we've decided to change their name to ROMEO AND JULIET. Juliet is adapting her life well and extremely happy living in the shelter with her new friends. Romeo is still fear to human but believe us, what he need is time, patience and love. Soon, he will be friendly and loving like any other dog. Do drop by to say hello to Romeo and Juliet when you are in HOPE! ;)

** Please kindly read our case study below

他是lou pak (请用广东话发音,意为老伯), 照片上的lou pak看起来挺健康,挺壮的,你一定好奇他是因为什么原因被希望护生园拯救的吧? 耐心看完以下故事吧….

一位来自怡保的小姐投报说,由于lou pak咬了过路人,几乎整条街道的人都恨不得他死,这位小姐也不例外。曾经有人试过拿刀斩过他,打狗队来射杀他,而这位小姐也想请lou pak吃几颗巧克力来毒死他,但lou pak还是侥幸的活了下来。甚至当我们到现场拯救时,一旁的街坊还说: 救? 一枪打死他不是更方便更快? 而这位街坊的小孩就站在他的身边。在马来西亚的杀戮流浪动物管理制度下,马来西亚人民根本就没有所谓的‘爱护流浪动物’观念,对他们来说,解决流浪动物最方便最简单的方法就是拨打给当地市政局,然后在打狗队一阵扫荡后万般高兴街上再也没有阻碍视线与市容的肮脏流浪动物。但是你有没有想过, 你和谋杀犯有什么分别? 你和凶手有什么分别?? 你甚至在孩子面前鼓励杀害动物,赞成杀害动物,你像是在教你的孩子谋杀是对的!!

希望护生园拯救过好几只咬人的狗狗,要清楚一点的是咬人并不代表他们疯了,狗狗咬人必定有他的理由,而我们发现大多数的理由都是因为人为的!! 很多咬人的狗狗其实之前都遭受过虐待或不人道待遇,他们根本就没有机会得到过人类善意的对待,因而对人类抱着浓浓的恨意及攻击意识。他们就好比是一个被虐待,被忽略或被孤立的小孩,是需要一定时间,耐心及治疗来建设信任关系来帮助他们。社会并不会怪罪一个曾经遭受不平等待遇的小孩,但是却会对一个曾经受过伤害的流浪狗赶尽杀绝。Lou pak从来没有感受过人类的善意,这也是为什么他对人类充满警惕心。

Lou pak对人类的禁戒心加上具攻击性,让拯救过程较为困难,在第一次的围捕中套着他的绳子松开了,让他对拯救队伍更加防备,整个过程我们花了大概两个小时,才在其中一个居民的协助中成功把他围捕。可怜的lou pak以为我们是来伤害他的,在过程中拼了命的挣扎。但是从他的眼神及行为看来,他不是只疯狗狗,相反的lou pak是只聪明且忠心的狗狗。

让人感到有趣的是lou pak还有个老婆噢,在整个围捕过程中她始终呆在lou pak身边,不离不弃,不因为害怕而逃跑,不因为害怕而离弃,让我们真的感受到患难见真情! 我们不忍心将他们两地分开,因而决定把他们两个一起带回希望护生园生活。我们相信在长期和人类和平共处及付出爱来照顾他们的情况下,lou pak很快就会成为希望护生园其中一只会对您善意打招呼的狗狗,期望那时您能亲自来探望他,拍拍他的头,让他感受到爱与温暖!

如果您也爱着这些流浪动物,请把这颗爱的种子散播给你身边每一个人,遇到任何狗狗咬人的事,请不要以杀害来解决,请即刻联络当地保护动物团体来处理案件。在发现lou pak开始咬人时,如果当地居民能采取正确的解决方法,寻求当地保护动物团体的协助,而不是对他采取报复/攻击或千方百计的想置他于死地,让他对人类更加反感,也因而造成他越来越凶恶来保护自己。我们不能要求每一个人都爱他们,但是只需要花一点时间,为他们着想,你会为他们带来更不一样的结局,不为别的,就因为他们和我们一样,是有血有肉,会开心会难过,会微笑会哭的….......... 生 . 命。

在lou pak及太太住进希望护生园后,我们决定为他们改名为罗密欧与朱丽叶。朱丽叶目前非常适应希望护生园的群体生活,也表现得非常开心兴奋交了这么多朋友。罗密欧依然对人类保持距离,但是请相信我们,他需要的是时间,耐心与爱。相信不久的将来他会和其他狗狗一样那么友善乖巧。记得来希望护生园时探望这对罗密欧与朱丽叶哦! ;

