Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Kai Kai & Jia Jia

We all know that puppies look cute when they are young. They are just like small children; need a lot of care from their owner. But, those irresponsibility owners always have thought of grass is always greener on the other side. Whenever those puppies get sick or age or unlovable like before; their owners are no longer willing to spend neither time nor money to take care of them. Therefore, these puppies become the victims of human irresponsibility.

Kai Kai和Jia Jia是名犬Husky也只不过是一岁多的狗儿,因为得了毛囊虫症就被无良的前饲主弃养,最令人气愤的是Kai Kai和Jia Jia的病症是因为拖了很久没治疗才会引发至如此严重和另他们加重痛苦。
Kai Kai and Jia Jia is only a year old Husky dog. Because of they had trichocryptosis disease, they being dumped by their owners. The most frustrating is their sick get worse is because of they did not get immediate treatment and this lead to such a serious treatment and aggravating their suffering.

经兽医确诊后断定Kai Kai和Jia Jia的病情属于非常严重需要非常长的时间定期就医治疗才能慢慢痊愈。
Veterinary diagnosed Kai Kai and Jia Jia and told us, these puppies do need a very long time periodic medical treatment in order to recover from this serious illness.

In fact, we raise dogs to accompany us and live together. But, we can not love them because their breed, and do not take good care of them. At last, chose to abandon them and let them suffered and struggling to survive. This action is actually same as abuse to these animals. We as human should respect and take good care of all these animals and strays. This is our responsibility as human.

这是一场需要长期的治疗抗战,这又是另一笔的沉重负担,Kai Kai和Jia Jia需要您的支助及援助..!谢谢!
Currently, Kai Kai and Jia Jia are fighting with us in these long periodic treatments. At the same time, this will be a burden to our shelter. Therefore, our new members do need your support and assistance. Thank you very much!

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

每月助养计划 / Sponsorship Programme:

Paypal Account:


31/10/2013: Kai Kai和Jia Jia的最新近况 Updates about Kai Kai & Jia Jia:

Kai Kai和Jia Jia目前已出院并在护生园里隔离休养当中,在这里我们衷心感谢所有捐助过Kai Kai和Jia Jia的大家,希望他们的病情会好转!!
Currently, Kai Kai and Jia Jia are already discharged from wad and recuperating in our HOPES isolation area. At here, we would like to thanks everyone that gave a hand and all the donors to Kai Kai and Jia Jia. We hope they can recover as soon as possible.

现在Kai Kai和Jia Jia还是必须定时复诊治疗‘毛囊虫’,因为他们俩的病情属严重性,兽医也告知估计最少需要6个月才能完全好转和康复,Kai Kai Jia Jia,加油!我们这里的每一个人都希望您们能快点康复、健康、快乐地活下去!
Now, Kai Kai and Jia Jia still need regular referral treatment to recover from ‘trichocryptosis’ due to their illness are considered very serious. Veterinarian estimate they need at least six months to fully recover and rehabilitation. Kai Kai and Jia Jia, you must be strong and recover from illness. We all hope you will recover as soon as possible, be healthy and happy to live.

They abandoned by their owners just because of they get sick. We hope all the dogs’ owners, whenever your pets get sick, please send them for medical treatment instead of abandon them. They are our family and friends; we can not dump them and let them fend for themselves at the streets. Please be a responsible owner.

请别停止对Kai Kai和Jia Jia的帮助和关爱,我们希望获得大众的帮助来支付Kai Kai和Jia Jia往后医疗和生活费用,您的爱和善款将为Kai Kai 和Jia Jiar获得新的生活篇章!谢谢您!!!
Please do not stop the help and care to Kai Kai and Jia Jia. We hope publics can give us a hand to support Kai Kai and Jia Jia for their future medical and living expenses. Your love and charity are bringing a new chapter of life to them. Thank you….


 21/01/2014: 凯凯和嘉嘉的最新近况 Updates about Kai Kai & Jia Jia:

During this 3months period of medication, Kai Kai and Jia Jia become better. The furs are growing and recovering from Trichocryptosis disease.

Currently, they are still in the medication of Trichocryptosis disease. They need to take medicine and regular referral. Therefore, they are not ready for the adoption yet.

