Monday, November 21, 2011

WHY ADOPT A PET? 为何要选择领养?

WHY ADOPT? 为何要选择领养?

Every adoption saves a life. Millions of stray pups come to this world every year. Some were fortunate enough to survive, but most of the little ones die of starvation, diseases, physical abuse, accidents and most inhumanely, ended up in human’s stomach, before even get to see the humane side of the world.

By adopting, you can save lives and providing the animals with love and a place they call home. Strays live in dire conditions, not knowing what hazards tomorrow is waiting. They do not have long life spam, usually only lives an average of 2-3 years, whereas one, if re-home, can live up to 15 years.



WHY ADOPT A PET? 为何要选择领养? ·

WHY ADOPT? 为何要选择领养?

Have you ever wonder how is the condition like for most of the illegal puppy mill? 您是否有深思过大多数宠物店里的小狗狗们从何而来? 又是否想过大多数非法动物繁殖场里的真实情况是怎么样的?

Dogs here are confined in small cages and forced to breed at unhealthy rates, having several litters per year, which is extremely dangerous and cruel. The new borne are weaned from their mothers way too soon. Little attention is paid to the hygienic and veterinary care and genetic diseases due to inbreeding. In addition, most old dogs are simply abandoned when they no longer can be mass-producing machines. Breeders are reaping huge profit by using these animals to breed and meet the demand of public who only seek for pedigree dogs.

It is time to make a stand. Put a stop to this abuse in the name of profit.



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

单眼白 Dan Yan Bai

这是单眼白,你注意到了吗? 是的,他少了一只明亮动人的眼......
当时动物福利问题还没被这个社会所关注,市政局官员个个像野人一样,用极不文明极不人道的方式来对待他们!!! 他们把一只只捕到的狗狗装进黑色塑胶袋里,用棍,用椅子,用任何他们手上有的东西来殴打在塑胶袋里拼命挣扎,哀叫及痛苦的无辜狗狗们。事后将他们如垃圾般丢弃至垃圾槽嘻嘻哈哈的离开!!
当时住在该区照顾这些流浪狗狗的一个善心aunty事后才知道这件事..她疯狂的到垃圾槽把每一个塑胶袋都拆开,除了僵硬布满血的尸身外她找不到一只还有气息的狗狗......就在她绝望就在她想要放弃时,这时, 她看见了单眼白。
您愿意成为他的每月助养人吗? 每个月区区RM50,您能帮助我们承担他的食粮费用,每个月的去虫药费用及基本护理费用,让单眼白有一个更好的明天,一个充满希望的明天!
想助养的朋友欢迎电邮至 索取助养表格


This is Dan Yan Bai, did you noticed something different from him? YES, he has only one eye…
He is an old dog and was rescued during the early formation stage of HOPE. The town council was conducting strays’ culling in the neighborhood where he lived; he and his pals were all unable to escape from the tragic fate of being killed….
Animal welfare issue was not well receiving attention by the society that time, the officers from town council were like savage, using extremely unethical, uncivilized and inhumane way treating the captured strays. They placed the strays in black plastic trash bag and beat the stray dogs with wooden stick, chair or whatever they can grab on hand to attack those poor, innocent dogs that were struggling and screaming for pain in the bag. When the officers were done with attacking the dogs, they just dumped the dogs like they were rubbish into the refuse chute and left the place laughing out.
There was this kind-hearted auntie who stayed in the area that also took care of the stray dog. She only managed to get to know about what had happened to the dogs much later after the culling. She went to the refuse chute desperately looking for the dogs. She opened up all the plastic bags but only to find the dogs’ stiff and cold dead bodies covered with bloods. When she was about to give up hope of helping any dogs that survived the horrible beating, she found Dan Yan Bai.
Dan Yan Bai was dying and in appalling state with bloods all over his body. He was rushed to clinic immediately for emergency treatment. Fortunately he survived, the only survivor from the barbaric massacre. But he lost his one eye due to the beating. He is now our shelter’s long-term resident, HOPE is a place he can relax and enjoy his old age.
Do you want to be his sponsor? With monthly contribution of RM50, you can help us to provide him with the daily needs, from meals to medical attention and the needs of the common pool of dogs. This helps Dan Yan Bai to have a better future, a future with hopes!!
If you are interested to participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor:


您有兴趣组织团队来探访我们的收容所吗? 想获得更多资讯的朋友欢迎电邮至 ;)

