Monday, March 26, 2012


Think twice before you buy! We can stop the cruelty in puppy mills!

繁殖场狗妈妈的悲凉, 你我都知道吗?

Are you aware of the inhuman living condition of the breeding dogs in a puppy mill? Do you know that the dogs are living in desolation?

This article is about an incidient that happened around us, in JB. A female poodle that was diagnosed for infertility was abandoned at a animal clinic by an illegal breeder who even made a statement that the dog is just a money-losing crap!

Please spare us some time and read further, to understand several things that you should be aware of if you are thinking to buy a puppy and we will reveal to you the unethical and unacceptable practices of puppy mills. We met this illegal breeder when we were at the clinic for a vet visit of our shelter dog that day. He was holding to a small and rusty metal cage with a poodle that smelled like a sewer and with terribly matted coats. The vet shared with us that this poodle had just went through a caesarean birth for 7 puppies. As the mother had previously went through a difficult birth, the vet advised this cruel breeder to give her a ligation because she was not suitable for further breeding, however this breeder shouted and screamed that this poodle was useless and he wasted money spent on her. In his eyes, it was clear that the poodle had lost her ability to reproduce and is no longer a money making object, thus it was deemed worthless. He even publically declare that he was not going to be responsible for the 7 puppies who were just a day old and asked the clinic assistant to do whatever they want with the puppies.

When we stepped up to advise him not to abandon the puppies, he turned to say, if you want the 7 puppies, go ahead and take them, since they cant survive without their mother’s milk and he even had the audacity to ask for RM500 before he would give up the mother poodle. He boast that every poodle he had could be sold for more than RM1000 and he has more than 10 poodles at home who are all bred as reproducing objects. Luckily with Dr Lee’s help and willingness to go forward and tell the breeder that the mother poodle’s state was not worth RM500 and we manage to negotiate to RM250 to redeem the poor mother dog. Dr Lee even contributed RM50 to assist in this. Thanks to Dr Lee!!

The mother poodle’s condition was worst than we thought. Due to being limited to a living space of a narrow cage for long periods of time, she was unable to walk normally, both her ears are full with ear mites infection and severely malnourished. Also, as she was malnourished, she was unable to produce a single drop of milk for her babies. Even with a milk inducing injection was given to her, she still can't breastfeed the puppies. We could only bottle feeding the puppies with puppy milk replacer every hour, however what was devastating was the puppies were to young and without the mother poodle’s care and milk, they passed away within a few days....R.I.P. little babies....

Do you see the breeding dogs pain?? When you see the dogs by the display window in the pet shop, have you thought that these dogs could be from a suffering mother trapped behind a tiny metal cage? We cannot begin to imagine what this middle aged man was doing to the 10+ poodles at his home. Other than breeding, these dogs spend their entire lives trapped in a tiny metal cage. Unethical breeding practices namely mating breeding dogs from similar or close bloodline. As a result, the puppies that are born either die young or suffer from all kinds of genetic disorders. When you buy from these illegal breeders, it is indirectly assisting in committing the act of killing a life. Every purchase is the start of creating a sad little life, and also causes the breeding dog torture. Life should not be used as an opportunity to earn money, if this were to happen to humans, it would already be considered as a human trafficking ring! Why cant we use the same mentality and standards to treat all life forms? We strongly condemn the man as an unscrupulous businessman. All creatures have feelings, what more us humans who have moral conscience? How can we ignore and treat the 7 puppies life as nothing?

Buying pets is what causes the tragedy for the dogs at this puppy mills. If you are interested in buying pets, please make a right choice by choosing a reputable and responsible seller. However we still strongly encourage ADOPTING INSTEAD OF BUYING!

无法繁殖的母贵宾,遭无良非法繁殖者丢弃在兽医诊所,还被大骂 “这个废物赔钱货!”

请耐心看完这篇文字 – 确切了解为什么不要到宠物店购买宠物的原因,了解非法繁殖宠物者丑陋邪恶的一面!!

