




Cruel and inhumane owner!! Abandoned pet when she’s old and sick!! Doggie was being abandoned, being hit by car and nearly lost her precious life!!!
Precious is an abandoned pure breed German Shepherd being rescued by H.O.P.E lately. She was found by a kind-hearted lady somewhere near her home. One day she saw Precious lying on the side of a busy road which is extremely dangerous and immediately, she helped to move her to the small grass field beside the road and provided her with fresh water and food. But as she did not have any experience in dealing this and have no ways to send her to vet clinic, she called and asked for our help anxiously. When we’ve arrived we found Precious was crawling from the grass field to the road again for unknown reason. She was like an unwanted doll being thrown on street, malnourished and in filthy condition. She looked at us weakly and it is extremely heartache to see her in such a condition. The kind lady and family assisted us in the rescue action. According to them, they saw Precious before in that residential area, but this few days they saw her loitering on street more often and even get hit by car lately. And therefore we are quite sure that Precious was being abandoned by her owner. It wasn’t easy to carry her to the car as a gentle touch on her hind leg caused a great pain and Precious was crying out loudly.
According to vet’s estimation, Precious is an old dog with the age of 6-7. X-ray shows that her pelvis was severely broken and having inflammation internally. German Shepherds are usually having rear-leg diseases of all varieties and the common one is Arthritis - it is a condition that involves calcium deposits in the joints, usually caused by improper contact of the joint ball and socket. Precious is suffering from Arthritis which made her feel really painful all the time, but thing gets worse when she was hit by the car. She is extremely malnourished and her skin problem is really bad, believing that she was being abandoned for quite some time.
Precious is currently taking painkiller and antibiotic now to reduce her pain and having strict cage rest too. There are huge possibility that she is able to stand and walk again but for now even a simple move will cause a great pain to Precious.
Precious is wearing a metal chain and the pointed end of her right ear was cropped. It is the common practice for shelter or animal rescue group to crop the pointed end of the ear of stray animal to mark the sterilized animals. But why she got the mark? How we wish that she is able to speak and tell us what she had went through.
Why do we name her Precious? We sincerely wish that she will be loved all the time for the rest of her life and being treated like a treasure.Every pet or form of life is precious!
无人性冷酷的饲主!! 狗狗老了病了就把她丢出门外让她自身自灭!!! 狗狗被抛弃后又遭遇车祸,双重打击,差点存活不下来!!!
Precious是我们最近所拯救的名种德国狼犬,她是被一位善心女士发现的,就在她居住处不远的地方,她看见Precious躺在大马路上一动也不动,那里车来车往非常危险,于是便帮忙移往Precious到路边的草地上,并提供她食物和水。由于没有经验应付也不知该如何把她送往诊所,便着急的致电我们求助。 我们抵达时Precious不知何故从草地又爬下来马路上了,我们一抵达就看见她像个醒目巨大的破布娃娃一样倒卧在大马路上,又瘦又全身发臭,只虚弱的抬头看了我们几眼...要怎么形容看见她的那一瞬间...? 真的好心酸..她小时候一定是个可爱的小女孩,但是为什么会落到这个田地?? 那位女士及家人都热心的出来协助我们,据他们表示,这只狗狗相信是附近的人养的,时常看见她在周遭自行散步,但是几天前就看见她频密的在外流浪且最近更被车撞! 因此他们相当确定Precious是被主人抛弃的。整个拯救过程相当辛苦,因为Precious的后半部只要稍微拉扯碰触她就会痛苦的狂叫,我们花了好长的时间才顺利把她移上车子。
Precious颈上带着一条铁链,她的右耳被剪了一个角,通常收容所在结扎流浪动物时都会剪下动物耳朵的一个角以做记号,表示那只动物已被结扎。但是为什么Precious的右耳会被做下记号? 她是否曾经进入过收容所? Precious的身世和背景都是个谜,我们多希望她可以开口说话,可是目前的Precious只能静静的流着泪忍受痛苦,郁郁寡欢的度过目前的日子。
为什么我们取名为Precious? 就是希望她以后的日子是被人所疼爱、尊重及爱护的,每一个宠物都应该被当成宝,而不是一根草!
