Tuesday, January 28, 2014

拯救MBJB打狗队的流浪狗 Rescued Dogs from MBJB Dog Pound

流浪狗生存艰难命运该“流”向何方 生命的悲哀-生死边缘的一线间
The difficulties of strays to stay survive. The sorrow of Life-Between the edge of LIFE and DEATH

Most of the strays are in the condition of fend for themselves. Besides of the minor lucky portion that was being saved. A major portion is being caught by dog catcher. They will be kept for adoption for a very short period and will undergo euthanasia if no one willing to bring them out from the edge of hell.

这又是一通来至MBJB打狗队头领的电话,又是一堆80多只流浪狗等着嘉嘉阿姨答案解救,内心总是挣扎听不到看不到无能为力,但良心总还是过不去,一堆活 生生无辜的宝贵生命急需等着救援,所以每次嘉嘉阿姨总是这次真的是最后一次救,救了就算再打算,生命没了真的无法重来,,,
Recently, Auntie Jia Jia got a call from MBJB. It is from the head of dog catcher and about more 80 lives of strays. Every time Auntie Jia Jia willing to give help on those pity life, but the condition of shelter is not allow and make her feeling powerless. But, every time she gave up to be cruel and save them from the hell although she always mentioned it will be the last time she do so. Nothing is more important than those lives. As long as they are surviving, there will be a solution.

每次在MBJB所看的一幕幕都是被抓关起来的流浪狗,他们无辜的眼神都流露出充满恐惧绝望伤痕累累的在等死,一个小空间关着一堆大狗小狗更没食水一天可能 只有几个没煮熟的生鸡骨,可以想象为了少许的食物狗狗们又争又打架,所以每次所救出的狗狗都身体多处受伤,很多更感染病菌大多数都患上狗瘟和性病。
When we saw MBJB those strays being kept in a small space. We can see their horror through their eyes sights. They are like understand they are going to lose their lives within a short period. During that period, they are not getting enough food and even fresh water. They are fighting for food and just to keep surviving. Therefore, all the strays being saved from dog catcher are injured badly. Most of them get infected sexual transmitted disease and distemper.

When we saw there is dog collars on those strays. We are wondering they are being abandoned by the heart-less owners or being lost with their owners. Most of the bitches get pregnant during this period. And their lives are just losing like this at dog catcher’s shelter.

We have to understand that dogs are living beings. Whenever you do not have the preparation to grow them till death, please do not bring them home. Raising a dog is not a moment of interest and trend but a heavy responsibility. Most of the abandon case are due to the owners did not make enough preparation to raise them, and whenever their pets get sick nor bigger in size. Therefore, please think twice before bring them home, and make sure you can take good care on them if you bring them home to avoid more abandon case happen.

Please understand that these little creatures did not make any crime or mistake. But there are still so many dogs being caught and kill by dog-catcher. They did nothing but just wish to survive. Therefore, we would like to ask everyone again. Please do not simply call dog catcher and give them a chance to live because the call you made are bringing them to a no return shelter.

Now, there is another long term medication war for us. And there is a big amount of medication fees we need to pay for these more 80 little creatures. We wish you all that reading this will give help to these doggies. Give them a new life. The medication fees are including deworming, vaccination, cost of living and cost of ligation. Your supports are going to lighter our burdens. Thanks!!

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