** 请往下阅读我们的真实案例

Romeo is still fear to human but believe us, what he need is time, patience and love.罗密欧依然对人类保持距离,但是请相信我们,他需要的是时间,耐心与爱。

Case study: Rantai was found with a locked, heavy metal chain on his neck. We do not know neither how long the dog had been locked with the chain and roamed on the street nor who did this disgusting act to this poor doggy. Rantai attacked and bit while the volunteer was trying to rescue him from the street. But we believe that it is the continuous chaining that caused him to become neurotic, anxious and aggressive. But after long period of socializing with people and he is already acquainted with HOPE's workers. He likes and loves dealing with people now. What a breakthrough for this boy! 这是rantai,在拯救过程中我们的义工被他咬得遍体鳞伤,攻击性好强的狗狗,但你知道他经历过什么吗? 他的颈上被绑着一条粗重的铁链及锁头,我们不知道他拖着那条铁链在街上晃了有多久了,也不知道是谁用铁链及锁头这样禁锢着他,被不人道对待的他又怎么能不厌恶人类呢?

We are extremely grateful to Mr.Cheah and volunteer from Ipoh to help in the rescue action....thank you!! 我们万分感谢来自怡保的谢先生及义工在拯救过程中帮了我们不少忙...感谢您们!!

Juliet is adapting her life well and extremely happy living in the shelter with her new friends. 朱丽叶目前非常适应希望护生园的群体生活,也表现得非常开心兴奋交了这么多朋友。

Case study: Jofi, an unsterilized Golden Retriever. He is irascible and will even bite his owner. Long-term chaining is the main reason to his bad temperament. Jofi also bit HOPE's worker at the stomach when the worker first handled him. But after neutering surgery and regular interaction sessions e.g. jogging with workers and volunteers, Jofi has become a loving and sweet personality dog. 这是jofi,由于主人没帮他结扎且长期绑着他,造成他性格暴躁,连主人都会咬。希望护生园的工作人员一开始接触他时就在肚子上被狠狠咬了一口,但是jofi在被结扎,及常常散步做运动及和义工

Sunday, August 7, 2011

希望笔记 H.O.P.E's Notes 28 - The fighter - Xiao Qiang 生命战士-小强

Another sad and horrible case that we’ve encountered!

This poor little dog named Xiao Qiang was found by a kind hearted lady two days ago behind a staircase. He had two huge wounds on his two hind legs. Red raw flesh were exposed and bone can been seen. Furthermore, one of his eye was blind. He was in very bad condition – extremely thin and miserable. Obviously he had not eaten any food for a long time.

Xiao Qiang was rushed to the vet clinic immediately. After an immediate examination and x-ray, the vet found out he had multiple wounds such as both of his hind legs and pelvis were broken. He also had fractures on his ribs and had severe virus infection on his hind legs. It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform that one of Xiao Qiang’s leg had been amputated. Left with no choice, we had to do so in order to save him. He also had severe muscle atrophy on his hind legs that caused him unable to straighten his legs and unable to move with his both hind limbs. He had the high possibility that another of his leg might be amputated. Could Xiao Qiang be able to stand and walk again? We really couldn't tell...we had to hold back our tears when we saw his severe wound and saw him moaning in pain after the surgery, suffering all the plights with his small and thin body..He is just a very young puppy which is not more than 1 year...

At this point of time, we are certain many will ask, why not put poor Xiao Qiang down and end his suffering? We were faced with a tough decision, but our utmost priority was – will Xiao Qiang still have a quality life if we choose to keep him? On top of all these considerations, if we eventually choose to keep him, we will have to be responsible for him for the rest of his life and take charge to provide him with the best that we can.

What happened to Xiao Qiang?

According to the vet, his wounds was caused by a horrible accident. It is estimated that he had suffered from tremendous pain for more than two weeks. No one is willing to help him or take a glimpse at him. Until this kind lady eventually saw him and willing to help him. We couldn’t imagine what will happen to Xiao Qiang if no one gets to see him. It is sad to comment on our society and ourselves that animals have to be severely injured before we are aware of their existence and before we are prepared to help.

How You Can Help?

