人类的自私无情 导致一个弱小的生命延误失救
The selfish of human caused the little creature lost his life.
Before we can name him, he already left us,RIP…
我们在面书的信箱接获举报者说发现猫咪伤重,他说他将猫 咪移至树下,拍了猫咪照片给了大楷地点说在新山Buki t Indah餐馆附近并没流下任何联络号码就要我们马上赶 至救援…
We received a Facebook message that there is a cat injured badly and dying. The notifier moved him to below the tree. He took the photo of the cat and tell us the venue is nearby a restaurant at Bukit Indah. He did not give us his handphone number and ask us to save the cat immediately.
于是我们连续发了几个信息要求举报者尽快马上带猫咪去附 近的兽医所急救,但对方一直无任何回复!
At the same time, we reply his message and request him to bring the cat to nearest veterinary. But he refused to reply anymore.
得不到任何答复的我们便联络了住附近的女义工前往找寻猫 咪,好不容易女义工一放工马上赶往以上地点找寻猫咪,但 夜已深才找寻到重伤的猫咪,但兽医所已关门,女义工一人 在天黑路暗带着重伤的猫咪回护生园!
With the limited information from the notifier, we ask our volunteer to search for the cat around there. Our volunteer gets to the venue immediately after her working hour. But, it is already late when she found the pity cat. All the veterinary already close. Therefore, at the late night, she bring the cat back to our shelter.
第二天一早女义工请假火速赶至护生园,希望尽最快的速度 将猫咪送医治疗,但还是迟了,猫咪因没及时获得施救导致 伤重不治!
At the next day, she took leave and rushed to shelter and wishes to bring the cat for immediate medication. But, it is still too late. The cat die due to did not get the medication immediate after the injury.
如果当时有人愿意马上送猫咪接受治疗,如果当时有人愿意 帮助他,或许结局会完全不一样,但是现在多少的如果都无 法再救回他一条宝贵性命..
If there are someone can bring the pity cat for medication immediately, if there are someone wish to help him, it will be totally different. But, right now we have nothing can do and we lost a valuable life.
我们平均每一天,无论是在网络上或者电话联络来求助或收 容的信息不下10个,如果希望护生园照单全收,试想想, 一年将会有多少只被救援的流浪猫狗?
In average, we get around 10 calls or message for seeking help. If we able to save all these strays, try to imagine how many strays we saved in a year?
然而这些“举报者”往往只是要求甚至逼迫护生园接收那些 毛孩,其他医药费或是经费一概不理,而善后工作包括毛孩 往后的费用都落到了护生园身上了...这一笔一笔的经费 堆积起来是非常巨大和吃力的。
Normally these notifiers only ask us to give help or they are forcing us to do so. But they did not give us any economy support for the medication and expenses after this. All these rescue case cost are on our shelter and these costs are a very heavy for us.
通常许多求“举报者”,完全不给于任何协助,只是通知某 某地点的流浪狗猫很可怜,盼望希望护生园带走,就这样, 这个问题似乎没什么?
These notifiers did not gave any helps to us instead just notify us those strays are pity and wish us can help them. And they do not think this is a problem to us.
其实问题在于,首先希望护生园不是卫星导航系统,说说一 个地址就能找得到地点,就算找到了地点,动物是活的,会 移动的,还有这些流浪在外的猫狗都对人有警惕心,不容易 接近的,有些甚至是有攻击性,来救援者不了解情况是很危 险的,需要当地人配合的。
Basically, the main problem is we do not have the satellite tracking system that easy to find the place they mentioned. Although we might able to find those places, but the strays and victims are on mobile. These strays are feeling strange on human and not easy to be approach. And some of them might be very offensive. Therefore, for our volunteer that came over from far is very dangerous due to they are not familiar with the place. We do need cooperation from the local to make every rescue success.
还有请“举报者”能否站于我们义工的立场着想,我们都和 大家一样平日都要上班,真的不是很多人所想的随传就随到 ,我们真的希望举报者也务必要配合,给个地点给个照片就 要我们去找,这是多么困难的事!
And, we would like to seek understanding from the notifier. We are the same as everyone that need to work 8 hours or more every day. We are not like professional rescue team that able to stand by 24hours daily. We hope to get cooperation from the notifiers. With the simple address and photos are not enough during our rescue. Thank you very much….
Seriously hope you can stand on our side to understand it, ok?
The selfish of human caused the little creature lost his life.
Before we can name him, he already left us,RIP…
We received a Facebook message that there is a cat injured badly and dying. The notifier moved him to below the tree. He took the photo of the cat and tell us the venue is nearby a restaurant at Bukit Indah. He did not give us his handphone number and ask us to save the cat immediately.
At the same time, we reply his message and request him to bring the cat to nearest veterinary. But he refused to reply anymore.
With the limited information from the notifier, we ask our volunteer to search for the cat around there. Our volunteer gets to the venue immediately after her working hour. But, it is already late when she found the pity cat. All the veterinary already close. Therefore, at the late night, she bring the cat back to our shelter.
At the next day, she took leave and rushed to shelter and wishes to bring the cat for immediate medication. But, it is still too late. The cat die due to did not get the medication immediate after the injury.
If there are someone can bring the pity cat for medication immediately, if there are someone wish to help him, it will be totally different. But, right now we have nothing can do and we lost a valuable life.
In average, we get around 10 calls or message for seeking help. If we able to save all these strays, try to imagine how many strays we saved in a year?
Normally these notifiers only ask us to give help or they are forcing us to do so. But they did not give us any economy support for the medication and expenses after this. All these rescue case cost are on our shelter and these costs are a very heavy for us.
These notifiers did not gave any helps to us instead just notify us those strays are pity and wish us can help them. And they do not think this is a problem to us.
Basically, the main problem is we do not have the satellite tracking system that easy to find the place they mentioned. Although we might able to find those places, but the strays and victims are on mobile. These strays are feeling strange on human and not easy to be approach. And some of them might be very offensive. Therefore, for our volunteer that came over from far is very dangerous due to they are not familiar with the place. We do need cooperation from the local to make every rescue success.
And, we would like to seek understanding from the notifier. We are the same as everyone that need to work 8 hours or more every day. We are not like professional rescue team that able to stand by 24hours daily. We hope to get cooperation from the notifiers. With the simple address and photos are not enough during our rescue. Thank you very much….
Seriously hope you can stand on our side to understand it, ok?
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