Friday, December 27, 2013

希望护生园流浪猫狗领养日 H.O.P.E Pet Adoption Drive

  • 我们的流浪动物领养日又来了!! 于2013年12月29号 (星期日) 上午11点至5点在位于TAMAN NUSA BESTARI,NUSA JAYA的SUPER PET前进行。
    We, HOPE shelter will be having our outdoor adoption drive on the 29 Dec 2013, Sunday in front of SUPER PET, located at TAMAN NUSA BESTARI,NUSA JAYA from 11am-5pm!

    *任何疑问详情请拨打以下热线:012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG)

    主办单位 Main organizer: H.O.P.E
    主要赞助 Main Sponsor: BRIT PREMIUM PET FOOD
    SUPER PET正确位置: Location of SUPER PET:

    We are very glad to get the sponsorship from BRIT Premium Pet Food!! BRIT will sponsor a bag of 3kg dog foods to every adopter on the adoption drive..THANK YOU BRIT!

    感谢SUPER PET愿意提供我们一个位子让我们举办流浪动物领养日,造福流浪动物们,感谢热心公益的SUPER PET!
    Million of thanks for SUPER PET to provide us the venue to organize our pet adoption drive to help the homeless animals..BIG THANK YOU to them!

    流浪动物一直是被社会所忽略及漠视的一个庞大社会问题,而愿意面对,伸出援手及解决的民众是少之又少,加上无法从学校,父母甚至整个社会中学习对流浪动物的认识及帮助他们的正确方法,导致流浪动物的数量有增无减,而很遗憾的,马来西亚公民本身也缺乏为自己宠物结扎的意识,导致自己的宠物每每生下了孩子后,狗 主又无力照顾并不负责任的将其抛弃在街头,从而增加流浪动物的数量,这是一个恶性循环。
    Urban strays is a huge social problem that is always neglected by the society. There are only few of them from the society who are willing to lend a hand to help tackle this issue. Most of the people do not have the chance to understand stray animals and learn about what they can do to help the animals from school nor their parents/family and the society. This caused the strays’ number to increased non-stop. Regret to say that most Malaysian do not have the awareness to neuter their pets which leads to their pets to give birth to unwanted puppies/kittens. Irresponsible owner who do not want to take care of them will dump then on street. This is a vicious cycle in motion!

    There are thousands of innocent strays puppies/kittens born yearly, some survived but most of them die before they grow to know the world. Starvation, diseases, human abuse, road accident, ate by human… are just a few reasons to be named that had caused their death.

    此次活动的目的是为了: The objectives of our Adoption Drive are:

    1) 帮助被拯救的小流浪动物们寻得永久家庭并摆脱流浪在外的悲惨命运并减少流浪狗数量,我们将在活动中带出10-15只小流浪动物们开放领养,义工们将为有意领养的公众进行简单的会谈面试,并评估其是否是一位适合的领养人。
    1) To find a loving home for the strays puppies. We will be bringing around 15-20 puppies on that day for adoption. Our volunteers will conduct a simple interview with interested individual to screen for his/her ability to become a potential adopter.

    2) 我们将积极宣传“以领养,代替购买”的意识,让更多人知道领养动物的好处。
    2) To create awareness for adoption, rather than buy. When the buying stops, the selling stops!

    3) 我们将宣传结扎意识,教育公众结扎宠物的重要性,希望大家能自发为自己的宠物甚至帮助街头的流浪狗狗结扎。
    3) To promote and educate the public about the importance of neutering. We hope to reach out to more family with pet to neuter their pet and sincerely hope that they can support us by neutering the strays in their neighborhood.

    4) 我们将放置捐款箱于会场中以筹募资金帮助我们能为更多的流浪动物进行结扎手术。
    4) To raise fund for our Spay&Neuter Programme. We will use this fund to neuter the strays so that their population will not increase further.

    Hope Adoption Drive event organizer and person-in-charge, Jia Jia Auntie pointed that: “People in JB generally prefer to buy a pedigree dog, and we noted the increased number of illegal dog breeders in JB areas. This phenomenon makes the situation against survival of the strays as the public will not consider adopt a stray but to buy a pedigree dog. That is the reason why we are organizing this stray’s adoption event, to change this trend, to lift the status of strays, to educate public the reasons for adoption. We hope more people will adopt and not to buy a pet.”

