Monday, September 3, 2012

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - SOPHIE

23/07/2012:Cruel and inhumane owner!! They abandoned their pets when they are sick!! Sophie was cruelly abandoned and got hit by car. Furthermore, her eye became so badly infected and she nearly lost her precious life!!! Sophie was found by a mowing worker. She contacted Aunty Jia Jia to rescue the dying Rottweiler when her car came across the mowing area. Sophie has 4 ulceration on her foot, she can’t stand and walk. Her left eye was badly injured and she almost become blind. There's a lot of maggots swimming in her eye. Without hesitating, Aunty Jia Jia immediately rushed Sophie to the vet. She was so hungry and ate 3 bowls of dog food when she admitted in the vet clinic for the first day. We do not know how much painfulness that Sophie had gone through and why her ex-owner abandoned her. For the past few years, we have rescued so many pedigree dogs who was cruelly abandoned by their owners. Most of the people buy pedigree dogs just for fashion and trend only. When their pets are sick or get older, they choose to abandoned them! Even thought Sophie is a Rottweiler which people always thinks that they are very fierce but she is a very friendly girl! Her most painful days have gone. She will definitely gets lots of love and freedom in the shelter. If you wished to help in Sophie's medical expenses, vaccination, spaying costs and also her future living cost, you can help through the following methods:Secured online donation: Sponsorship Programme: Bank-in to MAYBANK Account: 5012-0808-5710 Cheques in favour of: PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN DAN PELIHARAAN HAIWAN TERBIAR SKUDAI Paypal Account: irisleong3268@yahoo.comYour contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance at life. Thank you!!!
23/07/2012:无人性冷酷的饲主!! 狗狗病了就把她遗弃让她自身自灭!!! 狗狗被抛弃后又遭遇车祸,眼睛也受到严重感染,差点存活不下来!!! Sophie是一名割草工人在草丛中发现的,正好嘉嘉阿姨经过,这名割草工人马上追着阿姨的车还大声呼叫,阿姨下车一看,发现这只罗威纳犬已经奄奄一息倒卧在草丛里. 嘉嘉阿姨火速把Sophie 送到兽医诊所,Sophie 的四肢脚板严重溃烂, 所以造成它无法站立行走,左眼也因为受伤被满满的蛆虫腐蚀几乎全瞎了.Sophie 在兽医诊所的第一天就狼吞虎咽地吃了足足三大碗的狗饼, 我们不知道Sophie 为何会沦落到如此的地步, 我们也不知道为什么Sophie身心会受到如此大的伤害,但是总总迹象显示, 我们很肯定Sophie 是遭主人恶意遗弃的! 这几年被我们拯救的名犬越来越多.从西施犬,贵宾犬,德国狼犬到罗威纳犬,人们很多时候只是一时兴起或者跟风, 就去购买名犬饲养,可是一旦宠物患病或是年老了,就选择恶意抛弃它们! 我们想呼吁的是 : 最近都发生了多起名种狗被抛弃的案子。为什么?? 那是因为比起菜狗狗们,名种狗狗会出现遗传性病症的机会来的高很多,因为许多无良繁殖商利用狗狗来进行近亲交配,导致狗狗们生下来就患上遗传性疾病,而一当狗狗老了或稍微照顾不当时,这些病症就会发作,主人开始认为麻烦照顾,一些不愿意花费昂贵的医药费来治疗,就以抛弃来随便了事!! 养宠物不是2、3个月的事,而是对狗狗们10-15年性命的承诺,在初期养时,就应该预料到狗狗老时会带来的一些不便! 如果大家想养宠物,请慎重考虑自己是否能担当这个重责大任,许下这个长远的承诺,时间,精力,金钱都应该被慎重考虑到。随意的抛弃宠物无疑是活活的推他们去死,一直以来被照顾养着的狗狗,沦落到了街头,难道你认为它们懂得觅食懂得看车懂得过马路吗?? 也请以领养代替购买来杜绝非法繁殖者! Sophie是一只非常友善的狗狗,希望Sophie 痛苦的日子快点结束,重拾被人呵护,爱护的日子! 如果您想帮助Sophie的医药费,预防针及结扎费用,以及Sophie将来的生活费用,您能通过以下方法帮助我们: 安全的网上捐款: 每月助养计划: ATM 汇款至Maybank户口: 5012-0808-5710 支票开头: PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN DAN PELIHARAAN HAIWAN TERBIAR SKUDAI Paypal 户口: irisleong3268@yahoo.com您的善款将让我们有能力给与这些有需要的动物们及时的医疗及护理,您也在他们的重生过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色!! 谢谢!

 10/08/2012:Updates about Sophie:
Sophie was previously diagnosed by vet that her badly injured left eye might become blind!
Fortunately, there’s s good news to applaud from Sophie. Sophie was having speedy recovery during the rehabilitation period, especially on the injury of her left eye. The left eye ball was not damage; she is gaining back her eye sight gradually!
Sophie has a very tame charact

er; she is enjoying and mixing around with the big family’s member happily in a very short time.
Thank you very much for all the prayers, generous donations for her medical expenses, continuous support and loves. Thank you!!!
Your loves, cares and generous donations had given her a better tomorrow at the same time brighten up this lovely sweet girl’s life again! That’s Sophie!


 09/10/2012:Sophie is sending us a good news about herself. Everybody look here, here’s our lovely Sophie. Her left eye had fully recovered! She is such a sweet and obedient girl. Everybody love to play and have fun with her!
Thank you very much to whoever that had make donations and showed concern to her, thank you for changed her world!



Do you ever wish to have a dog, but because of your lifestyle, your other commitments or housing constraints are prevented from having one?
Please consider sponsor our long-term staying dogs then. They often shared similar background (mentally/physically abused) and experienced bad destiny which are holding them from being adopted by potential adopter. However, with the sponsorship programme which is designed to bring you closer to our dogs by allowing you to get to know one of our dogs better and by a monthly contribution of RM50, you can be the dog’s sponsor and give it a better life.
If you are interested to participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor:

The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.





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