Wednesday, February 19, 2014

给流浪动物们温饱的一餐吧 Help FEED Our Animals

The amount of 40 bags 15kg dog foods that we need to feed for 1400++ dogs in a day.

H.O.P.E. is a no-kill and a privately run animal shelter who receives no government or corporate funding.

We manage to survive on some donations, sponsorships and sales of our merchandise. We believe in giving the animals that we take in the best help possible regardless of their health condition, our major expenditure is on medical aid and food for the dogs and cats that we take in.

收容所在一天内所消耗的狗粮/猫饼的速度比您想象的快很多! 您的捐助能让我们的拯救行动持续下去,也能帮助我们提供最好的护理及照顾给需要帮助的流浪猫狗们,您,在赋予他们新生的过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。很不 幸的,外头还有许许多多等待着救援的可怜动物们,请继续向流浪动物们伸出援手!
Your contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs and cats require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance in life. Sadly, there are many more waiting to be saved. Please help us to continue say “YES” to other animals who need our help. The food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter.

Please help us to continue say “YES” to other animals who need our help. The food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter.

- 捐赠粮食 To donate dog foods :

请参考下面的链接,您如何能帮助到我们!! 感恩!!
Kindly refer to the link below on how you can contribute. Thank you.

Alternatively, you may also bank in to our society Maybank Account so that we can purchase the dog food from the suppliers.
汇款至:To contribute:
Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
户口号码 Maybank Account: 5012-0808-5710

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