Monday, September 3, 2012

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Roxy 被狠心弃养的德国狼犬

This is a story of another case of abandoned pet! She was named Roxy.. This happened last week. The dogs in our volunteer's house were all barking non-stop that night. As not to cause disturbance to the neighbour, our volunteer and family member went outside to check on what is happenning. They were greeted by a German Shepherd in front of their house. Thinking to chase the dog back home, to stop their house dogs from barking, they sprayed water on the dog. The dog, Roxy did not intend to leave but tried to enter the house from the gap between the gate frames. Roxy kept crying and from the facial expression you can see how desperate she wanted to be inside the house. Our volunteer was left with no other option but to bring the dog for a walk in the neighbourhood, hoping Roxy can lead the way back home as our volunteer thought that this might be a dog let off the house for pee & poo. But this dog was walking aimlessly, leading the volunteer to no where. Suddenly, Roxy collapsed. As it was already in the middle of night and no clinic available for emergency assistance, the dog can only be temporary resting at the volunteer house for observation. Only then, the volunteer was able to know the poor body condition of Roxy. Roxy is so thin to bone and her fur was not in good condition with pieces and lumps of particles on the fur. Volunteer quickly brought food and water for Roxy and she gobbled down everything. We estimated the dog has been a stray for a period of time. We sent Roxy for medical screening the next morning and were told that she is severely malnourish and her weight was only 15KG! A normal and healthy Female German Shepherd should weight 26-31KG. She also has serious skin problem, pale gum, teeth infection and thick tartar which all these issues will need a long period to be healed and corrected. Roxy is an outgoing and young dog, she is friendly to most people that she has met. She is currently living with our puppy dogs in the shelter. As she has a long way to go in her life, we sincerely wish that we are able to source a good home for her. Supports and contributions for her medical and living expenses are also welcome. To chip in the medical expenses through: Secured online donation: Monthly Sponsorship Programme: ATM Bank-in to MAYBANK Account: 5012-0808-5710 Cheques in favour of: PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN DAN PELIHARAAN HAIWAN TERBIAR SKUDAI Paypal Account: Your contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance at life. Thank you!!! A note to share: A phenomenon occurring recently is that we noticed an increase in pet abandonment cases. There were more cases of small breeds in the past but as time goes by, more and more bigger breed dogs were abandoned. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. But all your pet got in life is only you. Making the decision to get a pet should not be taken lightly.
又是一起宠物弃养! 上个礼拜, 在一个夜深人静的夜晚, 义工家里的狗儿突然不断地狂吠, 义工急忙跑出去探个究竟, 发现一条德国狼犬徘徊在义工家的门前. 这是义工的父亲还拿出水管不断喷水在狼狗身上,希望这只狼 犬能够离开. 没想到狼狗非但不离开, 还一直想找门缝进入屋内, 并且不断发出哀嚎声, 眼睛透露出哀求的眼神, 仿佛渴望有人愿意收留它. 为了不让家里的狗吠声打扰到附近的邻居, 义工只好牵着狼狗在家附近走走, 心想有可能是附近居民饲养的狼狗偷溜出来, 希望它认得路回家, 可是狼狗就像是个逛花园的小孩子, 一直牵着义工到处乱逛. 就在义工六神无主的时候, 这头德国狼犬突然倒地不起奄奄一息, 这时义工只好打电话求助于嘉嘉阿姨. 这时已经是凌晨12点半了. 阿姨火速赶到义工家, 发现这只狼狗几乎瘦到都快看到骨头了, 身上多处的毛发粘着像是头皮屑的东西. 一撮一撮的布满整个背部. 义工马上拿出狗饼还有食水, 只见狼狗大口大口的把食物吃完还一直不停地喘气. 嘉嘉阿姨估计这只狼狗已经在外流浪好久了, 在没有地方可以收留之下, 阿姨只好摸黑带狼狗回收容中心, 这时已经是凌晨一点半了! 第二天一早, 阿姨带狼狗去兽医诊所做检查, 并帮狼狗取名为”Roxy”. 经过兽医检查后, Roxy严重营养不良, 体重也只有15公斤. (正常雌性的德国狼犬体重约26-31kg).也有 严重的皮肤病, 牙龈泛白, 牙齿发黄. 需要长期的调理才能恢复健康. 最近, 我们发现宠物弃养的问题越来越严重, 以前被遗弃的多数是小型犬, 可是今年来我们发现越来越多大型犬也惨遭主人遗弃. Roxy 是一只性格好动的狗狗, 它对任何人都非常的友善, 现在正和小狗们一起生活在收容中心. Roxy 还是一只年轻的狗狗, 将来的路还很长远. 由于我们的医药费不断的暴增, 我们非常渴望Roxy 能够得到您的帮助. 如果大家要养宠物,请必须小心考虑你们是否真的可以照顾它一生一世。在你的生命中相信你会有很多重要的人、事、物. 但在宠物的生命中,你,几乎就是它的全部。所以,它不只是你的朋友,更会是你不能舍弃的家人! 想一想! 如果你不能信守照顧寵物一生一世的承諾, 就不要養!------------------------------------------------------您能通过以下方法帮助我们承担医药费用: 安全的网上捐款: 每月助养计划: ATM 汇款至 Maybank户口: 5012-0808-5710 支票开头: PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN DAN PELIHARAAN HAIWAN TERBIAR SKUDAI Paypal 户口: 您的善款将让我们有能力给与这些有需要的动物们及时的医疗及护理,您也在他们的重生过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色!! 谢谢!


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