    She also mentioned that currently the shelter is home to nearly 1000 homeless cats and dogs, the number of puppies also shoot up to more than 70. Insufficient fund and space in the shelter are already causing the HOPE’s rescue team to limit their help to save the strays. “It is heart breaking every time to see packs and packs of strays fend for themselves on the street. They are not doing anything wrong but to suffer all the difficulties and challenges everyday to survive. We are so bounded by our limited resources and we can't do more to help.”

    We wish friends in JB to attend this event to support us, to speak for the strays and stand up for them; You can help by spreading this news to your friends and family. Let’s work together, hand in hand to create a better tomorrow for them!!

    计划想要养宠物吗? 领养宠物是找到您生命伴侣的最好方法。领养他们,给他们一个家吧!
    Looking for a new pet? Pet adoption is a great way to find a new companion. Let's ADOPT, give them a HOME

我们永远都怀念您Sabri宝贝 We always remember you this lovely child.

27/12/2013: 很不辛我们的毛孩Sabri最近得鼠尿病,造成鼠尿症的细菌叫做勾端螺旋体细菌,通常老鼠是带菌者,经常发生在狗的身上的鼠尿症有,如发现狗有黄胆的现 象,须小心,黄胆是鼠尿症的一种症状,此病症通过污染的水或老鼠传染,只能控制老鼠和使用干净的水是最佳的预防方式。
27/12/2013: Recently, our child, Sabri infected rat urine disease. The disease is caused by bacteria called Leptospirosis. Usually mice are carriers and it is very common to infect dogs. When you found the dogs have jaundice phenomenon, we need to becareful due to Jaundice is a symptom for rat urine disease. This disease infect through contaminated water and mice. Control the appearance of mice and water supply is the best way to prevent it.

令人心疼又伤心的消息,我们所疼爱的Sabri于(26/12/2013)因鼠尿病症告急离世,让我们祝愿他在彩虹桥的另一端快乐的活着,我们永远忘不了 Sabri您阳光般的笑容,我们永远都怀念您Sabri宝贝…
There is distressing and sad news. Our dear child, Sabri passed away on (26/12/2013) due to infection of rat urine disease. Let us wish him live happily at heaven without suffering. We will never forget your sun like smiling. We always remember you this lovely child.

He had a rough life. He was being abandoned by his heart-less owner and crash by car during accident. This caused him be paraplegia. Although he is paralyzed, he never gives up himself and be brave to live. His spirits to survive make us proud. You will always be our most behaved child.

Sabri在我们的心中永远都占据一个特别的位子,我们也深信Sabri您现在一定在另一个世界健康生活着并快乐奔跑着,Sabri您永远都活在我们内心 深处,愿您一路好走您安息,愿您在另一个世界当个快乐的小天使…
He occupied a very special position in our heart. We believe currently you are living happily and running around at the other world without suffering like here. You always live in our heart. We wish you rest in peace, and be a little angel at there.

Thanks again to everyone that gave support and love to Sabri at all time. Thank you very much.

*For more details about Sabri, you may visit the link at:


Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Storm

Please treat your pet right once you've decided to have them.

Great Dane is a very smart, brave, and loyal breed. Like its name, it is big. It could grow taller than 70 cm weighing more than 45 kilos, lifespan is about 10 years. Because of its size it needs a lot of room, small apartments are not suitable and elderly people are not ideal owners for them.

His name is Storm, 5 years old, for a very long time, he was chained to a very small room, the chain is extremely short that he had no way to move around. The worse is, he only got fed once a day with one bowl of rice and the water was dirty and never fresh.

Amongst all the big breed dogs, Great Dane is the most elegant and royal looking breed. But when we found Storm, he was very very skinny and extremely weak and for some reason, his ears have swelled up badly.

Storm's previous owner was an old man. Both his son and daughter-in-law had been trying to get him to stop torturing Storm but he wouldn't listen. A kind friend of this daughter in-law found out about the situation and decided to try and talk some senses into the old man everyday. Finally the old man agreed to let this kind friend take Storm to the vet but he said that he will not want the dog back if the medical fee exceeds RM200! Hearing that, we were sure that the old,man has decided to abandon Storm!

After being checked by the vet, Storm was suffering from severe malnutrition. Also, because of the lack of exercise, he has very weak limps. The swelled up are in his ear was a tumor and surgery is inevitable. Not only that, he has also been suffering from cryptorchidism, meaning that his testes did not descend when he was a pup, which means that he is at very high risk of getting testicular cancer in the future. So a surgery is essential as well!