我们想呼吁的是 : 最近无论是新山或吉隆玻都发生了多起名种狗被抛弃的案子。为什么?? 那是因为比起菜狗狗们,名种狗狗会出现遗传性病症的机会来的高很多,因为许多无良繁殖商利用狗狗来进行近亲交配,导致狗狗们生下来就患上遗传性疾病,而一当狗狗老了或稍微照顾不当时,这些病症就会发作,主人开始认为麻烦照顾,一些不愿意花费昂贵的医药费来治疗,就以抛弃来随便了事!! 养宠物不是2、3个月的事,而是对狗狗们10-15年性命的承诺,在初期养时,就应该预料到狗狗老时会带来的一些不便! 如果大家想养宠物,请慎重考虑自己是否能担当这个重责大任,许下这个长远的承诺,时间,精力,金钱都应该被慎重考虑到。随意的抛弃宠物无疑是活活的推他们去死,一直以来被照顾养着的狗狗,沦落到了街头,难道你认为它们懂得觅食懂得看车懂得过马路吗?? 也请以领养代替购买来杜绝非法繁殖者!
(Kindly scroll down for English write-up)
29/07/2013: Precious是两年前所拯救的毛孩,当时已7岁而却患有关节炎,因为饲主不想承担医药费和时间来照顾宁愿将她抛弃,可怜的Precious又不幸遭遇车祸,这双重打击,差点存活不下来!!!
我们目前还没为她找到适合的主人,Precious今年已9岁了非常需要一个家庭一个真正对她好,负责任及有爱心的主人, 由于Precious 是一只年迈的狗狗,也需要花更多时间甚至金钱去照顾她,她之前已经受了好多好多苦,我们希望她接下来的晚年的日子是充满安乐及幸福的。
许多人因为一时冲动而购买或选择领养名种狗狗,但是一旦出现问题时就选择狠心抛弃! 请不要因为她是名种狗狗才选择领养,养宠物是一个承诺,是一个责任,讲求一个真心。
如您觉得您是Precious在等的那一位,欢迎直接联络我们 : 017-6075880 谢谢。
29/07/2013: Precious is a furkid we rescued two years ago, she was already seven years old at the time of the rescue and was suffering from arthritis. Because her owner at the time did not want to bear the medical expenses and the time to take care, she was abandoned. As if being abandoned was not enough, the poor baby got into a car accident, poor Precious barely survived this double blow.
To date, we have not found a suitable human for her. Precious is now 9 years old and seriously in need of a responsible and loving family to take her in. Because Precious is an elderly dog, and of all the sufferings she has been through, she will need a family who is willing to give her more time and attention and who is prepared for her potentially, at times, costly medical bills, we hope that she is lucky enough to live a peaceful life filled with happiness the rest of her life.
Many would purchase or adopt a pure breed dog impulsively, and then just abandon the poor furkid when problems arise (whatever problem that maybe). Please do not adopt a furkid just because it’s a pure breed, it is a commitment of the animal’s lifetime, it is a life-long responsibility and it should come from your heart.
If you feel that you are the one Precious has been waiting for, please contact us directly at 017-6075880. Thank you.
29/07/2014: Precious的最新近况 Updates about Precious:
Precious - the baby fur-kid
3年前,Precious因为病了、老了,被狠心主人抛 弃,让她自生自灭。可怜的Precious遭抛弃后又惨 遭车祸,差点就被死神带走。
Three years ago, due to old and sick, Precious was abandoned by her heartless owner, leaving her to live alone regardless live or death. After being abandoned, Precious gets into massive accident which nearly took her life away.
Finally, Precious walked out of her miserable life and live happily with the family in the shelter.
老毛孩Precious已经十岁了。十年的岁月为Pre cious带来了德国牧羊犬的遗传性疾病——关节炎。
Now, Precious is ten year old. Unfortunately, Precious was found to have genetic inheritance of German shepherd - Osteoarthritis.
然而,Precious每次看见我们到访,还是摇着尾巴 热烈欢迎我们的到来,努力证明自己能够快乐步行,无病无 痛,令人欣慰。
Nevertheless, although Precious inherited this disease, she will still gives volunteers' a very warm welcome by wagging her tail, trying her best to show us that she can stand up well without any pain or sickness. Her action really makes us heartfelt.