Please help us help Xiao Qiang, as his medical bills within this 3days already costs us RM 2229 and the bills might run up to a hefty sum especially if surgery is required for another hind leg. Do write in to if you can help him in any way, big or small. You have a choice as to whether to help him with a second chance in life.....

To contribute:

Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Account number: 5012-0808-5710

Paypal or Credit Card

Every single cent counts and your donations will definitely bring a different tomorrow for him.

** Please kindly inform us when donations've been made so that we can acknowledge an official receipt to you and allocate the funds for Xiao Qiang. Thank you!!



他,是只还很年幼的小狗狗-小强。两天前一名善心人士于阶梯后方发现了他....年幼的小强伤势严重,两只后腿都各自有着好大的伤口,露出鲜红的肌肉,伤口已经恶化且深能见骨! 不仅如此,小强的其中一只眼睛瞎了,骨瘦如柴,很明显的因为行动不良小强已经好久都没有过温饱的一餐了... 当狗狗用无助的眼神看着这位善心人士时,他是多么希望有人能够救救他..这名善心人实在不能视而不见, 即使他已经有沉重的负担, 但是他毅然决定要帮助这只可怜的小狗。

小强被火速赶往兽医诊所,并在详尽的检查及照了X光片后发现他的两条腿及盆骨已经断裂了,肋骨也发现有裂痕,而且骨头严重细菌感染, 病情危急之下小强的一只后腿已在昨日动了截肢手术以保住他的性命..另外一只后腿也已经严重肌肉萎缩并导致他不能伸直也不能站立行走..需要截肢的可能性非常大。小强还能再一次站立行走吗? 我们真的不能保证也只能抱着乐观及积极的心态来面对..看着他在手术后独自承受着痛,难过的呻吟着就让我们觉得好心痛! 他还只是个孩子..是个不到一岁的孩子! 却要用着他瘦小的身躯来承受这么沉重的痛苦..为什么就是没有人愿意及时及马上对他伸出援手呢??

相信在这个时候或许你会问,为什么不让小强安乐死解决了他的痛苦呢? 将心比心,如果小强是你的孩子,你会拼了命的想尽办法挽救他的生命,抑或消极的想让他安乐死呢? 相信大家心里各自都有答案了。小强虽伤势严重,但还不至于危急性命,且痊愈后还是能和其他狗狗一样过着健康又快乐的生活!


根据兽医的解释,小强的可怕伤势是由严重车祸造成的,而且估计至少拖着这么严重的伤势在路上流浪超过两个礼拜了! 为什么就是没有人看见? 为什么就是没有人愿意伸出援手带他就医?? 难道现在的人一点怜悯的心都没有了吗? 就算看到了也只会假装看不到, 最多也只会说句 ”可怜哦” 然后头也不回的走掉? 还是大家都认为它只不过是一只狗, 所以它根本没有生命的价值, 甚至认为它也不会痛? 冷漠无情难道就是我们现在人的写照吗? 如果小强没有遇到那名善心人士, 小强的命运是不是就只有等死呢? 他的结局与未来我们根本不敢去想象...



我们迫切的需要大众能伸出援手给予小强一个重生的机会,小强的医药费用在这短短的三天里已高达 RM 2229,但复原之路还很长很长! 如果您愿意为小强付出一份力,如果您愿意帮忙负担一部分的医药费用(包括医药费,结扎及打针费用),您能汇款至

Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
户口号码: 5012-0808-5710

Paypal or Credit Card


**请在汇款后通知我们或电邮至 以让我们能给予您正式收据及统计筹得款项,谢谢!


嗨嗨,大家还记得我吗? 我是小强,我是不是长大了好多好多呢?
Hihi, do you all still remember me? I am Xiao Qiang. Am I looking bigger and better now?

I would like to thanks all my friends that love me so much. I am fine here.

Hope you all can help my fellows who are still wandering and helpless. They are struggling so hard just to stay alive. Your decision may change the everything. Thank you...

爱您们" 小强启。
From Xiao Qiang.

*For more details about Xiao Qiang , you may visit the link at:

Monday, August 1, 2011

希望笔记 H.O.P.E's Notes 26 - Little Cow Boy 小牛仔

希望护生园最近在忙些什么? 现在就来和您分享最近的拯救故事...

这是一只有着大片伤口的流浪狗狗,经常在一间咖啡店出没,但自从受伤后咖啡店店主不但没有给与同情或及时的治疗,反而毫不留情的将狗狗打跑及吓跑,当我们展开拯救行动时狗狗不见踪影,拯救队伍抱着一致的决定,我们一定要救到她!! 心里也担忧着她带着伤口及虚弱的身体如何能生存下去..


