Friday, May 30, 2014

“我们找到家了....:)"We have found a home ....

“我们找到家了....:)” 5只可爱的毛宝宝成功在25/05/2014的领养活动找到家了! 感谢所有领养人以领养代替购买,给毛孩们一个家。
"We have found a home .... "Five furry babies found a HOME during our adoption drive on 25/05/2014! Thanks to all adopters who choose to adopt instead of buying.

请大家选择自收容所领养一只无家可归的动物们, 让他们有个安身之处!

感谢BRIT高质量宠物食粮的赞助,所有在领养日当天成功领养小动物的领养人将免费获得一包由BRIT所赞助的3kg狗粮 。
THANK YOU for the sponsorship from BRIT dog food company who sponsored a bag of 3KG dog foods to the adopter.

感谢所有特地到场支持的老朋友,长期捐助人,领养人, 支持者, 义工等。特别在此鸣谢赞助商 - BRIT和THATS ANIMAL CENTRE,谢谢!
Big thank you to all supporters, donors, adopters and volunteers. Special thanks to our sponsor – BRIT and THATS ANIMAL CENTRE, Thank you!

还有上万的流浪动物在街头流浪,等待一个 安身之处和一双温暖的援助之手,他们何时可以终止流浪的日子? 这全仰赖您和我的一个决定。
There’re still millions of homeless animals on streets, waiting for a home and a pair of helping hand…When will they end their days as stray? Your decision will bring a different tomorrow for them. DON’T BUY, ADOPT.

26/05/2014: 旺来的最新近况 Updates about Wang Lai:

26/05/2014: 不知大家还记得旺来吗?三年前被罗里司机特意撞造成嘴巴当场爆裂之后又因破伤风病菌差点性命不保。
Wondering you all still remember Wang Lai? Three years ago, he being hit purposely by lorry and cause his mouth injured badly. After that, he infected tetanus germs and almost dead because of it.

Currently, he is already in our new shelter. Everyday, he following our building workers and became they partner and body guard. Doggies are always so caring and loyalty.

Although cats and dogs are not human beings, but not only humans are living beings. We should respect all living beings, they deserved it. You might not love them, but please do not hurt them…

*For more details about Wang Lai , you may visit the link at:

We would like to thank you again for your generosity

We would like to thank you again for your generosity! As of 15th May, HOPE has successfully raised RM15,000! We have already put a portion of the funds into feeding the animals and of course, paying back what we have owed to the dog food supplier, easing the debts temporarily.

HOPE’s major monthly expenses include the following: -
1. Food for more than 1500 cats and dogs, estimated at RM40,000 monthly
2. Vaccination
3. Medical Fees
4. Construction costs for the new shelter

The above totals up to RM80,000 expenses a month. All these have put HOPE into a very difficult financial situation, very often resulting to not having enough food for the animals and for a few times, we actually face the risk of not being able to buy food at all! At the moment, we are in debt (to the dog food supplier) of about RM100,000. It is only with your generosity, we are able to pull through these obstacles time and time again.

Where there is life, there is hope – this is why HOPE exists. Of course we know that this is a black hole but we are not giving up yet, we treat the animals as members of our family, we believe if there’s love, there’s hope.

We are desperately in need of financial support to clear some of our debts. We also need bricks, sand/gravel and tiles to help build a new shelter for our family. We hope that you can continue to support us at HOPE, by providing us not only moral support, also monetary support or even by donating materials. Your support is what keeps us going.

If you are willing to sponsor building materials to help us build the new shelter, please contact us at: 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG)

If you are willing to help us, please donate through the follow channels:
ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
Online Donations:
Paypal Account:

**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at**


我们再次衷心感谢您的慷慨解囊! 截至5月15日为止,希望护生园共募集了RM15,000的善款。我们已将这笔善款用作动物们的粮食费用,偿还给狗粮公司,暂时解决燃眉之急。

1. 1500多只猫狗的粮食费用(每月估计4万令吉)
2. 定期疫苗注射费
3. 医药费
4. 新收容所的建设费

总计以上开销,希望护生园每月的花费约为8万令吉。 一笔笔沉重的经济负担令我们一次又一次面临断粮的风险。目前,我们已拖欠狗粮公司超过10万令吉的费用尚未偿还。唯有您的慷慨捐献,才能让我们度过每一次的难关。




如果您愿意捐助新收容所的建筑材料,可通过以下方式与我们联系:012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG)

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations:
Paypal Account:

**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 **

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Ah Ken

You will never know in this life, how it feels to be abandoned and become a stray dog, living in fear, panic, clueless and helpless every single day. They are so afraid to get bitten up by people or being chased away with a stick or stone.