每只毛孩都是上天派来的天使,让他们为人类作伴。可是有 太多狠心的人类,只把毛孩当畜生、玩具,不把她们当作宝 贵的生命。毛孩老了病了,主人玩腻了,觉得自己再也没有 照顾毛孩的义务和责任,就狠心把他丢弃,不顾他的生死。
Every fur-kid was sent by angel into this world as human's best friend and trustworthy companion. However, there are some heartless people who ill-treat fur-kid, treat them as toy and never appreciate their life. Whenever fur-kid turns old and sick, irresponsible owner will start to get sick of seeing them and afraid of taking care and responsibilities toward them. Eventually they choose to abandon them without caring for their life and death.
生老病死,这是每个生命的循环。当人类强调人文关怀的同 时,往往遗忘善待动物的责任。这是现代社会需要多加检讨 的。
Live, old, sick and death are the stages of life cycle. Whenever human emphasized judgement on values and moral feelings, they often forgot the responsibilies to well treat animals. This problem has arisen in nowadays society and should be given more consideration.
希望Precious能继续健健康康,希望所有生命都得 到尊重。
At here, we hope that Precious will continue to live healthily and hope all value of life can be equally well-treated.
我们近期发现老毛孩Precious右耳严重发炎,经过 兽医诊断后由于Precious年迈以高, 身体体抗力开始足见下降,关节炎是她的第一个问题,而现 在第二个问题就是耳朵。
Lately we have discovered that old Precious has been suffering from severe infection in her right ear. After the vet's examination, it is because she's aged and her immune system is slowly degrading now. Arthritis is her major problem, the second one now is this ear infection.
兽医解说因她的耳膜开始发炎,导致苍蝇在耳膜里下蛋,然 后生虫把整个耳膜毁坏,被毁坏的耳朵已经耳聋,现在必须将整个耳道切除, 不然被虫咬得部分会发炎甚至影响到脑部受损,如果不做却 除手术将形成严重的致命伤。
According to the vet, because her ear drum was infected some flies have managed to lay eggs in it and now the maggots have eaten into the ear drum and that she has already lost her hearing in this ear completely. the whole canal will have to be surgically removed in order to prevent further damage which will likely to be the next area the infection will get to, or the maggots. And this will be life threatening.
经过商讨及分析状况后,我们最终的决定让Preciou s做耳道切除手术,手术将会在这个月9月23号进行,P recious今年已9岁了,我们还是一样希望她能安然 好好的度过接下来的晚年生活。
After discussing and evaluating the situation, we have decided to move forward with the surgery which will take place 23/9. Precious is already 9 years old, and we hope that she can lead a peaceful life for the rest of her time with us.
但庞大的手术费用高达RM1200,这又是另一笔的沉重 负担,Precious需要您的支助及援助..! 谢谢!
However, the surgical fee is RM 1200 and we are struggling to cope. Precious needs your help to pull through this. Your generosity will help save an angel's life! Thank you!!
Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations: http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
Paypal Account: hopejbshelter@gmail.com
**在此很高兴的通知所有希望护生园的捐款者和赞助者, 您捐款和赞助的收据是可减税的,请电邮至 hopes_jb@live.com.my **
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at hopes_jb@live.com.my**
28/09/2014: Precious的最新近况 Updates about Precious:
老毛孩Precious在(23/09/ 2014)的耳道切除手术顺利完成,目前已经在护生园休养 ,待10天后回诊所复诊,我们会路续和大家上载有关Pr ecious的近况。
Old furkid ’Precious’ has successfully undergo an ear canal surgery on 23/9/2014, currently she was discharged and recuperating in HOPE shelter, awaiting back to Vet clinic for further consultation. We will get all of you updated about Precious’s news time by time.
我们衷心感谢所有捐助过Precious的大家,我们也 相信她的情况会越来越好!
We express heartfelt gratitude to all of you who has donated to Precious, we also believed she will be better day by day!
Precious是只非常懂事也非常乖巧的孩子,无论面 对多痛的身子,她都非常坚定,希望未来的日子里她都能一 却平安顺利早日康复。
Precious is an obedient and lovely furkid, no matter how much pain and suffering, she will always be strong, hope in the near future she will be good and get well soon.
Precious - the baby fur-kid
Three years ago, due to old and sick, Precious was abandoned by her heartless owner, leaving her to live alone regardless live or death. After being abandoned, Precious gets into massive accident which nearly took her life away.
Finally, Precious walked out of her miserable life and live happily with the family in the shelter.
Now, Precious is ten year old. Unfortunately, Precious was found to have genetic inheritance of German shepherd - Osteoarthritis.