日前我们带狗狗前往诊所看诊时,遇到一位禽兽般的非法宠物繁殖者。他手提一个窄小生锈的铁笼,里面有只满身恶臭,毛发杂乱不堪的红贵宾 –兽医告诉我们,这只贵宾刚刚动了剖腹手术生了7只小宝宝,因为这只贵宾妈妈之前已经有过一次难产的经验,所以建议这个禽兽繁殖者为狗妈妈结扎,因为她并不适合用来做繁殖用途,结果这个男人竟然在诊所里大喊大叫,对着笼子里的贵宾妈妈大骂她是废物,是赔钱货! (当然,在他眼中一只失去生育能力,不能为他生小狗赚钱的母狗对他来说肯定是一只废物) 而且竟然还在大庭广众下弃养那7只刚出生1天的小狗狗, 要兽医院职员自行处置那些小狗,说他不要了!

我们向前劝阻他不要遗弃狗宝宝时,他竟然反过来说,你们要那七只小狗就拿去好了,但是没妈妈哺乳它们根本活不成,而这个男人竟然开价RM500才肯出让狗妈妈! 而且还大言不惭的说他每只贵宾狗都可以卖出超过RM1000! 在他的家中还有超过10只贵宾狗在帮他做生育机器…幸亏我们得到兽医Dr Lee的相助,他对这个男人说以妈妈的情况根本不值RM500,最后我们以RM250赎了狗妈妈,而且RM50还是宅心仁厚的Dr Lee帮忙出钱的,感谢Dr Lee!!

贵宾妈妈身体状况非常糟糕,由于长期被关在狭小的笼子,造成她不良于行,双耳更是布满厚厚的耳螨,并且严重营养不良。由于长期缺乏营养,狗妈妈竟然一点奶水也没有! 就算打了催奶针,还是没有奶水哺乳,我们只能每小时用人工方式喂养狗宝宝,但是很让人悲伤的是,狗宝宝太小加上没有妈妈的奶水和照顾,不幸的在几天后相继离世……..希望小宝贝们安息......

你看到了繁殖狗的悲哀吗??? 当你看到橱窗待售的小狗时, 你有想到这些小狗有可能都是来自悲惨铁笼内的母狗吗? 我们不敢想象那位中年男人家里10多只贵宾狗的生活条件是如何的糟糕! 除了交配之外, 繁殖狗一辈子都是被关在狭小的铁笼里! 不断的近亲交配, 生出来的小狗不是夭折就是患有各种遗传病.当你我向无良的繁殖者购买一只宠物的时候, 或许直接间接你我都是扼杀一条生命的凶手! 每一个购买都制造可悲的小生命, 也令繁殖狗多一次痛苦! 生命本来就不应该用来赚钱, 如果这种情况发生在人类社会中, 已经构成贩卖人口的罪名! 为何我们不能以一样的标准看待所有的生命?我们强力谴责像那位中年男人这样的无良商人! 万物皆有情, 更何况身为万物之灵的我们, 又如何能视那七条生命如草芥!

购买宠物就是促成繁殖场中狗狗的悲剧! 就算您想购买宠物, 也请务必选择信誉良好, 有责任感的卖家. 但是我们还是坚持, 请以领养代替购买!

H.O.P.E Pet Adoption Drive 希望护生园流浪猫狗领养日 #4

Sunday, April 29, 2012 12:00pm until 6:00pm
No.9G, Jalan Mutiara Emas 10-19, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru.

We, HOPE shelter will be having our fourth outdoor adoption drive on the 29th April 2012, Sunday in front of DOG COMB AVENUE, located at Tmn Mount Austin from 12pm-6pm!

Main organizer: H.O.P.E
Co-organizer: JCI JB

Location of DOG COMB AVENUE:
No.9G, Jalan Mutiara Emas 10-19, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru.