All these procedures costs around RM1205!! This kind person has therefore raised the money from friends and has given Storm another chance in life.

No matter what kind of pet you have, you are obliged to provide them with quality environment, enough and nutritional food, clean water, medical care when they fall sick, etcq. They are just like us, they need what we need and in top of that a lifelong commitment.

Storm has been tortured half of his life, although we are unable to give Storm the best he deserves, but we are sure that he will be able to run free in HOPE with a lot of new friends, receive 2 meals a day. We believe that he will live a happy life here. Hangin' there, Storm, from all of us with love

You can also choose to continue the love towards Storm by monthly sponsorship.Thanks!

If you are interested to participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
或 Or
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor:

The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.

圣诞节快乐 Merry Christmas 2013

在这充满温馨的圣诞节,我们五只可爱的狗儿们Sakai, Dou Dou, Fortune, Mina 和 Cookie 谨代表嘉嘉阿姨和护生园里面的1400多只猫猫狗狗们祝各位有个快快乐乐的圣诞节!!
In this warm Christmas season, five adorable dogs Sakai, Dou Dou, Fortune, Mina and Cookie on behalf of Auntie JiaJia and 1400 dogs and cats from H.O.P.E would like to wish you very Merry Christmas!!

We are very grateful for all the caring and help from every one of you at different locations for our furry kids, Love is everywhere, Many Thanks again:)

希望护生园狗狗洗澡日 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing Event

  • 81300 Lima Kedai, Johor, Malaysia
  • 任何关于洗澡日活动的交通问题,地点询问或细节,请联络 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA). 谢谢 :)
    Any transportation problems or queries about doggies bathing event please contact 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA. Thank you! :)

    H.O.P.E doggies bathing event is on 12 of Jan 2014!! Ready for it? Come and have a happy reunion with all the doggies inside H.O.P.E :)

    希望护生园里超过1400只的狗狗们需要大家合力一起来为他们洗洗澡以防止染上虱子及保持卫生干净,快来参与这项有意义的活动吧,还能享受和这么多狗狗们一起玩乐的欢愉哦 :)
    Our 1400 dogs inside HOPE shelter are waiting for you to bath them to prevent flea and keep them clean! Join this meaningful event by attending on Sunday and enjoy yourself by playing with so many doggies inside :)

    温馨提醒:不建议车身底的车子进入,因为需驾驶一段颠簸山泥路才能抵达希望护生园因此车身底的车子不适合进入,Myvi 或 Viva 这类型的车子进入大致上是没问题的,但请缓慢驾驶。如果没有车身高的车子或不曾进入过希望护生园的话请联络希望护生园义工,我们将会与10.15am在士古来五间店(Lima Kedai)的神庙前集合再于10.30am乘坐其中一些人的车子进入。
    Reminder: As we need to drive a short journey of muddy road to get into H.O.P.E, we strongly suggest not to drive car with lower base,Myvi or Viva is considered suitable to get in but please drive in slow speed. For those who don't have transportation or not familiar with the ways to get in, please contact our H.O.P.E volunteer,we will gather in front of a temple in Lima Kedai, Skudai on 10.15am and get in together with others' vehicle on 10.30am.

    服装:拖鞋,短裤及暗色衬衫。您也可另备一套干净衣服以供换穿(选择性),因为进入护生园后狗狗们会留下许多爱的脚印在您的衣服上搞得全身都脏兮兮的哦 :)
    Attire: Slipper,shorts and dark-colored T-shirt. You can prepare another set of clean cloth to change(optional) as you might get dirty inside


    Please refer to the map below to learn the way to get in H.O.P.E Shelter:

    Remarks: Please prepare yourself a bottle of water and towel

12月22号2013年 希望护生园狗狗洗澡日 22 of Dec 2013 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing

Million of thanks to all volunteers who've participated in our Doggies Bathing Event (22/12/2013)..thank you!

Thanks for helping the doggies to keep clean and to prevent fleas & ticks.

Hope to see you on next bathing event and not to forget to invite more of your friends to join this meaningful event:)

Every volunteer that had attended HOPE Bathing Event are entitled to received a tin of 400g BRIT Dog Can Food each.

