Friday, August 30, 2013

我们永远都怀念您Mani宝贝 We will miss you forever, our baby Mani.

Our precious baby Mani has departed on the afternoon of the 25th August 2013 due to a heart attack. We hereby wish him a healthy and happy after life on the other side of the rainbow.

Mani是一年前嘉嘉阿姨在兽医所发现,Mani和他的兄弟Pani两个因为患有严重皮肤病正被主人安排进行安乐死! 您们能想象吗?就因皮肤病就将他们安乐! 当时他们只不过是一岁多的小孩啊!
Jia Jia Aunty rescued Mani from the vet about a year ago when he and a couple of his brothers Pani were being arranged to be euthanized because of their severe skin condition. Can you imagine that? They were meant to be killed because they have skin diseases. And they were only a little over one years of age!

The vet found that there were two sets of reproductive organs, that was caused by inbreeding. To top it off, he had heart condition as well.

Mani spent his last happy days in HOPE safely. During his time here he was happy and playful. Everytime we walked into the compound he would greet us with so much joy.

We would like to once again remind pet owners, please do not abandon them when they get old or sick or simply not cute any more!
Having a pet is a life long commitment, you have to take care of it and protect it for the rest of its life.

Rest in peace, Mani, and continue your journey as a happy little angel in this other world. We will miss you forever, our baby Mani.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013









Please do not dump me away just because I am sick.

Please do not dump me away just because I am sick.

Botak is a mixed breed Pitbull. When he was found, we saw the top of his head is ulcerated and almost dying near a hawker centre. Is it due to his sickness, his owner dump him just because they're not willing to pay the medical treatment fees?

When we first saw him we thought that he's an old dog but the vet told us that he's just 1 year plus. After the medical inspection, the vet found out that he's not only had rankled on top of his head and skin disease, but also having diarrhea for more than a week.

After two months of treatment, now Botak is a very handsome child.

At here, we would like to advise those that wish to have dogs as pets. Please do not purchase a pet just because you felt they are cute while they still young and on impulse of interest. And when they get sick, you just dump them away like Botak. Having a dog as a pet is a lifetime commitment. We can have few pets at the same time, but dogs can just have an owner in their lifetime.

Therefore, we should keep the responsibility and take care of them till the end of their life. When they get sick, we should take care of them more than ever because they need us more than anything.

We hope that your support for Botak continues, and hope that one of you can become his foster family until he finds his forever home. Or even better if you could give him a forever loving home! Thank you very much!

Thank you for supporting The Story of Smart (Ming Ming) charity movie

Dear all HOPE friends and supporters,
Thank you for supporting The Story of Smart (Ming Ming) charity movie. To all our friends who bought the tickets - we thank you for your constantly ongoing support towards our cause. Even though there's some technical issues arose, we hope you that you enjoyed the movie. After the movie, we hope that many of you would be more appreciative towards your dogs. They bring you love and unconditional loyalty. They deserve to have that returned to them by an owner that loves them just as much. We will always be responsibile towards our pets that are very much part of our daily lives. If you do have a dog at home, do remember that you are the world to him/her, and you are very much obliged to take care of them for the rest of their lives. Thank you for joining us once again, for this charity premiere. We look forward to seeing you soon at our future events.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Golber

(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)

可是经过X-Ray的检验,狗狗因为掉落六尺高的沟渠导致它的脊髓骨严重断裂,它永远都不能再站起来了。我们为它取名GOLBER,GOLBER 是只很坚强的毛孩。在治疗当儿,由于GOLBER伤势太过严重,我们有好几次被告知要做好心理准备。

银行汇款: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
Paypal 户口:

We received a call from Malay women to rescue 1 year old stray dog on 22 July. The dog had seriously injured hit by car and pulled him some distance away. After the accident, he falls down to the 6 meter ditch. The driver never stops when he/she was hit the dog. When we rescued him from ditch, we found he got serious wound on his backside. We send him go to vet see doctor immediately to save his life. Finally, he is safety now but his X-ray picture shows his spine bone broken, he can’t stand up anymore. We give him a name, called GOLBER, a strong fur kid. When doing medical treatment, numbers of time doctor reminds us he may not able survive. Therefore, he passed all the dangerous period. We believe he can keep alive and his spirit encourage us don’t give up him. At the same time, medical and boarding expense increased to RM900. We hope that you can make donation to GOLBER for support his medical and daily expenses; give GOLBER has a happiness future stay inside shelter.

ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
Online Donations:
Paypal Account:


(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)


04/09/2013:Updates about Golber:
Currently, our child Golber is foster care in our volunteer’s home. The wound on his body have been gradually healed. At the same time, he is getting more energetic recently. We wish his condition will be getting better and better.
Before this, Golber injured badly and cause the spinal cord broken. The veterinarian estimated his injury will lead to his both legs unable to move although recover. We will irregular upload the status message of Golber.
At here, we would like to thanks everyone that had donated and help Golber before. The love you all gave to Golber, is bringing hopes to him. Thank you very much……


04/02/2014: Golber的最新近况 Updates about Golber:

Sad news fell on poor Golber, Golber’s paralyzed legs began to shrink, and Golber has bowel incontinence afterwards, He will need help from workers in order for smooth discharge of stool!

Previously Golber big wound has healed, but Golber now is very weak and thin, we really felt sad for him…

We sincerely hope that Golber conditions will become better, Come on Golber to refuel, have more courageous fight on!!

请停止对动物的虐待和伤害 Please stop animal cruelty


THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE, Please stop animal cruelty!
Most strays are homeless from the day they were born, it is never easy to get by as a stray. We cannot understand why there are so many cold blooded people that would want to abuse them and add to their misery.
Stray Animals have feeling too, all they want is just a meal and a shelter. If you do not love them, please at least DON'T hurt them!

1) Ranger:
2) Cameron:
3) Pika:
4) Fortune:
5) Heidi:
6) Da Huang:
7) Bibo:
8.) Auser:

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Emma

Emma need you help!!
(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)

经过几天的努力,我们的义工与通知者合作,这只可怜宝贝终于在今天(25/7)救起。它是一只长毛混种犬。已经流浪在古来大街好一段日子了。 救援之后,给了个名叫Emma.我们稍微检查了它的身体。外观来看,是没有什么伤,只是尾部阴道部位有些溃烂,确认它是得了性病。性病是一个首尾长的医疗疗程。体内状况就还不能确认,有待医生检查。 阴道溃烂(性病),是通过不断的与不同的异性交配交叉感染而致。这些都是可以避免的疾病,除了避免放养式与来历不明的异性交配。最好的方法就是做结扎手术,这样就能避免因为生理需要而不断进行交配而感染此症。 目前它的医疗需要施打化疗针,一支化疗针费用非常昂贵(整百令吉)。疗程需要4支左右,药物和住院。还要加上基本的疫苗与结扎费,都是一笔可观的费用。需要大家的帮忙

Finally, we rescued Emma today after few days follow up. She is long hair mixed breed dog and wandering on the street a period of time in Kulai. Her name is Emma. We found out she had a venereal disease problem. Other health problem needs to be confirmed by doctor after checkup. When dog get a venereal disease, a long term medical treatment will be needed. The disease comes from cross mating with different male dogs. It can prevent by neuter, sterilize and owner not allow dog hang around at outside. Meanwhile, Emma needs to do 4 time chemotherapy injection for whole medical process. Because of expensive chemotherapy injection (RM100+ per injection), we need your help support her medical expenses. Moreover is vaccination and sterilize medical fees for Emma.