Ah Ken被发现遗弃在大街上,瘦弱饥饿过度眼神更流露无助失落…
Ah Ken had walked many streets searching desperately for the friendly faces of his people he once called family. Everything looked unfamiliar but yet they were strangely the same. Bright street lights assaulted him on his lonely trek, zooming cars whizzed past him and countless angry screaming people hurled stones as he approached. All this made him extremely frightened and confused! It wasn't long ago when things were so much different! He looks very weak and skinny due to excessive hunger.

一名常期喂食流浪狗的善心人士近期发现他,也肯定Ah Ken是被抛弃,Ah Ken非常友善,为何主人会将他抛弃呢?唯一原因就是“狗老珠黄”需照顾和需花费医疗,索性丢弃,这是一条生命怎么能就这样丢了呢?
One kind soul who used to feed the strays noticed that Ah Ken appeared lately and was sure it was being abandoned. He realized that Ah Ken was a very friendly dog but why did the owner abandoned him. The only reason is that he is old and weak which need lots of care and attention, no need to mention the high medical fees that they need to be spend on him. Therefore, the owner would rather abandon him to get rid of all the troubles. How can a life can be abandoned just like that with such an irresponsible action?

经兽医诊断Ah Ken严重营养不良应该估计已有一段日子没获得良好照顾导致,目前必需补充身体所需的医疗他才能渐渐回复健康的身子。
The vet diagnosed that Ah Ken was in a very serious malnutrition situation and emaciated which they reckon that he had not been well taken care of for quite some time. Therefore, Ah Ken has to recuperate by taking many types of medication for him to get well.

Please join us and take up the responsibility as a responsible pet owner. The minute we brought our furry kids into our life, they had become part of our family and we also had become their one and only. They are forever our friends, family members and soul mates. So, please do not leave or abandon them, take good care of them till their very last breath.

我们希望能得到您的帮助,帮助无助的Ah Ken度过这段艰难的日子,有您的支持将让我们坚持下去我们所做的一切,谢谢。
We hope to receive all kind of helping hands for Ah Ken to go through his toughest time. It is your loving support and help that keep us going what we are doing to help all furry kids. A million Thanks to all.

Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

Paypal Account:

**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 **
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at**

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

'I Love Mongrel' Adoption Day Special - one day only (25th May 2014)

 'I Love Mongrel' Adoption Day Special - one day only (25th May 2014)
Basic Grooming or Shave Down at RM35 only.
Inclusive of: Bathing, nail clipping and ear cleaning.
**Only for small breed dog only.
Do not include of special hair cut.
Time: 11am - 6pm

Sponsored by:
My Grooming Room
31,jalan austin perdana 3/8. Taman austin perdana 81100 (Second floor)

Please do come & support us.
RM25 of the proceed will be donated to HOPE.

我们的流浪动物领养日又来了!! 于2014年5月25号 (星期日) 上午11点至5点在位于3/8 TAMAN AUSTIN PERDANA 的THATS ANIMAL CENTRE前进行。
电话:012-716 7123 (Iris Leong)

We, HOPE shelter will be having our outdoor adoption drive on the 25 May 2014, Sunday in front of THATS ANIMAL CENTRE, located at3/8 TAMAN AUSTIN PERDANA from 11am-5pm!
Tel No: 012-716 7123 (Iris Leong)
More event details:

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Celest

This is Celest, a 2 months old puppy that was found by a lady lying in the bush. Both of her hind legs were trapped by a type of plant which prevented her from moving and most probably she was trapped at the same spot for few days.

After the consultation from the vet, we believed that both of her hind legs were probably hit by a vehicle. Then, she got herself trapped up which causes a lymph formed on her hind legs. Celest has lost her ability to defecate and urine by herself. The worst part of all is that both of her hind legs were badly fracture and bendy which need a longer period of time to get recover. Fortunately, Celest was saved just before the injuries got worst.

We predicted that Celest might have lost her way with her mother but the search around the area show no sight of her mother. So Celest could be probably been adopted and being dumped out by her owner for her to live on her own.

Human's easiest way to end a problem..... ABANDONMENT?? Abandoning your pet when problems shows up is a very irresponsible and coward behavior.

将宠物遗弃在街上,让他们成为流浪动物。然而您这么做,只会让他们的处境变成很危险;这也是他们的一种残酷的折磨。只要我们不改变我们的思想与太多, 遗弃宠物的事件会一再重演。
Give it a little thought - when you treat your pet as your child, would you ever abandon him/her when he/she needs you most? You're just bringing them danger and torturing them for releasing them back to the streets. Pets abandonment will continue as long as humans bear the wrong attitude.