These two doggies are just like husband and wife. They always stick together especially during feeding time. They must eat together, if one of them are not eating, the other will just choose not to eat. We wish after they recover, they can be adopt together by a family and live happily together after this.

请别停止对Kai Kai和Jia Jia的帮助和关爱,我们希望获得大众的帮助来支付Kai Kai和Jia Jia往后医疗和生活费用,您的爱和善款将为Kai Kai 和Jia Jiar获得新的生活篇章!谢谢您!!
We wish your support will not stop now, and please continue to give us any kind of support that you have. Because the living cost and the expenses are still depends on you all. Your love and caring will bring them another new chapter of life. Thank you!!

希望护生园流浪猫狗领养日 H.O.P.E Pet Adoption Drive

    我们的流浪动物领养日来了!! 于2013年10月27号 (星期日) 上午11点至5点在位于TAMAN NUSA BESTARI,NUSA JAYA的SUPER PET前进行。
    We, HOPE shelter will be having our outdoor adoption drive on the 27th Oct 2013, Sunday in front of SUPER PET, located at TAMAN NUSA BESTARI,NUSA JAYA from 11am-5pm!

    *任何疑问详情请拨打以下热线:012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG)

    主办单位 Main organizer: H.O.P.E
    主要赞助 Main Sponsor: BRIT PREMIUM PET FOOD
    SUPER PET正确位置: Location of SUPER PET:

    We are very glad to get the sponsorship from BRIT Premium Pet Food!! BRIT will sponsor a bag of 3kg dog foods to every adopter on the adoption drive..THANK YOU BRIT!

    感谢SUPER PET愿意提供我们一个位子让我们举办流浪动物领养日,造福流浪动物们,感谢热心公益的SUPER PET!
    Million of thanks for SUPER PET to provide us the venue to organize our pet adoption drive to help the homeless animals..BIG THANK YOU to them!

    流浪动物一直是被社会所忽略及漠视的一个庞大社会问题,而愿意面对,伸出援手及解决的民众是少之又少,加上无法从学校,父母甚至整个社会中学习对流浪动物的认识及帮助他们的正确方法,导致流浪动物的数量有增无减,而很遗憾的,马来西亚公民本身也缺乏为自己宠物结扎的意识,导致自己的宠物每每生下了孩子后,狗 主又无力照顾并不负责任的将其抛弃在街头,从而增加流浪动物的数量,这是一个恶性循环。
    Urban strays is a huge social problem that is always neglected by the society. There are only few of them from the society who are willing to lend a hand to help tackle this issue. Most of the people do not have the chance to understand stray animals and learn about what they can do to help the animals from school nor their parents/family and the society. This caused the strays’ number to increased non-stop. Regret to say that most Malaysian do not have the awareness to neuter their pets which leads to their pets to give birth to unwanted puppies/kittens. Irresponsible owner who do not want to take care of them will dump then on street. This is a vicious cycle in motion!

    There are thousands of innocent strays puppies/kittens born yearly, some survived but most of them die before they grow to know the world. Starvation, diseases, human abuse, road accident, ate by human… are just a few reasons to be named that had caused their death.

    此次活动的目的是为了: The objectives of our Adoption Drive are:

    1) 帮助被拯救的小流浪动物们寻得永久家庭并摆脱流浪在外的悲惨命运并减少流浪狗数量,我们将在活动中带出10-15只小流浪动物们开放领养,义工们将为有意领养的公众进行简单的会谈面试,并评估其是否是一位适合的领养人。
    1) To find a loving home for the strays puppies. We will be bringing around 15-20 puppies on that day for adoption. Our volunteers will conduct a simple interview with interested individual to screen for his/her ability to become a potential adopter.

    2) 我们将积极宣传“以领养,代替购买”的意识,让更多人知道领养动物的好处。
    2) To create awareness for adoption, rather than buy. When the buying stops, the selling stops!

    3) 我们将宣传结扎意识,教育公众结扎宠物的重要性,希望大家能自发为自己的宠物甚至帮助街头的流浪狗狗结扎。
    3) To promote and educate the public about the importance of neutering. We hope to reach out to more family with pet to neuter their pet and sincerely hope that they can support us by neutering the strays in their neighborhood.

