Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Sophia was rescued from Batu Pahat (BP) by our volunteer recently. She was lying side way, with stinky smell from her seriously injured foreleg. The wounds were badly infected and full with pus, even with broken bones stuck out from the flesh. We can barely see any motivation for life in her eyes but only great pain, hopeless and loneliness.... Do you want to know why Sophia was in this stage of life? According to the locals, this is all thanks to the dog catchers from local council, her broken fore legs were beaten by them! The residents in the area did bring Sophia to seek medical attention but unfortunately none follow up on her condition and give her the needed medical attention which led to the badly infected wounds. The pity dog can only lay down side way and not being able to move for a long time. She even stay in this position whenever she eat, drink, defecate and urinate... The simple bandage on her legs and wound had also became wet and stunk... Our volunteer immediately rush Sophia down to JB for a comprehensive checkup. Sophia's left foreleg was broken and the bone was sticking out. Her right foreleg seem to be in better condition but it was not true in actual fact. The right foreleg was broken to 3 parts! The paw had became rotten because of bad blood circulation and with maggot infection. We also spotted bleeding from her genital. We suspected miscarriage but it was diagnosed as pyometra after the ultrasound. This can only be cure by surgical removal of uterus but this surgery is too risky for Sophia as she is an old dog with estimated age of 7y/o. We would also like to take this opportunity to urge dog owner to spay their pet to prevent this from happening. Vet estimated Sophia's 2 weeks hospitalization and medical cost would mount up to RM3000. As we are preparing to raise fund for Sophia and wish her speedy recovery, we were greeted with a bad news the next morning.. Sophia has left us and was beaten by the seriously stage of illness.. Let's wish Sophia happiness over the rainbow bridge...

苏菲亚是义工近期自峇株巴辖救回,我们第一眼看见她时,苏菲亚孤单的侧躺在地上,严重受伤的双腿发出浓浓的恶臭味,伤口严重发炎蓄浓,连断骨 都外露!!你知道苏菲亚如何受伤吗? 当地人说,她的前肢是在市议会捕狗队追捕过程中被残忍打断的!当地居民虽然及时带她去当地诊所治疗,但是后续的医疗处理却没有人去做,导致伤口恶化到此地 步。可怜的苏菲亚长时间只能侧躺着进食喝水和大小便,原本包扎她伤口的简陋纱布都变得万分潮湿和发臭。

我们还没有时间喘一口气时,就看见苏菲亚下体流血! 担心是她怀孕小产,找了超声波扫描后发现原来她患了子宫蓄浓,而唯一的办法是做子宫切除手术,但手术风险高,因为苏菲亚是只大概7岁的老狗了! 在此奉劝大家请为自己的宠物做绝育手术以避免患上这类病症。
 苏菲亚相信是只名种狗,为什么会在街头流浪,被举报,被残忍捕狗队打断脚,甚至面对死神残忍的召唤??? 主人的不负责任,恶毒心肠的举报人,冷血的捕狗队,而最后的最后,都由一个弱小生命承担所有痛苦,你看得见整个社会的严重扭曲吗? 你又是否愿意开始站出来为流浪猫狗伸出援手?

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