我们是唯一能喝止这类事件的主要关键。 请大家多多分享。 现在, 我们正为她筹募医药费; 以便能让她继续接受治疗一直到病好为止。 捐款数额不拘; 倘若您能助养她,我们更是感激不敬。感恩大家。谢谢!
We are the ones who can STOP animal abuse and abandonment. Do your part to share. We kindly seek your help in helping us fund her medical bills, but for sure she is already undergoing treatment regardless of what might follow. Any amount will be appreciated and if you can help foster, we will be most grateful. Thank you!

Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

Paypal Account:

**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 **
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at**

急需猫粮与狗粮!!! DOG AND CAT FOOD NEEDED!!! May 2014


Times flies, it's the month 2014 of May.... and we're in need of dog and cat food for our shelter animals. The food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter.

现只需RM206就能捐赠3包15kg的狗粮给流浪动物们, 一份捐助 = 一份希望....谢谢大家
With just RM206 you can now donate 3bags of 15kg dog foods to the shelter animals. Your contribution could make a difference in their life, Thank you..

我们目前有超过1500++多只的流浪猫狗,尤其狗狗的食物消耗量非常惊人,我们一天内就需消耗45包15kg的狗粮,一个月就需消耗大概1395包15kg的狗粮! 一个月单单食粮就得花费超过四万块,食物是他们最基本的需求,而我们的团体无时无刻都在头疼着这笔庞大的开销,但是如果每一个人每一个月都愿意捐赠一包15kg的狗饼,我们的负担会减轻很多也可以有能力做更多的事...请大家伸出援手,一同为流浪动物出一份力!
We are currently sheltering over 1500++ homeless cats and dogs, we need a total of 45 bags of 15kg dog foods now to feed our doggies per day, a total of 1395 bags of 15kg dog foods/month! We have to spend over RM40k per month for the expenses of food itself. Food is the basic needs of animals, our team is working really hard to get enough funds to cover the huge expenditure. BUT if each of you is willing to donate at least 1 bag of 15kg dog food per month, it can ease our burden and enable us to have more ability to do more for homeless animals, please help us to continue say “YES” to animals who need our help!

Kindly refer to the link below on how you can contribute. Thank you.

Alternatively, you may also bank in to our society Maybank Account so that we can purchase the dog food from the suppliers.
To contribute:
Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
户口号码 Maybank Account: 5012-0808-5710

** You are also able to be our monthly dog food sponsor by signing up our “Food Sponsorship Progamme” at our official website to do monthly sponsorship through secure credit card auto debit system. For just RM103 per month, you can provide enough food for the rest of their lives.

**备注: 许多网友和访客问我们为何不自己煮食给护生园内的狗狗猫猫,因为这比较经济,在此我们想说明以下几点为护生园喂食狗粮和猫粮的原因:
1. 依据护生园现有的环境和状况缺乏水电供应导致护生园内不适合煮食
2. 护生园庞大的猫狗数量高达逾1500多只,倘若一天煮食2餐将导致工人负荷不来剧增的工作量
3. 隔夜或剩余的熟食容易引来苍蝇等昆虫,这将导致护生园内的卫生恶化并且带来更多的猫狗健康问题
4. 狗粮猫粮比起米饭来得更有营养价值和成分

**Remark: Many would ask why don't we cook for our dogs and cats as it is much cheaper and economical.
1. As our current shelter does not have electricity and water supply, it would be hard for us to cook for the animals.
2. It would be time consuming for our workers to cook for over 1500 animals twice a day.
3. Leftover rice and chicken will easily attract flies to come and it is not very hygienic too.
4. Dog food are more nutritious compare to rice.

**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at**
**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 **

Monday, May 12, 2014

粮食+债务危机 (Food Supply + Debt Crisis)

(Food Supply + Debt Crisis)

We urgently needed to raise funds for the payment to dog food suppliers.

我们希望护生园已经拖欠狗粮供应商高达马币十七万零二十三元九十仙 (RM 170, 023.90) 的半年狗粮费用,然而供应商也无法让我们继续拖欠下去。所以我们必须至少缴付一部分的欠款与供应商,否者供应商便会即刻停止我们希望护生园的狗粮供应。
HOPE has owed dog food suppliers up to (RM 170, 023.90) for cost of half year dog food supply, but suppliers are not going to let us continue in arrears. So we have to pay at least part of the debt with suppliers, if not suppliers will instantly stop providing us with dog food.

