他们同样是名犬也同样都6岁,他们都同时被抛弃的悲哀命 运!
Both of them are 6 years old purebred dogs. And they being abandon by their owners.
Zorol右脚有伤口,Elvis更患有严重的狗蚤病, 或许这就是被丢弃的原因吗?
For Zorol, there is a wound on his right leg while Elvis is having serious dog flea disease. Are these reasons they being abandoned?
Please do remember doggies are our friends and family forever. Please do not give up easily for any lives.
毛孩不是玩具,请照顾他们的一生,弃养绝对是残忍的虐待 !
They are not just toys. We can not abandon them easily like throwing rubbish. For them, abandon are the cruellest abuse.
您们的爱心捐助也将是“希望和‘生命’”的延续,感恩有 您们!
Your love and donation will let them have hope and make their life can be go on. Thank you very much to you all…!!
捐款: For contribution:
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations: https://www.ipay88.com/ VirtualLink/ PaymentDetail.asp?Merchant= NOZqaDz4zGsqCJtuyXtqAWTOJo o%3DM03766
每月助养计划 / Sponsorship Programme: https://www.ipay88.com/ RecurringPayment/ adwizard.asp?key=470D2893BC 0506521778A07A3C4E6A36134A A2C2963E4E7B20E9DA82EDC925 BED86E4F0BE38107DE3A02842F DE7AA4479C625A7A822AEA3A32 B827D0770F4E6CAA8AE413DF6D 3E0EC3C63B1218E8A4B3D83090 2105EB14DE9392379A5772C40C 86ADDE329B647632AD31E6C8D8 2F1D327204B2816DFF1153D830 45A06C4CBF66069A5813D80320 C0C5118BE99C6D6E686D5C1A9C 64F0DB6D56E6B580B7012E36&i d=4160
Paypal Account: irisleong3268@yahoo.com
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at hopes_jb@live.com.my**
**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 hopes_jb@live.com.my **
您的善款将让我们有能力给与这些有需要的动物们及时的医 疗及护理,您也在他们的重生过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色 !! 谢谢!!
Your contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance at life. Thank you!!!
26/10/2014: Zorol的最新近况 Updates about Zorol:
近期发现毛孩Zorol一直躺着后双脚无力走起步更跌撞 ,经过照x-ray兽医确诊后,被证实腰脊椎生骨刺,这 对Zorol来说是多么可怕的事实。
Zorol was recently discovered having been lying down most of the time, with its hind legs not being able to support its body. When he gets up and walks, he stumbles and collapses again. Upon an X-ray, Zorol was diagnosed to have spurs in its spine, the news was devastating.
很多生骨刺的狗狗都选择不敢随意摆动身子,特别是腰脊椎 骨刺因为每摇动身子或走一步都会带来及大的痛楚。
Most dogs having spurs in their bones are not able to move their bodies in any way they want, particularly when the spurs are found in their spines, because in such a case, every movement of the body or any leg will bring about excruciating pain.
兽医开了一些骨刺药物让Zorol控制病情,待一个月后 再回复诊,如果结果出来骨刺病情在还不是很严重的情况可 以做手术,就无须面临瘫痪的命运。
Zorol had been prescribed with some medicine to keep the spurs in control and has to go for another medical checkup a month later. If the spurs are not that bad, Zorol may have to undergo an operation to have the spurs removed, and he will be spared from the fate of being paralysed.
Zorol之前被前主人抛弃后巷不离死活,但忠心的他不 离不弃的在后巷等待主人回心转意,过后受伤了主人更不多 加理会,之后无助伤重的他才获善心人士通报下被我们救援 并加入大家庭里。
Zorol was dumped into a back-lane, left to live or die on its own by its previous master. But Zorol was so faithful that it kept waiting for its master to claim him back. When Zorol was injured, he was totally abandoned. Zorol joined our big family when we were informed of Zorol’s critical condition by some kind people.
Zorol现在唯一的家人就是我们,所以我们希望结果如 我们所愿,我们会尽一却的力量帮助Zorol,乖孩子别 怕,我们都会一直守护着您。
Zorol is now one of our family members. We hope that the result of Zorol’s forthcoming medical checkup will be what we hope for. We vow to help Zorol live a good life. Zorol, our good kid, be brave, we will always look after and care for you.
17/11/2014: Zorol的最新近况 Updates about Zorol:
Zorol日前复诊,Zorol由于骨刺所带来的疼痛而 选择不愿多动身子,就整天躺着,前双脚膝盖因长期压着而 导致出现伤口。
Zorol has gone for his review a few days ago. Due to the pain caused by the bone spur, Zorol is reluctant to move his body and maintains a lying position all day long. Wounds have appeared on his front limbs from the pressing of his weight on the knees.
兽医解释Zorol目前并不适合做任何手术,他的情况还 需关查了解,现在定时服食药物和最重要的复建就是每一天 让他多动身子和走动不让病情恶化,希望病情能受控制。
The vet explained that Zorol is currently not an appropriate candidate for any form of surgery, his conditions need to be monitored further. We are giving him oral medications at regular timings and the most important rehabilitation is to get him to move his body and walk around more daily to prevent his conditions from deteriorating. We hope that his condition can be stabilised.