    4) 我们将放置捐款箱于会场中以筹募资金帮助我们能为更多的流浪动物进行结扎手术。
    4) To raise fund for our Spay&Neuter Programme. We will use this fund to neuter the strays so that their population will not increase further.

    Hope Adoption Drive event organizer and person-in-charge, Jia Jia Auntie pointed that: “People in JB generally prefer to buy a pedigree dog, and we noted the increased number of illegal dog breeders in JB areas. This phenomenon makes the situation against survival of the strays as the public will not consider adopt a stray but to buy a pedigree dog. That is the reason why we are organizing this stray’s adoption event, to change this trend, to lift the status of strays, to educate public the reasons for adoption. We hope more people will adopt and not to buy a pet.”

    She also mentioned that currently the shelter is home to nearly 1000 homeless cats and dogs, the number of puppies also shoot up to more than 70. Insufficient fund and space in the shelter are already causing the HOPE’s rescue team to limit their help to save the strays. “It is heart breaking every time to see packs and packs of strays fend for themselves on the street. They are not doing anything wrong but to suffer all the difficulties and challenges everyday to survive. We are so bounded by our limited resources and we can't do more to help.”

    We wish friends in JB to attend this event to support us, to speak for the strays and stand up for them; You can help by spreading this news to your friends and family. Let’s work together, hand in hand to create a better tomorrow for them!!

    计划想要养宠物吗? 领养宠物是找到您生命伴侣的最好方法。领养他们,给他们一个家吧!
    Looking for a new pet? Pet adoption is a great way to find a new companion. Let's ADOPT, give them a HOME.

感谢Siek Fang小姐以领养代替购买 Sincerely Thanks for Ms.Siek Fang choose to adopt

感谢Siek Fang小姐以领养代替购买,给小米克斯毛孩(混种菜狗)一个家,大家选择自收容所领养一只无家可归的动物们,让他们有个安身之处!
Sincerely Thanks for Ms.Siek Fang choose to adopt Mixed-Breed puppy rather than purchased it, her love and cares to this furry kid and let it own a warmth home and family.

There're lots of homeless animals in this world who need a home too, their destiny is based on your decision.

计划想要养宠物吗? 领养宠物是找到您生命伴侣的最好方法。领养他们,给他们一个家吧!
Looking for a new pet? Pet adoption is a great way to find a new companion. DON’T BUY, Let's ADOPT, give them a HOME.

希望大家可以站在我们的立场和难处设想,好吗?... Seriously hope you can stand on our side to understand it, ok?

H.O.P.E is a NGO organization and 100% NO-KILL Animal shelter. Currently shelter is too crowded and no much place for furry kids, they faced a big problem due to space and everyday they're fighting with others because in this environment make they easily offend each others.

Another big problem is H.O.P.E facing a huge expenses for each month and it's a big burden for shelter.Many people complaint that H.O.P.E is a organization which always asked for donations only and refused to accept dogs or cats when they called in. But we hope you could understand that everyday H.O.P.E will received over 20 calls which asked for 'helps' , how many is REALLY need helps and we really don't know, for those calling us majority required for acceptance of furry kids only and refused to sponsor the medical fees or monthly maintenance fee. For every case add on, the budget and expenses will getting big and become a huge burden on us.We hope any of you can help to spread a message to others that H.O.P.E not purposely to reject the call for helps, we will definitely give a helps to those injured furry kids, for those healthy homeless furry kids, we strongly recommend who found them can carry out TNR on them. Maybe a call will solve your problem but it become the responsible of H.O.P.E in future 10 years or above.

希望富有爱心的您可以帮忙宣导,护生园并非故意拒绝您的求救电话,伤势严重的我们会尽量赶救,健康平安的我们如今皆鼓励采取TNR(捕捉-结扎-原地放养)措施,您或许觉得,一通电话让你体现了日行一善解决了您/民众的问题,但是这一通电话却是希望护生园往后10年以上的责任。因此募捐是我们一直都在做的事情,为了负担1000多只毛孩的所需开销,如果带给大家困扰,我们只能说声:' 抱歉..
We hope any of you can help to spread a message to others that H.O.P.E not purposely to reject the call for helps, we will definitely give a helps to those injured furry kids, for those healthy homeless furry kids, we strongly recommend who found them can carry out TNR on them. Maybe a call will solve your problem but it become the responsible of H.O.P.E in future 10 years or above. Therefore fund raising is the activity we always doing in order to cover the expenses of H.O.P.E and we apologized if any inconvenience caused.

