Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - 小斑点 Dian Dian

24-06-2014 (小斑点案例 Rescue Case Dian Dian)

Today morning, we received a call from a man who live in Selangor. He traveled to JB due to work purpose and his work location was nearby to a cemetery in JB. In coincidence, he witnessed the whole incident.

他发现狗狗惨叫声,便闻声而至。看到义山保安在追打一只狗,狗狗努力逃跑至一个沟渠涵沟里。保安追至仍然不肯放过她,还想进一步毒打她。事缘狗狗流浪至义山,偷食了祭拜先人的供品食物。保安便拿起棍子攻击驱赶她,也许是攻击激怒了狗狗而对保安员反咬自卫。因此保安也不手软的继续还击追赶至涵沟里。狗狗被逼躲进涵沟后,保安就堵住出口,就咄咄逼人的声称要叫捕狗队来处理。 爱心人士不愿看到她的下场是如此,便出面阻止。便紧急拨打电话来求援。
He heard scream from dog and walk to the source of sound. He saw the guard of cemetery is chasing and beating a dog. The dog ran quickly and hides into a drain pit. However the guard is not giving up and continues trying to beat the dog. The guard found out that this stray dog ate the food offering and he took the stick to beat and chase the dog away. Perhaps the guard’s action angered the dog; it then bit the guard as self-defense. Because of this reason, the guard is beating the dog without mercy and caused the dog to hide into the drain pit. The security immediately blocked the exit of the drain and wanted to call the town council to resolve this issue. The man from Selangor doesn’t wish to see the dog to ended in the hand of the town council thus he urgently made a call to request for help.

Auntie Jia Jia was so worried about the dog situation after receiving the call. She immediately organized the rescue regardless the problem that the shelter is so crowded currently. When Auntie Jia Jia and our volunteer reached the incident site, they already heard the dog’s barks from far away. No matter what method they tried, the dog remained so aggressive and couldn’t be approach. To make the rescue successful, Auntie tried to attract her by using food lure. Normally, those dogs in aggression are hard to be attracted by food. Our workers make a rope loop above the food. She never rejected the food and kept on focus eating. She never realized that she had been tied in the loop. When we dragged her out from the drain, her eyes were still look at the food left behind. Obviously she was starving, which caused her to be aggressive toward the person who is attacking her! Nonetheless, we ended this rescue mission with success.

小斑点是嘉嘉阿姨取名的,方便在园区管理。从照片上,大家都可以看到她的尾巴的伤口已经几乎快断了,被蛆虫侵食,恶臭不断,确诊需要截断尾巴。这是表面的伤,还未彻底检查身体,单是外伤已经是一笔医疗开销,进一步的医疗费用又是未知数。希望大家也慷慨解囊的帮助她的 医疗和往后在希望护生园的费用。
Aunty Jia Jia named her Dian Dian (meaning spotty dog in Chinese). From the photo, we can see that the wound at her tail is causing her tail nearly broke to two. The wound is due to the maggot infestation and after vet diagnosis; her tail needs to be amputated. This is just physical body check and full body checkup (blood test etc) is yet to be done. Only the treatment to her wound already is costing us a big amount of medical fees. After further diagnosis, there might be more money needed to spend for her health. We hope everyone can support us and donate to us for her medical fees and further expenses in our shelter. Thank you!!

Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

Paypal Account:

**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 **
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at**


10/08/2014: 小斑点的最新近况 Updates about Dian Dian:

Dian Dian already discharged from ward after the ligation operation. Currently, she is in our shelter getting special care in isolated area. The wound at her tail is recovering as well.

At this moment, she is still feeling extremely scare of human and never let us approaches to. We understand that there are a lot of strays getting injured and beaten up just for meal. And some of them even get abused terribly. You might not love the strays, but at least do not hurt them.

If you do love strays, please help them. Giving them meals is not only what you can do, it is better if you able to send them for ligation. Because only through ligation, the amount of stray can be reduced and all the abuse will be reduce. All of this shall start from you and me.

We would like to give a million of thanks to you all that helped us and Dian Dian. We believe that she is going to be better. Please do not stop your love and stop to her and us. Thank you very much!

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