(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)
流浪狗的一开始就是因为被人类弃养而产生的,因为没有结 扎在外流浪发情,繁殖后代才会导致流浪狗的数目越来越多 ,所以大家记得带自己的宝贝狗狗去做结扎手术,才不会以 后生小狗狗的时候,找不到人收养不知道怎么处理,然后狠 心的遗弃他们…..
这是由一名妇人想像大家表达的心声:以前她家也是养母狗 没帮她做结扎,结果每一次家狗所生的狗宝宝她都会随意丢 弃不顾他们的生死存活,就这样每次家狗所生她就重复丢弃 !!在几年后她的良心开始说话了,狗宝宝就如我们人类们 刚出生的婴儿,他们需要妈妈的爱需要妈妈的点点滴滴,现 在他们没有妈妈在身边照顾又怎么 的小怎么能照顾自己怎么挨过坚辛流浪的日子里!!
那刻的清醒她也马上行动带家狗到兽医所接受结扎手术,她 也发心愿为自己当初所做的事惭悔,现在的她都尽自己的能 力帮助家外的流浪狗们做结扎,她也说如要解救流浪狗的危 机,请带他们做结扎手术,因为只有结扎才能真正改变更多 流浪狗们的可悲的命运…
近日来,网上一直都有看到善心人士帮忙附近流浪小狗找领 养人,却没有想到为你家附近的流浪狗儿进行结扎。就算让 你们把这一批小狗找到领养人,可是两个月后她又再生产呢 ?你能为她找多少次的领养人呢?
母狗一年能生产2到3次,每次能生产最少5到10只小狗 ,因此,数以万计健康,可爱的大狗,小狗,大猫,小猫日 月累积会是很可怕的数目,也会面临平衡物种所带来的早夭 后果,其余残存的就得面对交通工具,生活环境,以及其他 动物与残酷人类的威胁,唯一的办法就是为你家的宠物或流 浪动物带去兽医所接受结扎手术。
最有效停止残酷的事实发生,就在於你愿不愿意为你的宠物 结扎,以减少流浪的猫狗,结扎是一项简单安全以及一劳永 逸的手术。
我们在此吁请各位关心流浪狗的每一位善心人士,走进社区 与人群去向身边的朋友进行讲解,用本身的经验来告诉他们 如何去进行,尽可能去协助他们,单靠几个人的力量是没办 法完成这个使命,需要大家一起努力!一个人帮助一只狗, 十个人就有十只!你结扎的不只是一只狗狗而已,而是不结 扎日后繁殖成的几十只 几百只,谁说你的力量小, 让爱终止流浪由你我开始!!谢谢!!
Love, stop stray animals wandering life
Ligation is the only way to control stray animals' population and saved their live too.
Human is the main cause of stray dogs issues. All stray animals especially stray dogs were abandoned by human and most of them never done any ligation surgery. They can simply mate and breed easily during the mating season. Thus, please remember to run ligation surgery for all your pets to control their population and even able to settle dogs' abandoned issues.
A lady who is willing to share her experiences to everybody. In the past, she was rising a female dog and she never run any ligation for her. Every time when her dog give birth, she just simply abandoned those puppies and without think about their future. She keep on repeat the same mistake after her dog give birth after mated until she realized what she done before was wrong. All puppies are same as human baby, they unable to take care themselves and even protect themselves from hurt. All they needs are mother 's love, they cannot survive by themselves.
Therefore, she straight away bring her dog to veterinary centre for ligation surgery and she regret about what she was done before. Now, she is trying to control and save those stray dogs by helping them for ligation. Ligation is the only way to control stray animals population and the best way to save all stray animals life.
Nowadays, we can simply get adoption news from the net and also newspaper. However, non of us realized that adoption is just a normal way to prevent those puppies become stray dogs, it totally no useful in control stray dogs' population. People never think about help those stray dogs for ligation, it just the right way to control stray dogs' population.
A mature female dogs can give birth in two to three times in a year and five to ten offspring in once. Therefore, the great fertility for those stray animals caused stray animals population size increase rapidly. Ligation is the only way to help those stray animals and even can protect them from human's abuse, and some disasters. Ligation is a simple and small surgery.
Right now, we would like to ask everybody, please explain to your own friends and siblings about the right way to rescue those stray dogs and also the important of ligation in control stray dogs population. Please believe that love able to stop stray animals wandering life. Thank you.
Love, stop stray animals wandering life
Ligation is the only way to control stray animals' population and saved their live too.
Human is the main cause of stray dogs issues. All stray animals especially stray dogs were abandoned by human and most of them never done any ligation surgery. They can simply mate and breed easily during the mating season. Thus, please remember to run ligation surgery for all your pets to control their population and even able to settle dogs' abandoned issues.
A lady who is willing to share her experiences to everybody. In the past, she was rising a female dog and she never run any ligation for her. Every time when her dog give birth, she just simply abandoned those puppies and without think about their future. She keep on repeat the same mistake after her dog give birth after mated until she realized what she done before was wrong. All puppies are same as human baby, they unable to take care themselves and even protect themselves from hurt. All they needs are mother 's love, they cannot survive by themselves.
Therefore, she straight away bring her dog to veterinary centre for ligation surgery and she regret about what she was done before. Now, she is trying to control and save those stray dogs by helping them for ligation. Ligation is the only way to control stray animals population and the best way to save all stray animals life.
Nowadays, we can simply get adoption news from the net and also newspaper. However, non of us realized that adoption is just a normal way to prevent those puppies become stray dogs, it totally no useful in control stray dogs' population. People never think about help those stray dogs for ligation, it just the right way to control stray dogs' population.
A mature female dogs can give birth in two to three times in a year and five to ten offspring in once. Therefore, the great fertility for those stray animals caused stray animals population size increase rapidly. Ligation is the only way to help those stray animals and even can protect them from human's abuse, and some disasters. Ligation is a simple and small surgery.
Right now, we would like to ask everybody, please explain to your own friends and siblings about the right way to rescue those stray dogs and also the important of ligation in control stray dogs population. Please believe that love able to stop stray animals wandering life. Thank you.
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