Beside that, some people prefer dumped the homeless furry kids in front of shelter without permission of person in charged. H.O.P.E love all homeless animals but we don't have the duty to keep all homeless animals in shelter.

Seriously hope you can stand on our side to understand it, ok?

希望护生园狗狗洗澡日 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing Event

  • 81300 Lima Kedai, Johor, Malaysia
  • (Kindly scroll below for English Write-up)

    任何关于洗澡日活动的交通问题,地点询问或细节,请联络 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA). 谢谢 :)

    希望护生园里超过1000只的狗狗们需要大家合力一起来为他们洗洗澡以防止染上虱子及保持卫生干净,快来参与这项有意义的活动吧,还能享受和这么多狗狗们一起玩乐的欢愉哦 :)

    温馨提醒:不建议车身底的车子进入,因为需驾驶一段颠簸山泥路才能抵达希望护生园因此车身底的车子不适合进入,Myvi 或 Viva 这类型的车子进入大致上是没问题的,但请缓慢驾驶。如果没有车身高的车子或不曾进入过希望护生园的话请联络希望护生园义工,我们将会与10.15am在士古来五间店(Lima Kedai)的神庙前集合再于10.30am乘坐其中一些人的车子进入。

    服装:拖鞋,短裤及暗色衬衫。您也可另备一套干净衣服以供换穿(选择性),因为进入护生园后狗狗们会留下许多爱的脚印在您的衣服上搞得全身都脏兮兮的哦 :)



    Any transportation problems or queries about doggies bathing event please contact 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA. Thank you! :)
    H.O.P.E doggies bathing event is on 10 of Nov!! Ready for it? Come and have a happy reunion with all the doggies inside H.O.P.E :)

    Our 1000 dogs inside HOPE shelter are waiting for you to bath them to prevent flea and keep them clean! Join this meaningful event by attending on Sunday and enjoy yourself by playing with so many doggies inside :)

    Reminder: As we need to drive a short journey of muddy road to get into H.O.P.E, we strongly suggest not to drive car with lower base,Myvi or Viva is considered suitable to get in but please drive in slow speed. For those who don't have transportation or not familiar with the ways to get in, please contact our H.O.P.E volunteer,we will gather in front of a temple in Lima Kedai, Skudai on 10.15am and get in together with others' vehicle on 10.30am.

    Attire: Slipper,shorts and dark-colored T-shirt. You can prepare another set of clean cloth to change(optional) as you might get dirty inside

    Please refer to the map below to learn the way to get in H.O.P.E Shelter:

    Remarks: Please prepare yourself a bottle of water and towel

10月20号2013年 希望护生园狗狗洗澡日 20 of Oct 2013 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing

Million of thanks to all volunteers who've participated in our Doggies Bathing Event 25/10/2013..thank you!

Thanks for helping the doggies to keep clean and to prevent fleas & ticks. Hope to see you on next bathing event and not to forget to invite more of your friends to join this meaningful event:)

Every volunteer that had attended HOPE Bathing Event are entitled to received a of 800g BRIT Dog SAUSAGE each.

We would like to thanks BRIT Pet Food for their kind and hearties support.
Thank you, BRIT~~~ Cheers~~

BRIT Premium Dog SAUSAGE are sponsored by BRIT for every Dog Bathing Event.

Brit the top quality super premium pet food just for your beloved pet.

Friday, October 18, 2013

希望护生园流浪猫狗领养日 H.O.P.E Pet Adoption Drive - 19 10 2013

新山的朋友们别忘了明天2013年10月19号前往新山THE DOG & CAT (37,Jalan Utama 1, Taman Utama, 81500 Pekan Nenas, Johor.)支持我们的领养活动噢!
请支持领养活动! 支持以领养代替购买! 让流浪动物有个家! 杜绝非法宠物繁殖商!