We would like to thanks BRIT Pet Food for their kind and hearties support.

BRIT Premium Dog CanFood are sponsored by BRIT for every Dog Bathing Event.

Thank you, BRIT~~~ Cheers~~

Brit the top quality super premium pet food just for your beloved pet.


21 December 2013,Tracy and her husband fetch 4 homeless dog from Muar to JB.

缘由前几日佳佳阿姨接到一个不情之请。一位已收逼迁的老先生在无助的情况下,没办法安置它饲养多年的4只伴犬。也不舍得弃它们不顾的离开。还有附近 居民给他解决方案,但是多数都是不好的解决方法。更令老人家担心的是,还有附近的越籍外劳提出买狗食用。在别无选择的情况下,只好硬着头皮哀求佳佳阿姨帮 忙。
Jia Jia aunty received a call from one elderly man, his house forced relocation and he feel helpless he can't continue keep 4 adult dog although he has feeding them quite long time. His neighbours has been given some solution but not a good solution. Also,vietnamese worker suggested sell dog meat to them. Therefore, he try find JIa Jia aunty for help him.

Jia Jia aunty know that his helpless situation, asking us post out to facebook seek out for help fetch 4 dog to HOPE.
Finally, we found Tracy and her husband agreed fetch the dog on 21 December.

当 载送来抵达希望护生园之际,佳佳也感谢之余间中言谈之中透露,她们俩是利用白天原本是睡眠休息时间的空档来载送。回去之后还要赶回去做夜班的。更让佳佳阿 姨赞赏她们为了毛孩子牺牲的精神可嘉!Tracy临走前还再捐助了RM200给希望护生园,真是出钱出力的两夫妇,请大家给他们一个嘉奖!
When they arrived HOPE, Jia Jia aunty know that they use their sleeping time to fetch the dog. They need to rush back for work at night. Jia Jia aunty appriciate their effort.Tracy donated RM200 to HOPE before she lelf. We appreciated her effort and kind donation. Please give her a compliment.
Please give Tracy and her husband a commendation.

Below is happen when Tracy fetch the dog from Muar.


Baby, I give you all one bun each, after finish you all should go to new house, must obident, don't running away.
New home good for you all and safety. This is not I don't want you all, I don't have other choice.
I hope I got chance to see you all agian, you all must listen new owner instuction obidently

老先生在Tracy和她先生一抵达之后就一直不断含泪嘱咐四只宝贝,一直不断的重复又重复,深怕它们不听话。Tracy夫妇看在眼里,感动在心理, 要不是发展商已经收购了这片地,被逼迁,老先生搬的新地点不适合养狗,谁会和相处多年的狗伴分开?这一分开也不知道何时才能有机会重逢?也许有这天的出 现?也许这就是最后一面了?
老先生透露,他当知道Tracy夫妇确定来接它们之后,这几个晚上都一直不断的和它们说话,它们都静静地乖乖坐 在老先生听嘱,间中还很哀怨的不舍的发出~呜~呜哭泣声。还躲着不让老先生看到的视线抽泣。一步都没有离开。它们已经明白依据主人的能力,这一别是很难有 办法再重逢。
The old man had been repeating instruct 4 dog again and again. he worried they are naughty when move to new home. Tracy and her husband feeling touch when look at them. If not the construction company bought the land and forced people relocation, I think nobody like separate the dog when adopted them many year. They don't know when can meet togehter after this separation. When the old man know Tracy couple come to fetch 4 dog, he keep talking to 4 dogs, the dog was clam and sit down listen to his owner. The dogs was crying and don't let owner know it. They never leave his owner alone. For the financial problem, the owner has a difficulty meet 4 dogs in furture.

The old man assisted Tracy couple bring up the dogs and continuous instruct his 4 dogs. Repeat again and again. He appeased 4 dogs inside the car from the side door car window.

一切安置在车上妥当之后,由于四只狗狗挤在车上,Tracy夫妇担心会在途中造成骚乱,影响驾车与交通危险,只好与老先生告别了。当车行驶往出口走 一小段路之后,老先生又不舍的追了出来,眼睛湿湿地再次给狗狗最后的嘱咐。狗狗哀声哭泣,似乎明白老先生的意思。在回新山的路上它们真的很乖很安静的让 Tracy夫妇顺利把它们载送到希望护生园收容所里。
After keep them probably inside the car, Tracy couple worried 4 dog may mess up when they are driving, so they say good bye to the old man. When the car drive out to the alley, the old man running out and give last instruction to 4 dogs. The dog was crying and understood what owner told them. Tracy couple successed send 4 dog to HOPE as 4 dogs are quiet and obidently from the journey.