Nevertheless, although Precious inherited this disease, she will still gives volunteers' a very warm welcome by wagging her tail, trying her best to show us that she can stand up well without any pain or sickness. Her action really makes us heartfelt.
Every fur-kid was sent by angel into this world as human's best friend and trustworthy companion. However, there are some heartless people who ill-treat fur-kid, treat them as toy and never appreciate their life. Whenever fur-kid turns old and sick, irresponsible owner will start to get sick of seeing them and afraid of taking care and responsibilities toward them. Eventually they choose to abandon them without caring for their life and death.
Live, old, sick and death are the stages of life cycle. Whenever human emphasized judgement on values and moral feelings, they often forgot the responsibilies to well treat animals. This problem has arisen in nowadays society and should be given more consideration.
At here, we hope that Precious will continue to live healthily and hope all value of life can be equally well-treated.
Lately we have discovered that old Precious has been suffering from severe infection in her right ear. After the vet's examination, it is because she's aged and her immune system is slowly degrading now. Arthritis is her major problem, the second one now is this ear infection.
According to the vet, because her ear drum was infected some flies have managed to lay eggs in it and now the maggots have eaten into the ear drum and that she has already lost her hearing in this ear completely. the whole canal will have to be surgically removed in order to prevent further damage which will likely to be the next area the infection will get to, or the maggots. And this will be life threatening.
After discussing and evaluating the situation, we have decided to move forward with the surgery which will take place 23/9. Precious is already 9 years old, and we hope that she can lead a peaceful life for the rest of her time with us.
However, the surgical fee is RM 1200 and we are struggling to cope. Precious needs your help to pull through this. Your generosity will help save an angel's life! Thank you!!
Thanks for your helps and these are the way to sponsor:
银行汇款 / ATM Bank-in: Maybank 5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai)
网上汇款 / Online Donations: http://bit.ly/1hw8SDP
Paypal Account: hopejbshelter@gmail.com
**Please be informed ALL DONATION and SPONSORSHIP to HOPE are now tax-deductible. For tax-exemption receipt, please send an email to us at hopes_jb@live.com.my**
28/09/2014: Precious的最新近况 Updates about Precious:
Old furkid ’Precious’ has successfully undergo an ear canal surgery on 23/9/2014, currently she was discharged and recuperating in HOPE shelter, awaiting back to Vet clinic for further consultation. We will get all of you updated about Precious’s news time by time.
We express heartfelt gratitude to all of you who has donated to Precious, we also believed she will be better day by day!
Precious is an obedient and lovely furkid, no matter how much pain and suffering, she will always be strong, hope in the near future she will be good and get well soon.
03/11/2014: Precious的最新近况 Updates about Precious:
日前带Precious回诊所复诊,手术后的伤口也已愈 合,她也看起来比较精神和开心了:)
Precious was brought back to the veterinary clinic for a medical check-up. Her post-operation wound has healed up, she looks much more cheerful and happier now.
接下来会依据兽医所配饮食治疗Precious皮肤问题 ,希望接下来能让她的皮肤情况有所改善。
Precious’ skin problem is the next to be treated. She has to stick to the special diet prescribed by the veterinary in the hope that her skin condition will improve slowly.
Precious虽然是一只年老毛孩,但她还是一样希望 能获更多的尊重和疼爱,当然每一只毛孩都一样,我们每个 人在毛孩心目中都是占最重要位置,请不要随意放弃毛孩们 ,因为我们就是他们的唯一。
Precious is now an old girl, nonetheless, she still deserves respects and wants to be loved. To every fur kid, we are his/her whole world. Please do not simply dump or abandon any fur kid as we are all he/she has.
*关于更多Precious的详情请参阅这里: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.277985762247636.6706 2.134246123288268&type=3
*For more details about Precious, you may visit the link at: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.277985762247636.6706 2.134246123288268&type=3
Precious was brought back to the veterinary clinic for a medical check-up. Her post-operation wound has healed up, she looks much more cheerful and happier now.
Precious’ skin problem is the next to be treated. She has to stick to the special diet prescribed by the veterinary in the hope that her skin condition will improve slowly.
Precious is now an old girl, nonetheless, she still deserves respects and wants to be loved. To every fur kid, we are his/her whole world. Please do not simply dump or abandon any fur kid as we are all he/she has.
*关于更多Precious的详情请参阅这里: https://www.facebook.com/
*For more details about Precious, you may visit the link at: https://www.facebook.com/
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