31/07/2013:Updated news: Emma return visit doctor today, her transmissible venereal tumor has been reduced. She was completed 2nd chemotherapy injection. Thank you everyone concern and support Emma. Here is recent Emma photo taken by volunteer:

31/07/2013:最新消息:Emma今天去诊所复诊了。下体肿瘤也有收缩的迹象。也打了第二支化疗针。感谢大家对Emma的关心和支持! 在这里附上义工上载的照片来报平安。

 20/08/2013: Emma的最新状况:

20/08/2013: Update of Emma:
Yay i had fully recover^^
Thank you all big sister and brother who had contributed to my medical fees .
Without your contribution and help i might have death on the street.
Thank you:)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Movie: The Story of Smarty (明明)

Dear all volunteers & friends,
We will be organizing a special movie gathering for HOPE Volunteers and Supporters on Saturday, 24th August 2013.
Movie: The Story of Smarty (明明)
Venue: TGV, Bukit Indah, Johor
Time: 5pm
Ticket price: RM15
You will receive a mystery gift sponsored by PETSTER.

If you're interested, please bank in the money to HOPE Maybank Account Account 5012-0808-5710.
After done the transfer,send the bank in receipt to HOPE's email (
Please arrived before 4.30pm on the movie event for collection of ticket.For more info please contact 012-716 7123

Please come and support.
All of the proceeds will go towards HOPE, PAWS and National Council for the Blind, Malaysia.

电影:The Story of Smarty (明明)
地点:TGV, Bukit Indah, Johor


所得款项将捐献给希望护生园,PAWS和National Council for the Blind, Malaysia.


(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)


这是由一名妇人想向大家表达的心声:以前她家也是养母狗没帮她做结扎,结果每一次家狗所生的狗宝宝她都会随意丢弃不顾他们的生死存活,就这样每次家狗所生她就重复丢弃!!在几年后她的良心开始说话了,狗宝宝就如我们人类们刚出生的婴儿,他们需要妈妈的爱需要妈妈的点点滴滴,现在他们没有妈妈在身边照顾又怎么 的小怎么能照顾自己怎么挨过坚辛流浪的日子里!!

我们在此吁请各位关心流浪狗的每一位善心人士,走进社区与人群去向身边的朋友进行讲解,用本身的经验来告诉他们如何去进行,尽可能去协助他们,单靠几个人的力量是没办法完成这个使命,需要大家一起努力!一个人帮助一只狗,十个人就有十只!你结扎的不只是一只狗狗而已,而是不结扎日后繁殖成的几十只 几百只,谁说你的力量小, 让爱终止流浪由你我开始!!谢谢!!

Love, stop stray animals wandering life

Ligation is the only way to control stray animals' population and saved their live too.
Human is the main cause of stray dogs issues. All stray animals especially stray dogs were abandoned by human and most of them never done any ligation surgery. They can simply mate and breed easily during the mating season. Thus, please remember to run ligation surgery for all your pets to control their population and even able to settle dogs' abandoned issues.
A lady who is willing to share her experiences to everybody. In the past, she was rising a female dog and she never run any ligation for her. Every time when her dog give birth, she just simply abandoned those puppies and without think about their future. She keep on repeat the same mistake after her dog give birth after mated until she realized what she done before was wrong. All puppies are same as human baby, they unable to take care themselves and even protect themselves from hurt. All they needs are mother 's love, they cannot survive by themselves.
Therefore, she straight away bring her dog to veterinary centre for ligation surgery and she regret about what she was done before. Now, she is trying to control and save those stray dogs by helping them for ligation. Ligation is the only way to control stray animals population and the best way to save all stray animals life.
Nowadays, we can simply get adoption news from the net and also newspaper. However, non of us realized that adoption is just a normal way to prevent those puppies become stray dogs, it totally no useful in control stray dogs' population. People never think about help those stray dogs for ligation, it just the right way to control stray dogs' population.
A mature female dogs can give birth in two to three times in a year and five to ten offspring in once. Therefore, the great fertility for those stray animals caused stray animals population size increase rapidly. Ligation is the only way to help those stray animals and even can protect them from human's abuse, and some disasters. Ligation is a simple and small surgery.

Right now, we would like to ask everybody, please explain to your own friends and siblings about the right way to rescue those stray dogs and also the important of ligation in control stray dogs population. Please believe that love able to stop stray animals wandering life. Thank you.