This is Tracy share out to Jia Jia aunty whole process within the coversation.
They are safety arrived,  they stay in quarantine place for vaccination and sterilize surgery. 4 dogs are safety now. HOPE need to bear the burden more heavy now, the old man can't afford sponsor 4 dogs expenses, hope more people can join to sponsorship, to reduce HOPE heavy burden.

The dog name is Baby, Xiao Zhen, BoyBoy, Puppy. If you want to sponsor the dog, please indicate the dog name. Thanks for everyon long term support.
22/12/2013 2 male dogs completed sterilization, 2 female dgos still doing sterilize surgery. we will continue post out the photo.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

在这充满爱的季节里,请把您的爱分一点点给我们的毛孩子们,感恩 In this season of loves, please do spare some love to our fury kids,Thank you

In this season of loves, please do spare some love to our fury kids,Thank you:)

~祝愿大家冬至快乐,圣诞快乐和新年快乐~~ ^^
~Wishing everyone a very Happy Winter Solstice~Merry X’mas and Happy New Year~~ ^^

希望护生园圣诞节网上活动 - 送一份希望之礼
H.O.P.E Christmas Online Event - Give a Gift

Obaka和黄黄是一对非常情深的狗夫妻 Obaka and Huang Huang are a pair of very lovely “dog couple”


Obaka和黄黄刚获救之后加入护生园,但因为不习惯数量众多的群体生活,乘工人们不留神迅速逃了出去,但很快的被工人发现并带回护生园, 过不久,他俩又古技重施,这一次只有黄黄被工人及时捉住, 而Obaka一路跑了一段相当的距离,才发现黄黄没跟上,他即刻折反护生园寻找黄黄。








Obaka and Huang Huang are a pair of very lovely “dog couple”, Obaka and Huang Huang spend together as stray dog , tide over difficulties together and always in pair , because always in pairs , so they been called a pair of “loving dog couple”

After Obaka and Huang Huang been rescued and joined the shelter, they not used to the life of living together with large group of friends, they escaped from the shelter when workers never noticed. But soon was discovered and brought back by the workers. After sometimes, they escape again but this time only Huang Huang been caught! Obaka only realised Huang Huang was not with him after he running some distances, he instantly turn back and look for Huang Huang.

All the peoples are deeply touched by his action, they are both life with feeling. They mutually think each other as their important family member. They never give up on either of them.

We should learn from them as they betray each other and treat each other as important part of their live. Pets are like our family member, so please don’t just simply abandon them away. W hope everyone can take good care of these weak animals, they do not want to stray, abandoned, if not because of the cruel owner such a thing would not have happened instead, human irresponsibility and caused them a great harm !

You can also choose to continue the love towards Obaka and Huang Huang by monthly sponsorship.Thanks!

If you are interested to participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor:

The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.

无限的谢意与感激献给以下Smartheart和Petster Heartfelt thanks to the following Smartheart and Petster

Heartfelt thanks to the following Smartheart and Petster for their kindness and wonderful contributions!

Thank you so much & have a nice day.

"From HOPE family"

我们衷心的感激献给来至邻国新加坡公司"NID DESIGN STUDIO PTE LTD We would like to say a BIG THANK to Singapore Company "NID DESIGN STUDIO PTE LTD"

我们衷心的感激献给来至邻国新加坡公司"NID DESIGN STUDIO PTE LTD"慷慨捐助RM2560给护生园的毛小孩们,感谢在此温馨节日的善心捐赠!!
We would like to say a BIG THANK to Singapore Company "NID DESIGN STUDIO PTE LTD" who had generously donated RM2560 for our furry kids in HOPE!!

With your help, We are more capable to continue what we are doing now, Thank You!

除了谢谢还是谢谢!!! 爱您们! 感恩!!
We are more grateful to have your continued support!! Thanks again!!