照顾Zorol的工友现今每一天都会抽点时间带他走动, 持续一个月后我们会在带他回诊所复诊,希望他的病情能获 得好转机,相信奇迹一定能出现在Zorol身上,孩子要 加油。
The worker who takes care of Zorol takes time to bring him for walks every day. We will bring him to the clinic for review in one month’s time and hope that his condition will improve. We believe in a miracle for Zorol, be strong our boy.
*关于更多Zorol的详情请参阅这里: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.677773392268869.1073 741937.134246123288268&typ e=3
*For more details about Zorol, you may visit the link at: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.677773392268869.1073 741937.134246123288268&typ e=3
06/01/2015: Zorol的最新近况 Updates about Zorol:
欣慰的消息,Zorol于日前复诊,依据兽医指示Zor ol目前每天都由工人带出多走动,现今骨刺病情有好转, 现只需定时服食药物无需做任何手术。
We are pleased that, Zorol returned visit to the vet, his spur condition is getting better due to that under the instruction of the vet previously, our worker has been bringing Zorol out for a walk a lot every day. Now he will just need medication and doesn’t need any operation.
我们都明白骨刺病情无法痊愈,但只希望病情能受控制,让 Zorol能减轻疼痛,加油Zorol,有我们陪着您!
We understand that spur won’t be able to fully recover, we hope that the condition will be under control so that Zorol won’t be in too much pain. Cheer up Zorol, we will accompany you.
*关于更多Zorol的详情请参阅这里: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.677773392268869.1073 741937.134246123288268&typ e=3
*For more details about Zorol, you may visit the link at: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.677773392268869.1073 741937.134246123288268&typ e=3
Both of them are 6 years old purebred dogs. And they being abandon by their owners.
For Zorol, there is a wound on his right leg while Elvis is having serious dog flea disease. Are these reasons they being abandoned?
Please do remember doggies are our friends and family forever. Please do not give up easily for any lives.
They are not just toys. We can not abandon them easily like throwing rubbish. For them, abandon are the cruellest abuse.
Your love and donation will let them have hope and make their life can be go on. Thank you very much to you all…!!
捐款: For contribution:
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations: https://www.ipay88.com/
每月助养计划 / Sponsorship Programme: https://www.ipay88.com/
Paypal Account: irisleong3268@yahoo.com
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at hopes_jb@live.com.my**
Your contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance at life. Thank you!!!
26/10/2014: Zorol的最新近况 Updates about Zorol:
Zorol was recently discovered having been lying down most of the time, with its hind legs not being able to support its body. When he gets up and walks, he stumbles and collapses again. Upon an X-ray, Zorol was diagnosed to have spurs in its spine, the news was devastating.
Most dogs having spurs in their bones are not able to move their bodies in any way they want, particularly when the spurs are found in their spines, because in such a case, every movement of the body or any leg will bring about excruciating pain.
Zorol had been prescribed with some medicine to keep the spurs in control and has to go for another medical checkup a month later. If the spurs are not that bad, Zorol may have to undergo an operation to have the spurs removed, and he will be spared from the fate of being paralysed.
Zorol was dumped into a back-lane, left to live or die on its own by its previous master. But Zorol was so faithful that it kept waiting for its master to claim him back. When Zorol was injured, he was totally abandoned. Zorol joined our big family when we were informed of Zorol’s critical condition by some kind people.
Zorol is now one of our family members. We hope that the result of Zorol’s forthcoming medical checkup will be what we hope for. We vow to help Zorol live a good life. Zorol, our good kid, be brave, we will always look after and care for you.
17/11/2014: Zorol的最新近况 Updates about Zorol:
Zorol has gone for his review a few days ago. Due to the pain caused by the bone spur, Zorol is reluctant to move his body and maintains a lying position all day long. Wounds have appeared on his front limbs from the pressing of his weight on the knees.
The vet explained that Zorol is currently not an appropriate candidate for any form of surgery, his conditions need to be monitored further. We are giving him oral medications at regular timings and the most important rehabilitation is to get him to move his body and walk around more daily to prevent his conditions from deteriorating. We hope that his condition can be stabilised.
The worker who takes care of Zorol takes time to bring him for walks every day. We will bring him to the clinic for review in one month’s time and hope that his condition will improve. We believe in a miracle for Zorol, be strong our boy.
*关于更多Zorol的详情请参阅这里: https://www.facebook.com/
*For more details about Zorol, you may visit the link at: https://www.facebook.com/
06/01/2015: Zorol的最新近况 Updates about Zorol:
We are pleased that, Zorol returned visit to the vet, his spur condition is getting better due to that under the instruction of the vet previously, our worker has been bringing Zorol out for a walk a lot every day. Now he will just need medication and doesn’t need any operation.
We understand that spur won’t be able to fully recover, we hope that the condition will be under control so that Zorol won’t be in too much pain. Cheer up Zorol, we will accompany you.
*关于更多Zorol的详情请参阅这里: https://www.facebook.com/
*For more details about Zorol, you may visit the link at: https://www.facebook.com/
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