我们每月大约能筹集到三万至四万令吉(RM 30,000-40,000)。然而我们必须将一半的募款约一万五千至二万令吉 (RM 15,000-20,000) 用于狗儿的结扎/医疗费用(其中包括帮忙结扎流浪狗的费用),有时我们还得为一些自私自利的狗主人承担他们爱犬的结扎费用/医疗费用。所以我们只能将扣除狗儿结扎医疗费用后的余款用于缴付每月大约四万令吉 (RM 40,000.00) 的狗粮开销。 如今我们还得筹建新狗场,这让我们已经有些有心无力。 然而狗粮供应商捎来的坏消息无比让我们雪上加霜。
We can raise about RM30,000 to RM40,000 a month. However, about half the raised fund (RM 15,000-20,000) must be used for the dogs spaying / medical costs (including the cost for spaying the stray dog); sometimes we have to bear the cost of their dog spaying / medical expenses for some of selfish dog owners. So we can only have the remaining balance about RM40, 000 monthly for the cost of dog food. And some more we are going to build the new shelter; we are now felt very helpless. And the bad news from dog food suppliers let us felt worse

Everyone can imagine, after we run out of food, the miserable situation more than a thousand of dog without food. We can only be described as appalling conditions without food after.

We hope everyone can give your helping hands to in order in order to help us to solve the urgent needs.

Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

Paypal Account:

**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 **
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at**

H.O.P.E In Pet World Malaysia '2014

  • Jun 27 at 10:00am to Jun 29 at 9:00pm

  • Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (MVEC)
Pet World Malaysia 2014 快来噜!! 今年希望护生园将参与这项年度盛事!
快来出席这项在吉隆玻Mid Valley Exhibition Centrel举办的年度宠物展,这场活动也获得动物保护团体,社团及政府的支持,快来参与其中感受一下被动物包围的美好滋味!!

Pet World Malaysia 2014 is coming real soon and H.O.P.E is joining them this year!
Visit this only Pets & Aquatics Expo in KL, Malaysia, this is an annual event.
The event is supported by NGO, association and government and there are many more fun programmes and activities!!

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Pontian

Her body was covered with full of ticks. Her fur was badly matted and smelly. Her extremely bad body condition almost caused her to be killed by some uncompassionate people who wanted to report her to the dog's catcher.

Her name is Pontian. A man, upon seeing the ticks on her body, screamed and threatened to report her to the dog catchers. Everyone advised him not to report as the dog catchers normally kill the dog, but the man cruelly replied, "kill her then!"

When we arrived, Pontian was not ferocious as described; rather, she was timid and fearful of humans. We can understand the insecurity Pontian is currently feeling but we do believe she knows she is being rescued now. We observed that this may be due to her cruel treatment received by humans over her past many difficult years. We successfully rescued her from death. Pontian left her past life of constant evasion from humans who threatened to kill her.

We would like to say that it isn't merely humans who have the right to lives. A life to any living being is important. We do not have the right to take another's life; nor a dog's life either. If Pontian was really beaten to death, we are sure that the culprit would be the man who report her.

Whatever you do, put yourself in another's shoes. Be kind to animals and care for their lives. Even if you do not like them, please do not harm and hurt them.

We have to remind ourselves constantly and tell friends and supporters of HOPE is always our topmost priority as we have to ensure the thousand over animals are adequately provided for but for sterilization work and rescue cases, we will always try our best to take them on within our means.

Pontian will be up for adoption once she has fully recovered. We hope to get your help to help poor Pontian goes through this tough period and we strongly believe she can have quality of life too! Your support keeps us going.

Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

Paypal Account:

**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 **
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at**



10/07/2014: Pontian的最新近况 Updates about Pontian:

Wondering, do you all still remember Pontian? The dog, who with a lot of fleas , hair knotted and a stinky body.

During that time, just because a guy, who found out that a lot of fleas were get into his house from Pontian's body. Thus, he would like to report and call dog catcher to kill pontian.

Fortunately, our volunteer able to save Pontian from the hell. With our love and care, Pontian’s look much more better than before; not longer smelly, no knotted hair and no more fleas. She is totally different right now.

We hereby would like to thanks everyone on behalf of Pontian. Your donation and pray had make a meaningful reborn life for Pontian.

We unable to feel how suffering of stray dogs with fleas and a smelly body. They unable to get rid on it. A simple complain call may cause them lost their valuable life.

Life should be fair, valuable and priceless. Fur-kids only able to live happiness with us, if we are willing to give them a chance to live.

Treasure life, no matter how tough it gets, don’t give up. For those who care about Pontian, please join us in changing her future, you can help by committing to a monthly sponsorship. You might question where this will take you, but please remember, without your help, these dogs’ lives will not be complete. With love, we keep the H.O.P.E. alive. Thank you very much!

If you are interested to Pontian participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
或 Or
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor:

The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.

*For more details about Pontian, you may visit the link at: