Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Unethical assumption......... Where is their morality?

Prudent Declaration: Recently, we noticed an initialed ‘C’ animal rescue organization had posted an inadequate assumption on their FB’s page. The assumption had pointed directly to HOPE is ‘selling’ on our procedure of adoption or even 'selling' our dogs and cats. They claimed that 'many dog owners' who surrender their pets to HOPE are unhappy that their pet are sold off without their knowledge". This is totally ridiculous. We always believe that a pet needs a home, that's why we always encourage people to adopt rather than buy. We don't sell pets and we definitely informed or announced it whenever there's a pet being adopted. They even appeal public to stop making monthly donation to HOPE! There’s a Ms J also ridiculed HOPE is doing trading but not charity! She even claimed that "our marketing department are expert in publicity" which we don't even know that we have one. We are fully depending on volunteers to help on our work. This is not our first time we had come across to such rumors.(That particular web page had being Print Screen for filling purpose as well as future evidence.)

First of all, to public we have to voice out and make this prudent declaration: ‘Compassion even though is priceless, but it needs monetary to build up too!’ Average perday, rescue requests either from internet or calls are more than 10. If HOPE was going to rescue every single request, can you imagine how many stray cats and dogs are being rescued after a year? Let’s make an assumption of one dog or cat per request. Can you get the total number of strays to be rescue per year? But what if the request is having a bunch of puppies or kittens? That will be an astonishing figure!This is one of the main reason why are we unable to rescue all of the cases. Furthermore, there are lots of ‘reporters’ calls without provide any help. They just call and report whenever there’s a stray who looks very pitiful and insist HOPE to bring them away. That’s it! But does our rescue mission looks as simple as this?Firstly, we are not GPS locator, we couldn't easily find the location by an unclear instruction or direction of address. If we happened to find the location, but animal would not just stay at that place only. They would move around to search for food or even for shelter. Some of the stray is vigilant to human which is not easy to get close. Some of them is very aggressive and may even attack! Rescuer will be in a dangerous position without knowing any details. We need cooperation from someone who is more familiar with the actual situation.

Our second issue will be on the medical issue. All rescued cats or dogs have to undergo medical checkup and treatment to check if there’s any diseases on them. Basic medical treatments will be the anti flea treatment, de-worming, vaccination and spay/neuter surgery. Critical cases will be emaciated wound’s treatment and X’ray for the whole body too. Most of the stray animals are prompt to have sexual infection. This is one of the most costly disease and also needed a lot of care.

The following will be the sheltering or fostering issue. Every new comer will need to be quarantine for at least 2 – 3 month as an observation period for sickness. If there’s any sickness detected, another sum of medical expenses had to be spend and longer quarantine period are needed. Thus, another space will be occupied. Currently, our shelter space is not more than 1 acre’s and is already being congested with more than 700 cats and dogs, the space really comes to its utmost limit. How about the funds for their food? All the animals need to eat every day. Where do these food comes from? Our operating funds is about RM30,000 per month, there are pinch of them promised to donate regularly on monthly basis, but it usually ended up to be louder words than action… We can’t run on the risk of facing emptiness of food for our sheltering cats and dogs at any time.

At this point of time, we had just touched about medical fund and food fund. We haven’t mentioned about the vaccination for each and every cat and dog needed yearly and also daily medicine or supplement needed.Upcoming will be the issue of our adoption procedure which is being ridiculed by someone. Basically, HOPE will vaccine and spay/neuter all of our cats and dogs. Most of the adopter prefer to adopt young age puppy/kitten. Puppy/kitten needs at last 3 jabs of vaccination (10 in 1) and so do the spay/neuter surgery. These are meant well for the cats and dogs health which are being adopted. Vaccination is to prevent sickness as spay/neuter is to prevent pregnancy and continuous propagate. Additionally it prevents sexual organ’s pathological changes at their old age. Our current adoption fee is RM350 compared to current market rate of veterinary charges; the veterinary charges wouldn’t be lesser than our adoption fee. HOPE is hoping by doing so is to ensure all our adopted cat/dog will grow healthily and to avoid the pain of giving birth. HOPE is just fulfilling our responsibility to the society. Adoption fee is hoping the adopter to bear his responsibility. Is this called money making? Our society now is very realistic, every single thing needs money. Even though we are an animal welfare organization, but all of our operating funds have to come from public’s generous donations and it will be 100% used for all the dogs and cats in our shelter.

Thus, we sincerely hope that public will understand our situation and please don’t simply give prejudice to our organization or any sincere animal rescue organization. If you have any doubts, please do make a trip to the organization that you are doubt with. Because seeing is believing! Only by personal real experience then only you can make judgments without prejudice! We always believe that every charity organizations are there to help the needed.

近日,我们在某个“C”动物救援组织的FB Page上看到一则帖子,帖子上已经指名道姓说希望护生园在领养程序上是在“售卖”。并呼吁停止每月捐助希望护生园。还有一位J小姐调侃是在做生意而不是在做慈善。这个已经不是第一次听到这个类似的流言蜚语。
(该网站页面我们已经Print Screen存档了,方便日后举证,在有必要的时候公开!)
这就是希望护生园拒绝的原因之一。再来通常许多求援电话都是作为“举报者”,完全不给于任何协助。只是通知某某地点的流浪狗猫很可怜,盼望希望护生 园带走,就这样。这个问题似乎没什么?其实问题在于,首先希望护生园不是卫星导航系统,说说一个地址就能找得到地点。就算找到了地点,动物是活的,会移动 的。还有这些流浪在外的猫狗都对人有警惕心,不容易接近的,有些甚至是有攻击性。来救援者不了解情况是很危险的,需要当地人配合的。
再来就是收容问题,每一只新进来的都必须隔离至少2至3个月,来观察有没有病发的情况,若病发又是一笔医疗费用和更长时间的隔离与占据隔离空间。目 前占地不到1英亩的空间已经收容超过700只狗与猫,实在空间有限。粮食费呢?目前每月快接近三万令吉。有者承诺说会每月月捐,但是绝大多数往往之后是不 了了之…我们不能冒着狗儿们分分钟钟断粮的危机。到目前为止,只谈到医疗费与粮食费用。还没有说到每一年每一只猫狗都需要施打疫苗针和日常的医疗药品。
接下来,要谈的是被有心人士调侃的“领养”程序。基本上希望护生园都会为所有的狗和猫做疫苗与结扎。因为绝大多数欲领养的人选择都是幼龄犬。所以基 本幼龄犬需要施打三支疫苗针(10 in 1)与结扎手术。这些都是为了被领养出去的狗的健康着想。疫苗是预防疾病,结扎是避免生育繁衍的麻烦与老年生殖器官病变。领养收费目前是马币350令吉, 市面上兽医看诊的收费绝不会少过领养费。领养费绝不是狗的价码,是医疗费用。希望护生园只是希望确保被领养出去的狗狗是健康成长,免去日后生育之苦。就算 有朝一日,主人因种种原因抛弃了它,它流浪在外也不会造成在外繁衍后代造成社会的负担。希望护生园只是在做一个社会责任工作。领养费不过是希望领养人承担 自己的责任。套用一个智者告诉我们的一句话:“要免费,街边有,疾病风险自己承担!”
请问是在赚钱吗?社会是现实的,希望护生园虽说是慈善机构,但是一切营运费用都需要大众慷慨解囊协助。所以,大家必须了解这点。千万别对希望护生园 和那些真心的救援组织有所偏见。如果有任何疑问,请亲自前往你所不了解的救援组织一趟。只有眼见为凭!只有真正实地了解才能下判断!

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