Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Moon Moon(安息吧,RIP)

(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)

又一个希望破灭的小生命…….…安息吧,Moon Moon!

名种犬 -- Moon Moon是一只贵宾狗,由于主人不当的照顾导致其眼球受细菌感染以致眼球突出并溢血,据当地某兽医诊所之兽医指出,Moon Moon的主人于Moon Moon被义工发现的前一日已带其就诊,相信主人不欲负责手术费与后续照顾的工作而将Moon Moon丢弃在路边。为了证实兽医所言属实,我们要求兽医致电Moon Moon的主人询问,主人的回答是将Moon Moon带到别的地方动手术了,言毕就快速挂线,相信除了不愿意负责照顾的工作还有手术费之外,Moon Moon不再美丽的外形也导致主人狠心抛弃她。
兽医诊断Moon Moon的左眼球遭受细菌感染破坏了眼球所以必须立刻进行手术,然而兽医进行手术时发现Moon Moon的眼球周围神经已经开始糜烂,影响了脑部,情况并不乐观。
陪伴了主人4年的Moon Moon倘若可以尽早就医就可以不需要遭受这样的痛苦,不负责任的主人往往让所饲养的小动物遭遇不幸,Moon Moon便是其一!
Moon Moon当日的手术费用高达RM1100,义工团队都满怀希望准备召开筹募活动,然而第三天的晚上义工们便接到了噩耗... Moon Moon不敌脑部细菌的侵袭,离世了... 希望Moon Moon可以在另一个世界获得安乐与健康…

Story of Moon Moon - another blighted hope...RIP

She is poodle named as Moon Moon, her owner careless to take care of her caused her left eyeball injured and infection by bacteria, the local doctor mentioned that Moon Moon’s owner had took her to clinic the day before she
found by volunteers, it can believed that her owner do not wish to bared the fees and don’t want take care her after surgery so Moon Moon been dumped like a rubbish. We require doctor give a call to Moon Moon's owner to prove what doctor said was true, that owner replied that Moon Moon been taken to other place for surgery and the call been hang up soon after answer.
The virus and bacteria had been ruin the eyeball and doctor mentioned need to do surgery immediately, however it's been found the nerves around eyeball been rotten and effected Moon Moon's brain, the situation quite serious and worse...
The surgery fees cost RM1100 and volunteers wish to raise the fund for Moon Moon and hope she can get well soon, unfortunately we received a bad news that Moon Moon had been passed away at the 3rd day after surgery...
Hope that she can stay healthy and happy in another world... R.I.P ... Moon Moon...

我们永远都怀念您Kawaii宝贝 We will always remember you, dearest Kawaii.

(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)





In the morning of 15/05/2013, our beloved Kawaii quietly left us. Let us hope and pray for her to have a peaceful life, free from any sufferings over at the other side of the rainbow bridge.
The unforgettable, sweet smile of Kawaii. We will always remember you, dearest Kawaii.

The story of Kawaii as follows:
Kawaii was rescued in June 2011, during that time she was abandoned by her owner and unfortunately met with an traffic accident while being a wandering dog. While having ill-treated by her owner for quite some time, Kawaii was found to have multiple internal injuries before the traffic accident. The accident caused her body’s diaphragm to break and other internal organs to be displaced, this makes her having difficulties even in breathing. The doctor advised that it was very risky for Kawaii to undergo any surgery for her diaphragm as her wounds were left untreated over a long period of time.
During that time, the doctor was not having any high hopes for Kawaii to survive. It was a miracle for her to hold on till now, she was fighting hard for her life to live on. The doctor did warn that Kawaii's internal injuries might cause many unexpected situations that was even the doctor cannot foresee.
Nevertheless, with the care in H.O.P.E, Kawaii did manage to struggle through for 2 years. On the night of 14/05/2013, Kawaii seems to feel that she, herself no longer was able to hold on any longer, she wept bitterly throughout the dark, lonely night. The very next day, Kawaii passed away, sleeping peacefully.
The reason for Kawaii's hardship and sufferings was due to her owner's irresponsible abandonment. We encourage and hope that all pet owners do not give up on their pets easily. In the eyes of the pets, you are their everything! Please love, care and treat them well in their whole life.

Kawaii have a special stand in each of our hearts, she will be deeply missed, loved by us. May you rest in peace and become a happy angel in another world. Many thanks to all those that showered their care, concern and time for Kawaii.

