燃眉之急! 希望护生园已拖欠狗粮供应商马币16万令吉..!
Immediate help needed! HOPE now owes our dog food supplier approx. RM 160,000!¬
饲养一千五百多只狗狗是希望护生园的使命,却也是沉重的 负担。
Feeding more than fifteen hundred dogs is HOPE’s only mission, but it is also a heavy burden and a serious commitment.
一般情况下,希望护生园每月能筹集3万至4万令吉的善款 ,作为园区的运营费用,其中包括膳食费、医药费、结扎费 、工人薪资及新狗场建设费。
Under normal circumstances, HOPE could manage to raise about RM30,000 to 40,000 to run the shelter, that includes the operating expenses, which includes meals, medical expenses, ligation costs, wages and construction costs of the new shelter
不过,这些善款只是杯水车薪。希望护生园每个月需要8万 至10万令吉才能维持基本的运作——要保证毛孩们都填报 肚子,要保证毛孩们生病时能第一时间得到妥善的医疗救治 ,要保证新狗场能跟上进度,让毛孩们能尽早都搬入新家。
However, these funds are simply barely paying for a small part of the monies that we actually need to run the shelter. HOPE needs approximately RM 80000-RM100,000 to maintain basic operations - to ensure that the fur kids who are fed properly, to ensure that they receive proper and timely medical care when they get sick, also to ensure that the new shelter can be up and running as scheduled so that the fur kids could be moved into their new home as soon as possible.
一千五百多只狗狗一天到底会消耗多少狗粮?——每天45 包15公斤狗粮,每个月膳食费用约为4万令吉。
How much dog food do fifteen hundred dogs consume in a day? 45 bags of 15 kg dry food, which costs about RM40,000 a month.
在兽医的建议下,喂食狗粮才能确保狗狗们在群养的情况下 ,获得最足够的营养,确保毛孩们健康成长。狗粮供应商也 了 解希望护生园的经济情况,允许我们暂时拖欠,让我们将筹 到的善款应用在更急迫的地方。唯狗粮费用拖欠至一个额度 上限时,护生园必须支付部分费用,否则会面 对取消狗粮供应的威胁。
As advised by the veterinarian, feeding the fur kids at this mass, commercial dog food helps to ensure they receive adequate nutrition, which in turn, helps to ensure that the fur kids are healthy. The kind dog food suppliers understand HOPE’s current financial situation and have agreed to pay later, so that we can use the monies raised in areas that are more critical.
目前,我们已拖欠马币16万的粮食债务,必须尽快偿还部 分费用,才能继续获得供应商的信赖和支持。
However, when the outstanding amount reaches a certain level, HOPE will have to clear some payments so that we can keep the supply of dog food going.
我们不能断粮,让狗狗们饿肚子。经济压力固然沉重,我们 只能仰赖大众的金钱资助,才能一步一脚印,咬紧牙关坚持 下去。
We cannot risk running out of food, starving our fur kids. Although it is a very heavy burden financially, but with the kind contribution from the kind members of the public, we are able to hang on and insist to keep going no matter what.
这一次,我们再次希望得到您的援助,有钱出钱,有力出力 ,为希望护生园里所有的毛孩,让他们免去断粮的威胁,饥 饿的痛苦。
This time, we hope to receive your kind contributions again, either monetary or physically turning up to help as volunteers, in order to help us help the fur kids in HOPE, so that they can continue to have steady food supply, so that they do not need to starve.
希望大家能尽自己一份力量,有钱出钱,有力出力,继续做 我们强大的后盾!
At here, we hope that everyone can do your best to help us out through donation or manpower. Please continue to support us.
You can help by contributing through the following channels -
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations: http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
Paypal Account: irisleong3268@yahoo.com
**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 hopes_jb@live.com.my **
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at hopes_jb@live.com.my**
Immediate help needed! HOPE now owes our dog food supplier approx. RM 160,000!¬
Feeding more than fifteen hundred dogs is HOPE’s only mission, but it is also a heavy burden and a serious commitment.
Under normal circumstances, HOPE could manage to raise about RM30,000 to 40,000 to run the shelter, that includes the operating expenses, which includes meals, medical expenses, ligation costs, wages and construction costs of the new shelter
However, these funds are simply barely paying for a small part of the monies that we actually need to run the shelter. HOPE needs approximately RM 80000-RM100,000 to maintain basic operations - to ensure that the fur kids who are fed properly, to ensure that they receive proper and timely medical care when they get sick, also to ensure that the new shelter can be up and running as scheduled so that the fur kids could be moved into their new home as soon as possible.
How much dog food do fifteen hundred dogs consume in a day? 45 bags of 15 kg dry food, which costs about RM40,000 a month.
As advised by the veterinarian, feeding the fur kids at this mass, commercial dog food helps to ensure they receive adequate nutrition, which in turn, helps to ensure that the fur kids are healthy. The kind dog food suppliers understand HOPE’s current financial situation and have agreed to pay later, so that we can use the monies raised in areas that are more critical.
However, when the outstanding amount reaches a certain level, HOPE will have to clear some payments so that we can keep the supply of dog food going.
We cannot risk running out of food, starving our fur kids. Although it is a very heavy burden financially, but with the kind contribution from the kind members of the public, we are able to hang on and insist to keep going no matter what.
This time, we hope to receive your kind contributions again, either monetary or physically turning up to help as volunteers, in order to help us help the fur kids in HOPE, so that they can continue to have steady food supply, so that they do not need to starve.
At here, we hope that everyone can do your best to help us out through donation or manpower. Please continue to support us.
You can help by contributing through the following channels -
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations: http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
Paypal Account: irisleong3268@yahoo.com
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at hopes_jb@live.com.my**
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