Hey JB friends not to forget tomorrow to support our adoption drive in front of THE DOG & CAT (37,Jalan Utama 1, Taman Utama, 81500 Pekan Nenas, Johor.) on 19 of Oct 2013.
Please spread this message out to help change the life of a homeless furry friend.

地址:THE DOG & CAT (37,Jalan Utama 1, Taman Utama, 81500 Pekan Nenas, Johor.)
电话:012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG)

Our cute furry kids are waiting for a home with love, drop us a visit and support us, support the strays!!
Date: Saturday, Oct 19, 2013
Time: 10 am until 6 pm
Venue: THE DOG & CAT (37,Jalan Utama 1, Taman Utama, 81500 Pekan Nenas, Johor.)
Tel: 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG)
*For more Adoption Drive Event:

Abandoning them is a form of animal cruelty


A doggie’s life is maybe just a decade. We only accompany them for ten years. But, they spent their whole life with us. We might have a lot of colleagues, friends or lovers in our whole life. They maybe really close to us, or just like common friends. And there are only your puppies, whenever you approach to them, they will pounce on your arms like what they always did. No matter you are sharing your joy to them, or complaining your hard life to them. They are always your listener, and bring you a moment of serenity and warmth.

Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Star

An abandoned puppy injured and fell to pit.

他叫Star才5个月大的小狗,因受伤关系让Star防备心重和强大的攻击性,我们前往救援的老义工Auntie Lilian奋不顾身下沟渠将Star救出,Auntie Lilian在救援过程更被Star咬伤多处,不过所幸顺利将Star救出。
His name is star. He is just a 5 months old puppy. His injury makes him very offensive. Our volunteer, Auntie Lilian went down to the pit to save this pity puppy. During the rescue, Auntie Lilian has even been bitten. Fortunately, Star is safe now.

Due to those wound on his body get infected badly. Wounds on his feet and tails have ulcerated. And those wound are serious and full of worm. Therefore, he needs at least a month to recover from serious injury.

Try to imagine, where these doggies will be after being abandoned by their cruel owners? They are like our family, how can we dump our family members? Please take good care of our family members.

If any generous donor would like to give us a hand on Star’s medical bills, vaccination and sterilization costs and the main cost is his future cost of living, you can help us through the following method:-

银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)

网上汇款 / Online Donations:

每月助养计划 / Sponsorship Programme:

Paypal Account:


08/11/2013: Star的最新近况 Updates about Star:

After few weeks of treatment, Doggie Star’s body scars have slowly healed. Nowadays, Star have become more friendly, well-behaved and mixed well with people.

感谢Auntie Lilian之前在拯救Star的那份坚持,我们才能看到这份动人的改变。
Very grateful to Auntie Lilian for her persistence in saving Star, so that we can see how drastic the change is for Star.

A lot of us will support you for your recovery. You must recover quickly. Star, you can do it!!

Please do not stop your care and concern for Star. We still need the public’s support for Star’s ligation and recovery expenses. Your generosity in donating for Star will give his life a new chapter! Thank you all!!!


17/03/2014: Star的最新近况 Updates about Star:

Do you all still remember our kid, Star? He was being abandoned by his heart-less owner and fell down to drain pit. Currently, his wound already recovered and adapted to the group life in our shelter.

Please do remember that the first moment when we meet with our pet. The happiness and the excitement are truly come from our heart. We need to take our responsibility from the first day we brought them home. He is our family member since that day, and we are his everything since that day.

He will forever been our family member and friends. At the same time, he is our soul-mate as well. Please do not abandon them; abandon is the cruel abuse to them.

Our family members are increasing more and more; we really need help from public to sponsor our babies in this big family. Are you willing to be the monthly sponsor for Star? With trivial amount of RM50 per month, you would be able to help us to undertake part of his provision’s fee, the cost of monthly de-worming and other necessary medication fee. Let’s give a better tomorrow for Star, a tomorrow which is filled with HOPE!

If you are interested to Star participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at We will then send you a sponsorship application form.
或 Or
Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor:

The amount of RM50 maybe is the amount for your single meal, or the bill of your cloth and it may mean nothing to you. But to our shelter dogs, it is what they can rely on to continue living. Act now to help them, be a ray of light, a ray of hope in their lives.