Sunday, August 7, 2011

希望笔记 H.O.P.E's Notes 28 - The fighter - Xiao Qiang 生命战士-小强

Another sad and horrible case that we’ve encountered!

This poor little dog named Xiao Qiang was found by a kind hearted lady two days ago behind a staircase. He had two huge wounds on his two hind legs. Red raw flesh were exposed and bone can been seen. Furthermore, one of his eye was blind. He was in very bad condition – extremely thin and miserable. Obviously he had not eaten any food for a long time.

Xiao Qiang was rushed to the vet clinic immediately. After an immediate examination and x-ray, the vet found out he had multiple wounds such as both of his hind legs and pelvis were broken. He also had fractures on his ribs and had severe virus infection on his hind legs. It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform that one of Xiao Qiang’s leg had been amputated. Left with no choice, we had to do so in order to save him. He also had severe muscle atrophy on his hind legs that caused him unable to straighten his legs and unable to move with his both hind limbs. He had the high possibility that another of his leg might be amputated. Could Xiao Qiang be able to stand and walk again? We really couldn't tell...we had to hold back our tears when we saw his severe wound and saw him moaning in pain after the surgery, suffering all the plights with his small and thin body..He is just a very young puppy which is not more than 1 year...

At this point of time, we are certain many will ask, why not put poor Xiao Qiang down and end his suffering? We were faced with a tough decision, but our utmost priority was – will Xiao Qiang still have a quality life if we choose to keep him? On top of all these considerations, if we eventually choose to keep him, we will have to be responsible for him for the rest of his life and take charge to provide him with the best that we can.

What happened to Xiao Qiang?

According to the vet, his wounds was caused by a horrible accident. It is estimated that he had suffered from tremendous pain for more than two weeks. No one is willing to help him or take a glimpse at him. Until this kind lady eventually saw him and willing to help him. We couldn’t imagine what will happen to Xiao Qiang if no one gets to see him. It is sad to comment on our society and ourselves that animals have to be severely injured before we are aware of their existence and before we are prepared to help.

How You Can Help?

Please help us help Xiao Qiang, as his medical bills within this 3days already costs us RM 2229 and the bills might run up to a hefty sum especially if surgery is required for another hind leg. Do write in to if you can help him in any way, big or small. You have a choice as to whether to help him with a second chance in life.....

To contribute:

Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Account number: 5012-0808-5710

Paypal or Credit Card

Every single cent counts and your donations will definitely bring a different tomorrow for him.

** Please kindly inform us when donations've been made so that we can acknowledge an official receipt to you and allocate the funds for Xiao Qiang. Thank you!!



他,是只还很年幼的小狗狗-小强。两天前一名善心人士于阶梯后方发现了他....年幼的小强伤势严重,两只后腿都各自有着好大的伤口,露出鲜红的肌肉,伤口已经恶化且深能见骨! 不仅如此,小强的其中一只眼睛瞎了,骨瘦如柴,很明显的因为行动不良小强已经好久都没有过温饱的一餐了... 当狗狗用无助的眼神看着这位善心人士时,他是多么希望有人能够救救他..这名善心人实在不能视而不见, 即使他已经有沉重的负担, 但是他毅然决定要帮助这只可怜的小狗。

小强被火速赶往兽医诊所,并在详尽的检查及照了X光片后发现他的两条腿及盆骨已经断裂了,肋骨也发现有裂痕,而且骨头严重细菌感染, 病情危急之下小强的一只后腿已在昨日动了截肢手术以保住他的性命..另外一只后腿也已经严重肌肉萎缩并导致他不能伸直也不能站立行走..需要截肢的可能性非常大。小强还能再一次站立行走吗? 我们真的不能保证也只能抱着乐观及积极的心态来面对..看着他在手术后独自承受着痛,难过的呻吟着就让我们觉得好心痛! 他还只是个孩子..是个不到一岁的孩子! 却要用着他瘦小的身躯来承受这么沉重的痛苦..为什么就是没有人愿意及时及马上对他伸出援手呢??

相信在这个时候或许你会问,为什么不让小强安乐死解决了他的痛苦呢? 将心比心,如果小强是你的孩子,你会拼了命的想尽办法挽救他的生命,抑或消极的想让他安乐死呢? 相信大家心里各自都有答案了。小强虽伤势严重,但还不至于危急性命,且痊愈后还是能和其他狗狗一样过着健康又快乐的生活!


根据兽医的解释,小强的可怕伤势是由严重车祸造成的,而且估计至少拖着这么严重的伤势在路上流浪超过两个礼拜了! 为什么就是没有人看见? 为什么就是没有人愿意伸出援手带他就医?? 难道现在的人一点怜悯的心都没有了吗? 就算看到了也只会假装看不到, 最多也只会说句 ”可怜哦” 然后头也不回的走掉? 还是大家都认为它只不过是一只狗, 所以它根本没有生命的价值, 甚至认为它也不会痛? 冷漠无情难道就是我们现在人的写照吗? 如果小强没有遇到那名善心人士, 小强的命运是不是就只有等死呢? 他的结局与未来我们根本不敢去想象...



我们迫切的需要大众能伸出援手给予小强一个重生的机会,小强的医药费用在这短短的三天里已高达 RM 2229,但复原之路还很长很长! 如果您愿意为小强付出一份力,如果您愿意帮忙负担一部分的医药费用(包括医药费,结扎及打针费用),您能汇款至

Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
户口号码: 5012-0808-5710

Paypal or Credit Card


**请在汇款后通知我们或电邮至 以让我们能给予您正式收据及统计筹得款项,谢谢!


嗨嗨,大家还记得我吗? 我是小强,我是不是长大了好多好多呢?
Hihi, do you all still remember me? I am Xiao Qiang. Am I looking bigger and better now?

I would like to thanks all my friends that love me so much. I am fine here.

Hope you all can help my fellows who are still wandering and helpless. They are struggling so hard just to stay alive. Your decision may change the everything. Thank you...

爱您们" 小强启。
From Xiao Qiang.

*For more details about Xiao Qiang , you may visit the link at:

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