又是一只头部重伤的流浪狗!流浪狗的悲歌什么时候才能结 束?
Another stray dog with serious head injuries! When will these sad stories end??
这是Megafox,一只一岁多的公狗。一位善心的男孩 在路边发现奄奄一息的他后,马上送往医院救治。
This is Megafox, a male dog slightly over a year old. Found barely alive on the side of a road and immediately rushed to the hospital by a kindhearted boy.
Megafox的头顶有个大伤口,鲜红的血肉看着令人心 疼不已。不晓得这个小生命哪来的顽强意志,能够忍受如此 揪心的伤痛?不晓得他到底经历了什么——是被人类用热水 烫伤呢?还是用利器打伤?或是被其他大狗欺负?没有人能 告诉我们。
There was a very large wound on Megafox's head, the bloody wound was very traumatising to the eyes. We didn't know what kept this little guy going to endure such pain. We didn't know what exactly caused the injuries neither. Was it boiling water? Or was it a blunt force trauma? Or did he get into a fight with larger dogs?? No one could tell us what had happened to this little guy.
这是护生园近期救援行动中,第三只头部重伤的狗狗。头部 的伤口只要稍微一深,就会影响到脑部。一旦有蛆虫或其他 寄生虫侵蚀,狗狗就会危在旦夕。
He is the 3rd rescued dog lately that's suffered from serious head injuries. If the would was deep enough, it would have damaged the brain and if there are maggots, chances are it is very unlikely that he will make it.
目前我们能做的,就是为Megafox提供妥善的医疗照 顾。他目前还在疗养中,希望早日复原。我们需要您的祝福 与支持,为Megafox祈祷,让他知道他并不是孤单作 战。他的周遭还有许多关心他的人们,但愿他恢复健康后, 早日投向希望护生园这个大家庭的怀抱!
What we can so now is to provide appropriate medical care for Megafox. He's now on the road to recovery. Please extend your support and prayers for Megafox. So that he knows he's not alone in this battle, and that there are many that care about him. We hope that he gets better very soon so that he can join the happy family here in HOPE.
Hangin' there, Megafox!
Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations: http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
Paypal Account: hopejbshelter@gmail.com
**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 hopes_jb@live.com.my **
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at hopes_jb@live.com.my**
Another stray dog with serious head injuries! When will these sad stories end??
This is Megafox, a male dog slightly over a year old. Found barely alive on the side of a road and immediately rushed to the hospital by a kindhearted boy.
There was a very large wound on Megafox's head, the bloody wound was very traumatising to the eyes. We didn't know what kept this little guy going to endure such pain. We didn't know what exactly caused the injuries neither. Was it boiling water? Or was it a blunt force trauma? Or did he get into a fight with larger dogs?? No one could tell us what had happened to this little guy.
He is the 3rd rescued dog lately that's suffered from serious head injuries. If the would was deep enough, it would have damaged the brain and if there are maggots, chances are it is very unlikely that he will make it.
What we can so now is to provide appropriate medical care for Megafox. He's now on the road to recovery. Please extend your support and prayers for Megafox. So that he knows he's not alone in this battle, and that there are many that care about him. We hope that he gets better very soon so that he can join the happy family here in HOPE.
Hangin' there, Megafox!
Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations: http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
Paypal Account: hopejbshelter@gmail.com
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at hopes_jb@live.com.my**
03/10/2014: Megafox的最新近况 Updates about Megafox:
Megafox目前已出院并已加入成为希望护生园的大家 庭成员。
Currently, Megafox already discharged from hospital and be one of our family members.
Megafox头部的伤口已渐渐愈合,他是只非常乖听话 的狗儿,希望他的情况会越来越棒。
The wound on his head is recovering well. He is a well behaved doggies, we wish he will become better in condition.
在这里,我们代Megafox感谢所有朋友的支持。您们 的捐款和祈祷,都对Megafox的重生意义非凡。
At here, we would like to thanks everyone on behalf Megafox. Because od your pray and donation, he get a new chapter of life. Thank you.
*关于更多Megafox的详情请参阅这里: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.761549590557915.1073 741997.134246123288268&typ e=3
*For more details about Megafox , you may visit the link at: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.761549590557915.1073 741997.134246123288268&typ e=3
01/01/2015: Megafox的最新近况 Updates about Megafox:
带着开心的心情和大家分享此消息,毛孩Megafox头 部的伤口已经愈合,目前他也变成了非常帅气的狗男孩了: )
We are happy to share this message: our furry kid Megafox has recovered from the head wound and he is now a handsome male dog.
Megafox一只非常乖的狗狗,为何会惨遭伤害呢?我 们真的不得而知,只希望大家能有同理心请停止伤害无辜的 生命。
Megafox is a well-behaved dog. We cannot understand why he had to suffer such torture. With the unknown past of Megafox, we like to remind the public to have empathy and do not harm innocent lives.
Being homeless is not an option. Not everyone can provide care, but everyone can refrain from harming or hurting the innocent lives.
珍爱生命,无论生活有多苦多难,都不要轻易放弃,只要您 是关心Megafox的朋友们,希望您能用一己的力量改 变Megafox的未來,一起每月助养他,也许您永远都 不知道自己的位置在哪儿,但请记住:没有您,他们的生命 将是不完整的,您们的爱心也将是“希望”的延续,感恩有 您!
Treasure life, no matter how tough it gets, don’t give up. For those who care about Megafox, please join us in changing his future, you can help by committing to a monthly sponsorship. You might question where this will take you, but please remember, without your help, these dogs’ lives will not be complete. With love, we keep the H.O.P.E. alive. Thank you very much!
有意助养Megafox的朋友欢迎电邮至 hopes_jb@live.com.my索取助养表格
If you are interested to Megafox participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at hopes_jb@live.com.my. We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
或 Or
直接登记网上安全信用卡扣款系统,成为我们的每月助养人 : http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor: http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
RM50或许只是您一餐的费用,RM50或许只是您买一 件衣裳的费用,RM50或许对您来说根本就不算什么,但 是对他们来说,RM50,是一笔生命延续费用。现在就行 动,帮助他们,给他们一道希望的曙光吧。
The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.
Currently, Megafox already discharged from hospital and be one of our family members.
The wound on his head is recovering well. He is a well behaved doggies, we wish he will become better in condition.
At here, we would like to thanks everyone on behalf Megafox. Because od your pray and donation, he get a new chapter of life. Thank you.
*关于更多Megafox的详情请参阅这里: https://www.facebook.com/
*For more details about Megafox , you may visit the link at: https://www.facebook.com/
01/01/2015: Megafox的最新近况 Updates about Megafox:
We are happy to share this message: our furry kid Megafox has recovered from the head wound and he is now a handsome male dog.
Megafox is a well-behaved dog. We cannot understand why he had to suffer such torture. With the unknown past of Megafox, we like to remind the public to have empathy and do not harm innocent lives.
Being homeless is not an option. Not everyone can provide care, but everyone can refrain from harming or hurting the innocent lives.
Treasure life, no matter how tough it gets, don’t give up. For those who care about Megafox, please join us in changing his future, you can help by committing to a monthly sponsorship. You might question where this will take you, but please remember, without your help, these dogs’ lives will not be complete. With love, we keep the H.O.P.E. alive. Thank you very much!
有意助养Megafox的朋友欢迎电邮至 hopes_jb@live.com.my索取助养表格
If you are interested to Megafox participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at hopes_jb@live.com.my. We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
或 Or
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor: http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.
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