In this festive season with full of warmth, We hope everyone can enthusiastically donated to help the homeless animals, So that furry kids in H.O.P.E can celebrate the Christmas with full of hope:)

"希望护生园家庭启" "From HOPE family"

感谢善心人士Bastian Boon捐赠亲手所制作的爱心造型气球 A special thanks to Bastian to donate the handmade love shape balloon

在这里我们也要特别感谢善心人士Bastian Boon捐赠亲手所制作的爱心造型气球,让我们在两天的宠物世界展义卖筹款。
A special thanks to Bastian to donate the handmade love shape balloon. This was used for fund raising event at Pet World JB 2013.

Bastian has spent two sleepless nights to rush out the lovely and beautiful balloons in order to help us raise as much as donations from the event. The balloons are fully sold out in two days of fund raising event, many thanks to Bastian.

除了感恩Bastian也要感恩所有特地到场支持的老朋友,长期捐助人, 支持者,,义工等,也特别在此鸣谢赞助商 - BRIT,除了谢谢还是谢谢!!
In addition we would like to thanks old times friends, long terms donors, supporters and volunteers who support us during the event. Especially to our sponsor Brit! Many Thanks!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

H.O.P.E Charity Drive in Pet World 希望护生园慈善活动于宠物展 (14-15 Dec13')

我们来了We are coming:)

希望护生园于新山Expo @ Danga City Mall, 我们将进行慈善活动,自14和15号12月份2013年时间早上11点至晚上9点,敬爱的朋友们,快来支持我们,支持流浪动物吧!
H.O.P.E in Expo @ Danga City Mall, Johor Bahru on 14&15 Dec 2013. We are having charity drive from 11am-9pm, Dear friends, pls come and support us to help our doggies!Support the strays!Thank You!

H.O.P.E Charity Drive in Pet World Johor Bahru 2013

我们两天将带义工狗儿 We are bringing Browny,Intan,Fortune,Precious,Dou Dou,Shara,Sakai,Jofi

开始日期 Start Date: 12月14号(星期六) Dec 14, 2013 (Saturday)
结束日期 End Date: 12月15号(星期日) Dec 25, 2013 (Sunday)
时间Time : 11:00am – 9:00pm
地点Location : Danga City Mall Expo, Jalan Tun Razak Susur 1, Johor Bahru
欲了解更多详情可到 :
For more details about Event, you may visit the link at:

We've over 1400 mouths to feed everyday, We need 18600kg of dog foods per month, Our current monthly food expenses cost around over RM30,000 to feed over 1400 shelter animals. Please, we need your help..

H.O.P.E will be having charity drive all year long mostly in JB to raise the fund for our furry friends inside the shelter.

We will announce our upcoming event on Facebook, please kindly pay us a visit if we happened to have the charity events at your place!


于14-15号12月2013年在新山Expo @ Danga City Mall举行的宠物世界展已经圆满结束。
On14-15 Dec 2013 in Expo @ Danga City Mall Johor Bahru Pet World had ended with a great success.

We want to extend a heartfelt thanks to the many generous donors and volunteers for their unselfish contributions.

Thousands of people had came to support and meet our furry friends.

还有也要感谢我们义工狗狗: Thank we furkids: Sakai,Fortune,Shara,Intan,Dou Dou,Mina,Emma,Blessing,Cookie,Browny,Marimo!

Last but not least to our main sponsors - BRIT PET FOOD and all their great staff, thank you for your effort.

急需猫粮与狗粮 DOG AND CAT FOOD NEEDED Nov 2013

现只需RM206就能捐赠3包15kg的狗粮给流浪动物们, 一份捐助 = 一份希望....谢谢大家

DOG AND CAT FOOD NEEDED - Times flies, it's the month 2013 of Dec.... and we're in need of dog and cat food for our shelter animals. The food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter.
With just RM206 you can now donate 3bags of 15kg dog foods to the shelter animals. Your contribution could make a difference in their life, TQ..
Kindly refer to the link below on how you can contribute. Thank you.

我们目前有超过1400++多只的流浪猫狗,尤其狗狗的食物消耗量非常惊人,我们一天内就需消耗40包15kg的狗粮,一个月就需消耗大概1240包15kg的狗粮! 一个月单单食粮就得花费超过三万块,食物是他们最基本的需求,而我们的团体无时无刻都在头疼着这笔庞大的开销,但是如果每一个人每一个月都愿意捐赠一包15kg的狗饼,我们的负担会减轻很多也可以有能力做更多的事...请大家伸出援手,一同为流浪动物出一份力!

