Tuesday, October 23, 2012

R.I.P We'll always miss you Ah Bek 安息吧 我们永远怀念您Ah Bek

希望护生园的元老级老狗Ah Bek于今天下午在收容所内安详离世...让我们祝愿他在彩虹桥的另一端快乐的活着。
Ah Bek用他的坚强在希望护生园走完了他的一生.R.I.P我们永远怀念您…

HOPE’s veteran elderly dog Ah Bek had passed away peacefully in our shelter on today’s noon... Let’s send our last wishes for him to run freely an happily on the rainbow bridge…
Ah Bek uses his best toughness to finish the last step of his life in HOPE. R.I.P. Ah Bek. We will be missing you always… :’(

以下是关于Ah Bek的故事!

女 孩走向前一看之下从阿Bek身上看不到狗狗应有的毛发,再细看之下他的屁部有几个好大的伤口,整个伤口就快爆开了还流了好多好多血,可以想像那是多么的痛 苦!当嘉嘉阿姨她们到来之后一抱起了阿Bek,他连最基本的挣扎之力都没有了,如果死神的到来,他也无力对抗死神只能任由死神把他带走的恶运!
当时经过几个月的治疗Ah Bek的伤口已康复也长出原本身上就该有的毛发,更开心的就是看到Ah Bek高心的在护生园里自由跑动,Ah Bek也健康并开始在护生园过完他人生的最后路程。
希望更多有养狗的主人们不要到了狗狗老或是病重时候放弃了他, 因为他们和我们人类一样老了和病重的时候都非常需要关爱和最需要我们的照顾 只要用心付出爱,他们一样可以像Ah Bek勇敢的生存下来!

Below is the life story for Ah Bek.
August 2011, Ah Bek was discovered by a kind hearted girl who used to feed stray dogs in a desolate house. Ah Bek was found lying on the stair case without moving at all. The girl can’t even saw any furs on Ah Bek’s body. When the girl gets closer to had a closer look at Ah Bek, she notices his butt was having few severe wounds with lots of bleeding. She couldn’t imagine how painful it was. When aunty Jiajia’s rescue team arrived for rescue, Ah Bek was being carried up without struggle. His was not having any energy to move or even struggle at all. If the king of terror was there to take
Ah Bek’s life, his will definitely had no ability to fight against him.
We are stranged that there’s a doglead on Ah Bek’s neck. As he was a very old dog, was he being abundant? Was he being ‘set free’ to run its own course without interference? The most unpredictable was what are the causes for the wounds on his body? Being beaten inhumanity? Maybe we shouldn’t think too much, the assumptions will only upset us by why humans were so heartless bear to hurt these old and weak animals?
That time’s Ah Bek doesn’t even had any energy to stand nor search around for meals. He was firstly out of food and secondly without any medical treatment, can he able to survive?
After few months treatment, his wounds were healing well and his body finally grew out furs that his body suppose to has. Most heart warmed, Ah Bek adapting well in the shelter and running happily and freely in the shelter. Ah Bek had completed his chapter of life healthily and happily in HOPE’s shelter.
Hereby, we sincerely urged all pet owner not to abundant your pets on their old age or sick. Pets are just like humans, in need of loves, cares and somebody to look after when we are old or sick. They are able to survive and live well just like Ah Bek, if you are willing to give them a chance and show your loves and cares to them.

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