Glad to have JCI JB to be together with us to organize this pet adoption drive in JB to encourage more people to choose to adopt a pet instead of buying!

We are very glad to get the sponsorship from BRIT Premium Pet Food!! BRIT will sponsor a bag of 3kg dog foods to every adopter on the adoption drive..THANK YOU BRIT!

Million of thanks for DOG COMB AVENUE to provide us the venue to organize our pet adoption drive to help the homeless animals..BIG THANK YOU to them!

Urban strays is a huge social problem that is always neglected by the society. There are only few of them from the society who are willing to lend a hand to help tackle this issue. Most of the people do not have the chance to understand stray animals and learn about what they can do to help the animals from school nor their parents/family and the society. This caused the strays’ number to increased non-stop. Regret to say that most Malaysian do not have the awareness to neuter their pets which leads to their pets to give birth to unwanted puppies/kittens. Irresponsible owner who do not want to take care of them will dump then on street. This is a vicious cycle in motion!

There are thousands of innocent strays puppies/kittens born yearly, some survived but most of them die before they grow to know the world. Starvation, diseases, human abuse, road accident, ate by human… are just a few reasons to be named that had caused their death.

The objectives of our Adoption Drive are:

1) To find a loving home for the strays puppies. We will be bringing around 15-20 puppies on that day for adoption. Our volunteers will conduct a simple interview with interested individual to screen for his/her ability to become a potential adopter.

2) To create awareness for adoption, rather than buy. When the buying stops, the selling stops!

3) To promote and educate the public about the importance of neutering. We hope to reach out to more family with pet to neuter their pet and sincerely hope that they can support us by neutering the strays in their neighborhood.

4) To raise fund for our Spay&Neuter Programme. We will use this fund to neuter the strays so that their population will not increase further.

Hope Adoption Drive event organizer and person-in-charge, Ms Sandra Kok pointed that: “People in JB generally prefer to buy a pedigree dog, and we noted the increased number of illegal dog breeders in JB areas. This phenomenon makes the situation against survival of the strays as the public will not consider adopt a stray but to buy a pedigree dog. That is the reason why we are organizing this stray’s adoption event, to change this trend, to lift the status of strays, to educate public the reasons for adoption. We hope more people will adopt and not to buy a pet.”

She also mentioned that currently the shelter is home to nearly 600 homeless cats and dogs, the number of puppies also shoot up to more than 70. Insufficient fund and space in the shelter are already causing the HOPE’s rescue team to limit their help to save the strays. “It is heart breaking every time to see packs and packs of strays fend for themselves on the street. They are not doing anything wrong but to suffer all the difficulties and challenges everyday to survive. We are so bounded by our limited resources and we can't do more to help.”

We wish friends in JB to attend this event to support us, to speak for the strays and stand up for them; You can help by spreading this news to your friends and family. Let’s work together, hand in hand to create a better tomorrow for them!!

Looking for a new pet? Pet adoption is a great way to find a new companion. Let's ADOPT, give them a HOME.

我们的第四场流浪动物领养日来了!! 于2012年4月29号 (星期日) 下午12点至6点在位于TMN MOUNT AUSTIN的Dog Comb Avenue前进行噢!

主办单位: H.O.P.E
协办单位: JCI JB

No.9G, Jalan Mutiara Emas 10-19, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru.

非常开心有JCI JB和我们一起携手进行这项流浪猫狗领养活动以鼓励更多的人选择以领养代替购买。JCI 是一个聚集了年轻领袖及企业家的国际化联合总会。一个年轻人贡献及为社会付出的一个平台,年轻领袖聚集,学习及共同成长的团体。


感谢DOG COMB AVENUE愿意提供我们一个位子让我们举办流浪动物领养日,造福流浪动物们,感谢热心公益的DOG COMB AVENUE!