感谢Soon Moon夫妇俩以领养代替购买

感谢Soon Moon夫妇俩以领养代替购买,给米克斯毛孩乐乐一个家,大家选择自收容所领养一只无家可归的动物们,让他们有个安身之处!
计划想要养宠物吗? 领养宠物是找到您生命伴侣的最好方法。领养他们,给他们一个家吧!

Sincerely thanks for Soon Moon Couple choose to adopt mixed-breed Le Le rather than purchased it, her love and cares to this furry kid and let it own a warmth home and family.
There're lots of homeless animals in this world who need a home too, their destiny is based on your decision.
Looking for a new pet? Pet adoption is a great way to find a new companion. DON’T BUY, Let's ADOPT, give them a HOME.

希望护生园狗狗洗澡日 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing Event

  • 81300 Lima Kedai, Johor, Malaysia
  • (Kindly scroll below for English Write-up)

    任何关于洗澡日活动的交通问题,地点询问或细节,请联络 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA). 谢谢 :)

    希望护生园里超过1000只的狗狗们需要大家合力一起来为他们洗洗澡以防止染上虱子及保持卫生干净,快来参与这项有意义的活动吧,还能享受和这么多狗狗们一起玩乐的欢愉哦 :)

    温馨提醒:不建议车身底的车子进入,因为需驾驶一段颠簸山泥路才能抵达希望护生园因此车身底的车子不适合进入,Myvi 或 Viva 这类型的车子进入大致上是没问题的,但请缓慢驾驶。如果没有车身高的车子或不曾进入过希望护生园的话请联络希望护生园义工,我们将会与10.15am在士古来五间店(Lima Kedai)的神庙前集合再于10.30am乘坐其中一些人的车子进入。

    服装:拖鞋,短裤及暗色衬衫。您也可另备一套干净衣服以供换穿(选择性),因为进入护生园后狗狗们会留下许多爱的脚印在您的衣服上搞得全身都脏兮兮的哦 :)


    备注:请自备水和面巾,您也能携带一些狗粮,狗罐头,狗零食或狗狗必需品当作份礼物或洗澡后的奖励品送给狗狗们 :)


    Any transportation problems or queries about doggies bathing event please contact 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA. Thank you! :)
    H.O.P.E doggies bathing event is on 09 of June!! Ready for it? Come and have a happy reunion with all the doggies inside H.O.P.E :)

    Our 1000 dogs inside HOPE shelter are waiting for you to bath them to prevent flea and keep them clean! Join this meaningful event by attending on Sunday and enjoy yourself by playing with so many doggies inside :)

    Reminder: As we need to drive a short journey of muddy road to get into H.O.P.E, we strongly suggest not to drive car with lower base,Myvi or Viva is considered suitable to get in but please drive in slow speed. For those who don't have transportation or not familiar with the ways to get in, please contact our H.O.P.E volunteer,we will gather in front of a temple in Lima Kedai, Skudai on 10.15am and get in together with others' vehicle on 10.30am.

    Attire: Slipper,shorts and dark-colored T-shirt. You can prepare another set of clean cloth to change(optional) as you might get dirty inside

    Please refer to the map below to learn the way to get in H.O.P.E Shelter:

    Remarks: Please prepare yourself a bottle of water and towel, you can bring some dog foods, dog food cans, or others as a gift to our doggies too :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5月19号2013年 希望护生园狗狗洗澡日 19 of May 2013 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing

非常非常感谢今天参与狗狗洗澡日的义工朋友们,大家辛苦了! 感谢大家的齐心合力帮了狗狗们一个大忙,让他们保持干净及避免患上狗虱问题。希望下一次的洗澡日能再和大家碰面,别忘了下次邀请更多的朋友一起参与这项有意义的活动噢


Million of thanks to all volunteers who've participated in our Doggies Bathing Event today..thank you! Thanks for helping the doggies to keep clean and to prevent fleas & ticks. Hope to see you on next bathing event and not to forget
to invite more of your friends to join this meaningful event

Every volunteer that had attended HOPE Bathing Event are entitled to received a tin of 400g BRIT Dog Can Food each.
We would like to thanks BRIT Pet Food for their kind and hearties support.
BRIT Premium Dog CanFood are sponsored by BRIT for every Dog Bathing Event.
Thank you, BRIT~~~ Cheers~~
Brit the top quality super premium pet food just for your beloved pet.