The Story of Smarty(Exclusive Charity Screening) 明明 独家慈善放映会

    Dear all volunteers & friends, We will be organizing a special movie gathering for HOPE Volunteers and Supporters on Saturday, 24th August 2013.
    Movie: The Story of Smarty (明明)
    Venue: TGV, Bukit Indah, Johor
    Time: 5pm
    Ticket price: RM15
    You will receive a mystery gift sponsored by PETSTER.

    If you're interested, please bank in the money to HOPE Maybank Account Account 5012-0808-5710.
    After done the transfer,send the bank in receipt to HOPE's email (
    Please arrived before 4.30pm on the movie event for collection of ticket.For more info please contact 012-716 7123

    Please come and support.
    All of the proceeds will go towards HOPE, PAWS and National Council for the Blind, Malaysia.

    电影:The Story of Smarty (明明)
    地点:TGV, Bukit Indah, Johor


    所得款项将捐献给希望护生园,PAWS和National Council for the Blind, Malaysia.

H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing Event 希望护生园狗狗洗澡日

  • 81300 Lima Kedai, Johor, Malaysia
  •     (Kindly scroll below for English Write-up)

    任何关于洗澡日活动的交通问题,地点询问或细节,请联络 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA). 谢谢 :)

    希望护生园里超过1000只的狗狗们需要大家合力一起来为他们洗洗澡以防止染上虱子及保持卫生干净,快来参与这项有意义的活动吧,还能享受和这么多狗狗们一起玩乐的欢愉哦 :)

    温馨提醒:不建议车身底的车子进入,因为需驾驶一段颠簸山泥路才能抵达希望护生园因此车身底的车子不适合进入,Myvi 或 Viva 这类型的车子进入大致上是没问题的,但请缓慢驾驶。如果没有车身高的车子或不曾进入过希望护生园的话请联络希望护生园义工,我们将会与10.15am在士古来五间店(Lima Kedai)的神庙前集合再于10.30am乘坐其中一些人的车子进入。

    服装:拖鞋,短裤及暗色衬衫。您也可另备一套干净衣服以供换穿(选择性),因为进入护生园后狗狗们会留下许多爱的脚印在您的衣服上搞得全身都脏兮兮的哦 :)



    Any transportation problems or queries about doggies bathing event please contact 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA. Thank you! :)
    H.O.P.E doggies bathing event is on 08 of Sep!! Ready for it? Come and have a happy reunion with all the doggies inside H.O.P.E :)

    Our 1000 dogs inside HOPE shelter are waiting for you to bath them to prevent flea and keep them clean! Join this meaningful event by attending on Sunday and enjoy yourself by playing with so many doggies inside :)

    Reminder: As we need to drive a short journey of muddy road to get into H.O.P.E, we strongly suggest not to drive car with lower base,Myvi or Viva is considered suitable to get in but please drive in slow speed. For those who don't have transportation or not familiar with the ways to get in, please contact our H.O.P.E volunteer,we will gather in front of a temple in Lima Kedai, Skudai on 10.15am and get in together with others' vehicle on 10.30am.

    Attire: Slipper,shorts and dark-colored T-shirt. You can prepare another set of clean cloth to change(optional) as you might get dirty inside

    Please refer to the map below to learn the way to get in H.O.P.E Shelter:

    Remarks: Please prepare yourself a bottle of water and towel

Monday, August 19, 2013

8月18号2013年 希望护生园狗狗洗澡日 18 of Aug 2013 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing

Million of thanks to all volunteers who've participated in our Doggies Bathing Event 18/08/2013..thank you!
Thanks for helping the doggies to keep clean and to prevent fleas & ticks. Hope to see you on next bathing event and not to forget to invite more of your friends to join this meaningful event:)
Every volunteer that had attended HOPE Bathing Event are entitled to received a pack of 1kg BRIT Premium Dog Food each.
We would like to thanks BRIT Pet Food for their kind and hearties support.
BRIT Premium Dog Food are sponsored by BRIT for every Dog Bathing Event.
Thank you, BRIT~~~ Cheers~~
Brit the top quality super premium pet food just for your beloved pet.