1. 帮助被拯救的小流浪动物们寻得永久家庭并摆脱流浪在外的悲惨命运并减少流浪狗数量,我们将在活动中带出10-15只小流浪动物们开放领养,义工们将为有意领养的公众进行简单的会谈面试,并评估其是否是一位适合的领养人。

2. 我们将积极宣传“以领养,代替购买”的意识,让更多人知道领养动物的好处。

3. 我们将宣传结扎意识,教育公众结扎宠物的重要性,希望大家能自发为自己的宠物甚至帮助街头的流浪狗狗结扎。

4. 我们将放置捐款箱于会场中以筹募资金帮助我们能为更多的流浪动物进行结扎手术。

“希望护生园流浪猫狗领养日”活动策划人及负责人Sandra Kok指出:” 新山普遍上的公众大多偏爱购买名种狗狗,我们也发现越来越多的非法宠物繁殖者在新山出现,这个现象让流浪动物的身份变得更卑微,许多人都对流浪动物的命运抱有一定程度的同情心,但是当他们想要拥有一只宠物时,却丝毫不考虑领养可怜的流浪动物,而选择购买名种狗。我们主办这次的活动也是为了扭转这个风气,提升流浪动物的地位,教育公众为什么要选择领养,期盼更多的人选择领养,抵制购买宠物。”



计划想要养宠物吗? 领养宠物是找到您生命伴侣的最好方法。领养它们,给它们一个家吧!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

上个月我们成功为这29只流浪猫狗结扎. We spayed and neutered a total of 29 stray animals last month.

We spayed and neutered a total of 29 stray animals last month.

Spaying and neutering is the BEST and most humane way to reduce the number of strays. Did you know? ONE female stray dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in only six years. In seven years, ONE female cat and her offspring can produce an incredible 370,000 kittens! Please spay/neuter your pet and your community stray animals to prevent unwanted litters.

结扎是控制流浪猫狗数量最有效的方式,也是为了避免更多流浪生命来到这个世界受苦。你知道吗? 一只流浪母狗和她的子孙在6年内能繁殖出67,000的小狗.而一只流浪母猫和她的子孙能在7年繁殖出370,000的小猫!这些年来我们努力不懈为街头的流浪动物结扎,但是一个人的力量是有限的,请结扎您自己的宠物,也帮助您的社区流浪母狗结扎,以避免更多无辜生命诞生。

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


THINK CHARITY. THINK BRIT (Top quality Czech pet food)

Help feed HOPE shelter dogs by purchased Brit’s pet food. Over 600 dogs are living in H.O.P.E shelter and they need food and plenty of love.

For every 3kg of BRIT pet food purchased, RM0.90 worth of BRIT dog food will be donated to H.O.P.E Shelter by BRIT and Xpet!

We’re happy to announced that H.O.P.E.'ve got the generous support from BRIT (Top-quality Czech Pet food manufacturer) and Xpet (Distributor) for special THINK CHARITY.THINK BRIT CAMPAIGN. We are extremely thankful and grateful for their support.

H.O.P.E. animals definitely have something to rejoice about as more yummy food are coming to their way! The food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter.

BRIT & Xpet believe that all pets deserve premium gourmet meals that are filled with love, even the abandoned homeless dogs. By purchasing BRIT’s product, you are not only feeding your pet but also sending a loving bowl of food to the shelter dogs. Your purchased will be appreciated and will help to contribute to the unfortunate animals. Thank you!

Brit developed a super premium pet food for all pet’s sizes and all life stages.

For more details can be found at their website or call +603-7781 6081.

BRIT - 高素质捷克宠物食粮制造商 为善不落人后!


凡公众购买BRIT宠物粮食 每3公斤, BRIT及分销商Xpet将捐献 价值RM0.90的BRIT狗粮给希望护生园!

