Friday, November 15, 2013

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Rott

Why you abandoned me cruelly instead of bring me for medical treatment when I get sick?

A kind hearted lady found a serious injured Rottweiler being abandoned in front of a restaurant near Senai, Johor Bahru. At that moment, this doggie dying and lying on ground. There is a big tumour at his neck and his backside is ulcerated badly. Immediately, the lady and our volunteer bring the dog to veterinarian for medical check and treatment.

我们为他取了个名字Rott,兽医估计Rott应该是上了年纪的老狗,兽医也抽取Rott颈部的肿瘤送去化验,报告必需要一个星期才有结果, 要等报告出来才知道肿瘤属于良性或是恶性又或者是可能已成癌症!
We named him Rott. The vet estimates he is an aged dog. He took the tumour sample for assay and told us that the report expected to be done in a week time. At that time we only can determine whether the tumour is either benign or malignant or it is already deteriorated to become cancer.

We believe that Rott is being abandoned by his cruel owner. Because we found him, he is with the necklace from his owner. Obviously, he is being abandoned because he got sick.

Recently, there are a lot of doggies being abandoned due to variant of reasons. We can not understand why the people can spend few thousand to bring them home. But abandon them whenever they get sick instead of bring them for medical treatment. Once you have them as pets, you should take the responsibility to take good care on them. You should give them your best effort to care and love whenever they get sick. If you choose to dump them away, it is just equal to kill them.

请大家一起为Rott祈祷,希望报告结果出来会没事, Rott您放心,现在您不会被离弃了,这里有好多朋友为您加油打气,您要好好的活下去证明给您的前主人看,您会好起来的!
Let’s pray together for Rott. Wish the report is bringing us the good news. No worry Rott, you are no longer alone. At here, we do have a lot of good friend cheering for you. You must get well soon and prove to your ex-owner, you will get well with the treatment.

We sincerely hope that enthusiastic people can sponsor and give us a hand on Rott’s medical treatment fees. Big thanks to everyone that willing to give us a hand. The donation methods can refer to the following.

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

每月助养计划 / Sponsorship Programme:

Paypal Account:


10/12/2013: Rott的最新近况 Updates about Rott:

The report from the lab showed the tumor in Rott’s neck is Hemangioma. With the surgery, it had been removed. Currently, he is staying in our shelter’s isolated area for recovery.

Fortunately, the tumor is benign vascular tumor. Therefore, he needs to take medicine daily to control the disease.

Due to he is aged doggie, he need a great courage to be strong for all of this war. Rott, you have to be strong!!..

At here, we sincerely thank everyone that gave a hand to Rott, and we believe he will get better very soon. We wish you all can continue your support and love to Rott. Thank you very much!!


27/01/2014: Rott的最新近况 Updates about Rott:

Unfortunately, the hemangioma on Rott relapses again. Due to he is a aged dog, another surgery on him will be very high risk. Therefore we chose not to have anymore surgery on him. Luckily it is benign hemangioma. It can be control by medicine and regular referral.

We wish he will gets better and recover from this serious sickness. Rott, you have to be strong because we all love you so much and supporting you at the back.

Recall his catastrophe, he being abandoned due to he is getting old. We wish all the owners can take their responsibilities to take care of their dogs whenever they get sick or aged. Should take them for proper medication instead of abandon them and leave them die at roadside.

请别停止对Rott的帮助和关爱,您可以继续的帮助Rott的医疗和生活费用,您的爱和善款将为Rott继续维持他的新生活的篇章! 谢谢您!!
Please do not stop your supports and helps to Rott. You still can give us a hand on his medication fees and living expenses. Your love and support to him and bring a new chapter of life to him. Thanks!!

Our family members are increasing more and more; we really need help from public to sponsor our babies in this big family. Are you willing to be the monthly sponsor for Rott? With trivial amount of RM50 per month, you would be able to help us to undertake part of his provision’s fee, the cost of monthly de-worming and other necessary medication fee. Let’s give a better tomorrow for Rott, a tomorrow which is filled with HOPE!

If you are interested to participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
或 Or
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor:

The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.



Our dear child Rott has recently passed away peacefully at H.O.P.E. We wish him well on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, leading a healthy life, carefree, disease-free and painless.

Rott——— 一只于去年被护生园义工救援的洛威乐名犬。当时,他的屁股严重溃烂,颈部有颗大囊肿,奄奄一息。Rott的颈圈还系在脖子上,很大可能是因为生病而被主人狠心抛弃,最终流浪街头,无家可归。
Rott— a Rottweiler saved by our volunteers last year. When he was rescued, his bottom was seriously festered; on top of that, a large cyst on his neck, he was dying. Rott’s collar was also tied to his neck, it was obvious that he was abandoned for his illness by his cold blooded owner, and ultimately ended up on the street, homeless.

Fortunately, after a the vet has run tests, the cyst was hemangioma, not cancer. After being treated, Rott spent the last stages of his life in H.O.P.E, with the company of Aunty Jia Jia, the volunteers and workers, and all other fur kids.

Rott has gone, peacefully. Leaving behind so much good memory for us to cherish, we will keep these precious memories in our hearts.

Rott, don’t worry, just make your way to the other end of the rainbow bridge, for that freedom and have all the fun with all the other fur kids up there.

We will always miss you.

*For more details about Rott, you may visit the link at:

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