We sincerely welcome school societies, students’ club of tertiary institutions or public societies to have a visit to our shelter to gain more knowledge about strays, ways to help them and create awareness on the importance of protecting the welfare of the homeless animals.
We will be having educational talk by HOPE person-in-charge to share with the experience and ways to help the strays.
By having students and youth to participate in this event, it will not only help to create a more compassionate and caring batches of generation where they can learn to love the unfortunate strays, the experience will also be a excellent lesson in life which you would never get to learn in school or any other places.
We are getting a lot of positive feedback from visitors commenting that after their visits, some of them have started to involve in acts to help the strays and sharing their knowledge with their friends or families on the ways to reduce the overpopulation of strays. Independent rescuer and caregiver are crucial in the society to help those suffering strays to get a better welfare.
Interested to organize a group visit to our shelter? Drop us an email at for more info ;)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The dog food promotion (RM140-Buy 1 Free 1) offered by Breeder Line Dog Food Company and Global Pets was ended last month. We are glad to announce that we are getting a new PROMO for Dog Foods Donation offered by Global Pets, hope everyone can show your support as the food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter!

We are currently sheltering over 600 homeless cats and dogs, we need a total of 14 bags of 20kg dog foods now to feed our doggies per day, a total of 420 bags of 20kg dog foods/month! We have to spend over RM20k per month for the expenses of food itself. Food is the basic needs of animals, our team is working really hard to get enough funds to cover the huge expenditure. BUT if each of you is willing to donate at least 1 bag of 20kg dog food per month, it can ease our burden and enable us to have more ability to do more for homeless animals, please help us to continue say “YES” to animals who need our help!

Kindly refer to the details of promotion stated below, this promotion is only available at Global Pets outlets at Johor Bahru (More details on their location, please go to

1. You can purchase any brand of dog food at Global Pets petshop and donate to us, just inform the cashier that you are donating the foods to H.O.P.E while you are making the payment and you will be entitled to a 10% discount. You are not allowed to take the dog food away, the donated dog food will be stored at Global Pets outlets and our volunteers will arrange to collect the food items and bring them to H.O.P.E.

2. Buy the brand of Breeder Line Dog Food and donate to us, you will be entitled to a special price of RM107.10 for a bag of 20kg.

3. Buy the brand of Winner Dog Food and donate to us, you will be entitled to a special price of RM133.20 for a bag of 20kg.

4. Buy the brand of Winner High Pro Puppies’ Food and donate to us, you will be entitled to a special price of RM137.70 for a bag of 18kg.

3. Buy the brand of Vitta Maxx Dog Food and donate to us, you will be entitled to a special price of RM68.40 for a bag of 15kg.

Alternatively, you may also bank in to our society Maybank Account so that we can purchase the dog food from Global Pets Outlet.

To contribute:
Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Maybank Account: 5012-0808-5710
Please email us at if you have any enquiries or if you have transferred some funds. Do provide us the transaction code to enable us to trace the transfer, issue a receipt and good record keeping.

** You are also able to be our monthly dog food sponsor by signing up our “Food Sponsorship Progamme” at our official website to do monthly sponsorship through secure credit card auto debit system. For just RM100 per month, you can provide enough food for the rest of their lives.

On behalf of the animals in H.O.P.E., we appreciate your continuing support and generosity!!!

在上个月Breeder Line及宠物星球所提供的 "RM140-买一送一狗饼捐赠" 已正式结束。好消息是我们依然获得新的捐赠狗饼促销,希望大家能多多支持,希望护生园收容所一天内所消耗的狗粮/猫饼的速度比您想象的快很多!

我们目前有超过600多只的流浪猫狗,尤其狗狗的食物消耗量非常惊人,我们一天内就需消耗14包20kg的狗粮,一个月就需消耗大概420包20kg的狗粮! 一个月单单食粮就得花费超过两万块,食物是它们最基本的需求,而我们的团体无时无刻都在头疼着这笔庞大的开销,但是如果每一个人每一个月都愿意捐赠一包20kg的狗饼,我们的负担会减轻很多也可以有能力做更多的事...请大家伸出援手,一同为流浪动物出一份力!

请参考以下促销详情,此促销只限位于新山的宠物星球所有分店 (分店详情:

1. 您能在宠物星球依照您的能力来购买任何牌子的狗粮捐赠给我们,只要在付款时向柜台人员表示这是捐赠给 “希望护生园 H.O.P.E” 的,您就能获得10%的折扣,付款后狗粮并不能带走,所捐赠的狗粮将会先储存在宠物星球的店内,再由我们的义工安排前往领取。

2. 购买 指定牌子 Breeder Line狗粮捐赠给我们,将获特别折扣,即一包20kg为 RM107.10

3. 购买 指定牌子 Winner狗粮捐赠给我们,将获特别折扣,即一包20kg为 RM133.20

4. 购买指定牌子 Winner High Pro 小狗粮捐赠给我们,将获特别折扣,即一包18kg为 RM137.70

5. 购买指定牌子 Vitta Maxx 狗粮捐赠给我们,将获特别折扣,即一包15kg为 RM68.40

Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Maybank 户口号码: 5012-0808-5710