我们在此非常高兴的宣布 希望护生园收容所 荣幸获得 BRIT ( 高素质捷克宠物食粮制造商) 和 Xpet (分销商) 的大力支持,推出一项意义深远的慈善赞助活动 - THINK CHARITY THINK BRIT,而希望护生园正是此计划中荣幸受益的团体! 我们万分感谢他们的支持。


BRIT & Xpet相信所有宠物都应享有营养丰富及充满爱意的每一餐,即便是流浪动物也不例外。购买BRIT产品,您不但能喂饱您自己的宠物,也同时间能喂饱收容所里的流浪动物。我们万分感激您对流浪动物的支持,谢谢!


更多资料可登入BRIT的官方网站 或 致电 +603-7781 6081.

Monday, March 5, 2012

DONATE 2 BAGS of DOG FOOD RM99 捐赠2包狗粮现只需RM99

Help FEED Our Animals.

We’re very happy to announced that H.O.P.E.'ve got the generous support from BRIT (Top-quality Czech Pet food manufacturer) and Xpet (Distributor) for a special dog food donation drive. We are extremely thankful and grateful for their support.

H.O.P.E. animals definitely have something to rejoice about as more yummy food are coming to their way! The food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter.

Purchase a bag of 15kg ASTOR’s Dog Food at RM99 for H.O.P.E., Brit will donate the same item to H.O.P.E.

In total, H.O.P.E. will receive 2 bags of 15kg dog food.

Do tell your friends about it and help to feed our 600+ homeless animals. On behalf of the animals, we appreciate your support and generosity!!

+ + + + + +

FOR JB FRIENDS, you may purchase and donate at the following list of pet shops located at Johor Bahru, just inform the cashier that you are donating the foods to H.O.P.E while you are making the payment, the donated dog food will be stored at Global Pets outlets and our volunteers will arrange to collect the food items and bring them to H.O.P.E.

1. DOG COMB AVENUE - 9g, Jln Mutiara Emas 10-19, Tmn Mount Austin, JB
2. U PETS - 19, Jln Molek 2/1, Tmn Molek, JB
3. PETZONE CENTRE - 47, Jln Pendekar 2, Tmn Ungku Tun Aminah, Skudai
4. SIN AQUATIC & PETS ENTERPRISE - 64, Jln Api-api, Tmn Megah Ria, Masai
5. SUPER PET - 17, Jln Badik 1, Tmn Sri Tebrau, JB

Alternatively, you may also bank in to our society Maybank Account so that we can purchase the dog food from Global Pets Outlet.

To contribute:
Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Maybank Account: 5012-0808-5710

Please email us at or call at 010-883 2788 if you have any enquiries or if you have transferred some funds. Do provide us the transaction code to enable us to trace the transfer, issue a receipt and good record keeping.


我们在此非常高兴的宣布 希望护生园收容所 荣幸获得 BRIT ( 高素质捷克宠物食粮制造商) 和 Xpet (分销商) 的大力支持,推出一项惊人的狗粮捐赠计划,而希望护生园正是此计划中荣幸受益的团体! 我们万分感谢他们的支持。


现在当您选择以RM99捐赠我们一包 15kg的 ASTOR 狗粮时, BRIT将会捐赠同样质量的狗粮给希望护生园。即是指,以RM99的价格我们就能获得2包15kg的捐赠狗粮.


+ + + + + +


1. DOG COMB AVENUE - 9g, Jln Mutiara Emas 10-19, Tmn Mount Austin, JB
2. U PETS - 19, Jln Molek 2/1, Tmn Molek, JB
3. PETZONE CENTRE - 47, Jln Pendekar 2, Tmn Ungku Tun Aminah, Skudai
4. SIN AQUATIC & PETS ENTERPRISE - 64, Jln Api-api, Tmn Megah Ria, Masai
5. SUPER PET - 17, Jln Badik 1, Tmn Sri Tebrau, JB


Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Maybank 户口号码: 5012-0808-5710

如您有任何疑问或已汇款,请电邮至或致电我们-010-883 2788。在汇款后也请提供我们汇款号码,以方便我们提供收据及做记录等。