We are currently sheltering over 1400++ homeless cats and dogs, we need a total of 40 bags of 15kg dog foods now to feed our doggies per day, a total of 1240 bags of 15kg dog foods/month! We have to spend over RM30k per month for the expenses of food itself. Food is the basic needs of animals, our team is working really hard to get enough funds to cover the huge expenditure. BUT if each of you is willing to donate at least 1 bag of 15kg dog food per month, it can ease our burden and enable us to have more ability to do more for homeless animals, please help us to continue say “YES” to animals who need our help!

备注: 许多网友和访客问我们为何不自己煮食给护生园内的狗狗猫猫,因为这比较经济。
1. 依据护生园现有的环境和状况缺乏水电供应导致护生园内不适合煮食
2. 护生园庞大的猫狗数量高达逾1400多只,倘若一天煮食2餐将导致工人负荷不来剧增的工作量
3. 隔夜或剩余的熟食容易引来苍蝇等昆虫,这将导致护生园内的卫生恶化并且带来更多的猫狗健康问题
4. 狗粮猫粮比起米饭来得更有营养价值和成分

Remark: Many would ask why don't we cook for our dogs and cats as it is much cheaper and economical.
1. As our current shelter does not have electricity and water supply, it would be hard for us to cook for the animals.
2. It would be time consuming for our workers to cook for over 1400 animals twice a day.
3. Leftover rice and chicken will easily attract flies to come and it is not very hygienic too.
4. Dog food are more nutritious compare to rice.

Thank you to Mr. Wong Ah Kau's Family

Sincerely Thank you to Mr. Wong Ah Kau's Family for donating RM500 in Loving Memory of Mr. Wong Ah Kau. Our deepest condolence to Mr. Wong's family for the loss of Mr. Wong. We are very grateful for your kindness. Thank you so much.
我们怀着无比悲痛的心情在此宣布, 希望护生园的支持者 Mr.Wong Ah Kau于十一月不幸往生.Mr. Wong 的家人深知他关爱所有的流浪动物, 在他离世后以Mr. Wong Ah Kau的名义捐出RM500 的帛金给"希望护生园" . 在此我们怀着无比感激的心情感谢Mr. Wong的捐助, 也希望Mr. Wong的家人能够节哀顺变. Mr. Wong Ah Kau 永远在我们心中...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Samantah

Samantah, escaped from the deadly hand of dog catcher

A phone call can solve your troubles, but a phone call also made a group of innocent stray dogs lose their lives!

Her name is Samantah, 2 years old, she was escaped from the deadly hand of dog catcher, being oestrus when she was captured, she was kept in a small cage with full of dog. Forced to mating a lot of male dogs, leading to serious ulceration of her lower body!

After veterinary diagnosis, Samantah had very serious sexually transmitted disease; she will lose her life if not been treated by the vet, Samantah needed for a long time fully healed.

Lot of peoples do not like stray dogs, please do not hurt them, but there is always a lot of people do not let the stray dogs a way out, a report to the authorities, countless stray dogs will be ruthlessly killed, although not your hands to kill them, but because of your report, a lot of stray dogs will lose their precious lives!!

We urge everyone by lend a helping hand to Samantah, donate to Samantah medical expenses will greatly reduce the burden on H.O.P.E, but also to let Samantha continue to lives on, Thank you!!

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

每月助养计划 / Sponsorship Programme:

Paypal Account:


20/01/2014: Samantah的最新近况 Updates about Samantah:

Here, we had good news for you all. Our kid Samantah is recovered from sexual transmitted disease. The wound is recovered as well. Now, she is joining our shelter and became part of our family.

We would like to thanks all the helps, loves and supports to us and Samantah. With your support, her life is changed. To be better and no longer strays like before.

Samantah is only one of the strays that lucky enough to be saved and survives. Out there are still so much of strays running for their lives. Therefore, please do not contact the dogs hunter and give them a chance they deserved. Thank you!

Our family members are increasing more and more; we really need help from public to sponsor our babies in this big family. Are you willing to be the monthly sponsor for Samantah? With trivial amount of RM50 per month, you would be able to help us to undertake part of her provision’s fee, the cost of monthly de-worming and other necessary medication fee. Let’s give a better tomorrow for Samantah, a tomorrow which is filled with HOPE!

If you are interested to participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
或 Or
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor:

The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.