Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Yumiko

Kindly scroll down for English write-up)

踏进全新2013年份我们每年的心愿依然和过往的许多年一样,希望流浪动物的数量能大大减少,希望更多人懂得爱护和保护流浪动物, 希望更多饲主们都能做个负责任的主人别随意遗弃宠物们,希望能有更多人加入拯救行列,希望不再有虐待動物事件發生, 希望所有的人和动物们都能平安和諧的共存这片大地。

但处处还是出现无良不负责任的饲主们还是狠心的将身受重伤又无助的宠物们遗弃让他们自生自灭,任由他们在生死边缘痛苦求生,如果我们角色对换你会愿意被如 此对待吗?今生他们成为动物已经注定也已认命,他们的要求不多只求能有个疼爱的主人和安定的生活,你的一个狠心的决定往往都让他们步上无奈又悲惨的可怜命 运….

她是Yumiko是只纯种西施,一天下午在金山园的某家宠物店前面被一个善心的妹妹发现,Yumiko静静的躺在路旁,妹妹看到她很可怜就些食物给她吃, 就在这个时候就有个年轻的男孩经过就拿了水泼Yumiko把她赶走还凶狠的对着妹妹说“不用对她这么好的啦,看她这样子肯定上辈子做了什么伤天害理的事, 这是她的报应‘”
当嘉嘉阿姨接到妹妹的电话就马上赶去以上的地点,发现Yumiko虚弱的躺在路上而且全身都已经湿透了,我们马上带Yumiko到兽医所治疗,经过兽医诊 断后发现,Yumiko的眼睛一只因为有严重的“白内膜”确定已经瞎了,另一只眼睛也因为长了肉瘤而严重感染导致发炎红肿需要动手术切除,兽医告诉我们幸 运的是只要Yumiko把眼睛的肉瘤切除和细心的照顾她的眼睛还是可以痊愈。


每月助养计划: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/hope-sponsorship-programme
Paypal 户口: irisleong3268@yahoo.com

您的善款将让我们有能力给与这些有需要的动物们及时的医疗及护理,您也在他们的重生过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色!! 谢谢!

In this new year 2013, all of us hope that reduce of population size of stray animals, hope more and more people start to share their love towards stray animals, hope all pets' owners won't simply abandon their lovely pets and well taken all their pets, hope more people join our team to help stray animals, hope less animals abuse cases happened, and finally hope human and animals can stay together with love and happiness.

However, we still able to find those irresponsibility pets' owners, who just simply threw away their pets when they are having sick or serious injured. Imagine that, if you are the one abandoned by everybody while you are having a serious injured or sick. How do you feel? Sad? Hopeless? For animals, they have no choice to be animals and they just with a simple wish; hope can find an owner, who love them very much.

Yumiko, who is a Shih Tzu. She was found by a little girl in front of one pet shop at Taman Impian Emas. At that time, Yumiko was lying down at the road side. Thus, that little girl just walked towards Yumiko and try to fed her. At this moment, a young man, who passed by and simply pour water towards Yumiko to chase her away. He even told these to the little girl: “ you no need to treat her so nice, this is her retribution, she much did somethings bad before.
However, that young guy never realized retribution also will come back to him for what he did to Yumiko. You can be deemed those stray animals are transparent, but you have not right to stop people who are trying to help or to save them.
Auntie Jia Jia straight away enter Taman Impian Emas after she received a call from that little girl. Yumiko body was wet when Auntie Jia Jia found her at the road side. She was very weak at that time. Thus, Auntie Jia Jia quickly brought her to the nearest Veterinary Center for medical check up. According to Veterinarian, one of Yumiko's eye was blinded, which caused by eyes diseases and another one which also serious infected by sarcoma inside her eyes. However, veterinarian told us, Yumiko's eye which infected by sarcoma can be cured after surgery and only with a good care.
When you decided to buy a name stud dog, you need to think about every things; such as all problems you are going to face, do you able to give 100% care and love to them, do you can be a responsible master or owner that won't abandon your pets, when they are having serious sick?

All of us feel distressed about what happened on Yumiko before and she really need your help. Now, we really facing some economy crisis, thus please donate some money for Yumiko to help us to bear part of Yumiko's medical cost. Your donation not only can help Yumiko, but it also able to help those animals who need money for medicine treatments too. Thank you!!!

You may make donations thru various methods as below:
Secured online donation: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/make-donationsMonthly
Sponsorship Programme: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/hope-sponsorship-programme
Paypal Account: irisleong3268@yahoo.com

Your contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance at life. Thank you!!!

(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)


想助养的朋友欢迎电邮至 hopes_jb@live.com.my 索取助养表格



24/01/2013:Yumiko's status after left eye sarcoma surgery:
Yumiko was abandoned by her owner, which just simply let her survive at street. However, her encounter to even received sympathy from passerby. Her tragic make us very anger on those ruthless people. Therefore, we hope all pet's owner, please give 100% love to all your pets and not even think or try to abandon them, while they are having serious sick or injured. This is because your ruthless is going to cause them to face a dark and hopeless future.
Now, Yumiko is well taken care at person in-charge home.
Yumiko' eye was recover in good condition which not cause any effect on her sight. Yumiko is a mature female dog, who very obedient, adorable and very friendly. She always like to use her left eye to see us.
At here, we special thank to everybody, who did donated for Yumiko's surgery. Yumiko can't has a bright future without your valuable donation.

Are you willing to be the monthly sponsor for Yumiko? With trivial amount of RM50 per month, you would be able to help us to undertake part of her provision’s fee, the cost of monthly de-worming and other necessary medication fee. Let’s give a better tomorrow for Yumiko, a tomorrow which is filled with HOPE!

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