我们还在安排着时间让小牛仔接受结扎手术,并期望大众能以任何形式来帮助这些流浪狗狗。我们想鼓励有意养狗狗的朋友们,您不需花费大量的金钱去购买名种狗狗,请给我们本地的流浪菜狗们一个拥有家庭的机会。拥有一只狗并不是为了突现地位或提高你的身份,而是把他们当作一个真心的朋友,一个会在你失意的时候陪伴在你身边的忠心朋友,一个会在你开心的时候摇着尾巴和你分享喜悦的朋友! 相信我们,菜狗虽然不比名种狗狗漂亮,但是论忠诚度,他们是无人能比的! 如果您知道有任何人有意领养或助养小牛仔,请立即电邮我们, 。 也请大家帮助散播此讯息,谢谢!

请密切留意小牛仔的康复进度 :)

We must save the dog!!! The dog disappeared when we wanted to save her and we realized that the poor little dog had been chased away by a restaurant owner because he was afraid that the stray dog might affect his business. Our heart ached and wondered how she would without food and open wound.

The scorching heat was beating down on the dog. It was lying down, uncertainty and fear in its eyes. Luckily, we spotted her at a distance while searching for her. We approached the dog with food but it quickly hid under the car, probably afraid we might hurt her. The dog was starving but refused to eat because she was too afraid of us. It was a white and black coloured mongrel and had severe skin disease on his body. She was thin and dirty. Finally, we caught her after a long coaxing but she was still very wary of us. We named her Little Cow Boy. We brought Little Cow Boy to the vet to be examined. The vet treated her wounded neck and body. We could feel how painful she is when the vet was trying to clean her wound. Little Cow Boy is about 2 years old. A kind hearted lady named Chris had also kindly paid for Little Cow Boy's medical bill on this visit.

Little Cow Boy is still waiting to be sterilized. We would like to appeal to the public to help in any way you can.

Lastly, we would like to encourage people who wish or planning to own a dog as a pet, you don't have to spend lots of your money to buy a pedigree dog. Please give our local mongrels a chance to have a home. Owning a dog is not about status, it's a friend for life, a loyal friend that would stay and listen to you when you are feeling down and wriggled its tail to share your joy when you are feeling happy. Trust us, stray dogs may not be as gorgeous as some pedigree dogs but when comes to loyalty, we can assured you that our local breeds doggies are as loyal as or even more loyal than others. If you know of anyone who is interested to adopt or sponsor her, please write to us at Do help us spread the word around!

Stay tuned to Little Cow Boy's recovery...

 (Kindly scroll down for English write-up)

24/07/2013:大家还记得小牛仔吗? 当时的小牛仔颈部伤痕累累! 时光过的真快,渐渐的小牛仔已健健康康在护生园开心的生活了两年多,她是个非常乖和文静的狗女孩,她也在里头有好多她的朋友们,感谢当时第一时间承担小牛仔的医药费用的善心人士Chris,感谢您对小牛仔的帮助和改变了她的世界。感恩您

24/07/2013:Everybody still remember Little Cow Boy? At that point of time, Little Cow Boy’s neck was scarred everywhere! Time flies, Little Cow Boy is adapting well and living healthily and happily in the shelter for more than two year. She is a very obedient and quiet gir, lLittle Cow Boy is actually a female doggy. Thus, she is having lots of good friends in the shelter. We are thankful to kind hearted Ms Chris who is willing to undertake Little Cow Boy’s medical expenses at that point of time. Thank you for giving the most practical help to Little Cow Boy and changed her world! Thank you!!

 (Kindly scroll down for English write-up)

想助养的朋友欢迎电邮至 索取助养表格。

Our family members are increasing more and more; we really need help from public to sponsor our babies in this big family. Are you willing to be the monthly sponsor for Little Cow? With trivial amount of RM50 per month, you would be able to help us to undertake part of her provision’s fee, the cost of monthly de-worming and other necessary medication fee. Let’s give a better tomorrow for Little Cow, a tomorrow which is filled with HOPE!
Anyone who is interested to become Little Cow or any doggy’s sponsor in our shelter, you are most welcome to drop us an email to ask for application form for monthly sponsorship.
The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their.